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Posts posted by MONCABA

  1. posting in the march thread as well....


    That this is even a debate beggars belief. Whether you’re pissed off with Mcleish, pissed off with the quality of the entertainment or pissed off with life, we’re in real danger of going down (BTW I think we have more than enough to stay up but also believe the risk is very, very real). If for a second you believe that the support of the crowd makes a difference (I do), how anyone can make a decision to sit and watch Champions League, or use this to make a protest if they have an option of going and possibly make a difference, stuns me. Relegation is a massive pain in the arse, and having seen us go from Div 2 to Div 3, to European Champions and back to mediocrity, it’s an experience I’d rather not repeat.

    Save the f-cking protests by staying away until we’re done and dusted. Protest all you want at the game, but get your f-cking arse down to the ground if you have the option, and do what little you can to keep us up.

    Brilliant post.

    Chelsea V Barcelona over a massive game at Villa Park FFS

  2. 17 shots - 12 of those on target. That alone shows we had a go imo.

    I have been patient with Mcliesh and critical at times (including this week). Theres definately no way he has said to them play for the draw.

    Think people need to realise that there is 2 teams in a game of football, and very rare does 1 team dominate for 90 minutes.

    That said, we are losing touch on where I expect us to be so I am not by any means content with results.


  3. You wouldn't believe the shit what can go on in "regular workplaces", and it does not surprise me at all that things like this goes unpunished because the 'football culture' is still "We're so macho lads in football!"

  4. My Concern:

    We spent most of last season battling relegation with Young & Downing, if we go into next season without these 2, Reo Coker and Walker, then where does that leave us?

    Relegation fodder.

    I think the fact we couldnt keep too many clean sheets was a major factor last year. So called big named players not performing. Dunne, Collins to name just two.

  5. I literally cannot believe how much wailing, gnashing, howling and grief has been caused over essentially one club statement saying "we're going to interview McLeish". I've re-read that statement over and over again and it reads (to me, anyway) like the club's thinking behind it is thus; "We're going through all of the candidates that match our criteria and McLeish is now available so we'll take the time to look at him too, but we should probably be up front and make an official statement as if the news that we're talking to our former rivals manager is somehow leaked the backlash will be immense".

    I mean, think about it. Everyone's seemingly pissed that the club has told us they were talking to McLeish, imagine if they'd said **** all and it was suddenly plastered around the news instead? The likely reaction in that scenario would make last night's protest look like a quiet afternoon of tea and crumpets.

    Nowhere does that statment say he's first-choice, or he's a shoe-in for the role. I don't see how it alludes to the possibility that we've tapped him up. In fact, the only place I've seen all of the aforementioned is in the various media outlets and on here. Is it not possible that we've been jumping the gun, somewhat?

    I wish I had your optimism!!

  6. Still cant see AM being appointed, it just doesnt add up. Why oh why would RL commit PR suicide!?!?

    Randy is in business, the fans are the clients, if you upset the client your turnover decreases etc etc.

    Cant see, still think it will be Hughes on the 1st July and they are just interviewing AM.

    I hope you're right. However, I think Hughes is nailed on to go to Chelski.

  7. People talking about feeling sick and wanting to vomit. Now for me, watching sky sports news just now, seeing that bloke down at Bodymoor Heath scrubbing the walls in front of the cameras is more vomit inducing than anything else. Abso-****-lutely disgraceful!

    This is so true.

  8. I found an old copy of the Birmingham Mail today ( dated 12th May 2011), with an interview with Mr Downing saying how he hopes to sign a new deal, happy at the club, doesn't want to move, grateful for us sticking by him when he broke his leg etc etc.... - how quickly he has forgotten this !

    Either he is influenced far too strongly by his agent or is just a plain and simple grade A tosspot.

  9. I support the club, the team, the 11 men on that field in claret and blue.

    Doesn't matter who the owner is, who the board are, who the manager is, who the players are, what division we're in.

    I will still support this club.

    I don't think AM is the BEST appointment, but I will never, ever turn my back on the club.


    Excellent post

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