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Posts posted by Awol

  1. On the up side the BNP vote was down in Yorkshire despite winning a seat. The turnout was very low and we can assume a large portion of that was voters abstaining in protest, therefore at a General Election they shouldn't even get close to being elected.

    I think the early analysis of the voting figures is interesting, UKIP gained from the Tories, the BNP from Labour. Hopefully that puts to bed the argument on here that UKIP / BNP hold essentially the same or very similar views.

  2. Isn't the motion for a GE due in front of Parliament next week .. it will be interesting , still think Labour will block it but if enough abstain it may spark the leadership challenge ?

    The press and bank benchers will do the job on Brown over the weekend I reckon. Goner by Monday night, latest.

  3. The pound is dropping now against euro and dollar too..

    Which shows that business has more faith in a Labout gvmt - how ironic.

    Nice try but the market dislike instability of any kind, as you probably know anyway.

    But then again as most are so insular why are they worried about Johnny Foreigner currency

    Now that Ian, ^ is pathetic

  4. The pound is dropping now against euro and dollar too..

    No its not, its up on the day and its on an upward gradient right now

    Good, started falling earlier.

    Caroline Flint just stood down, that's seven in 24 hrs including five cabinet ministers.

    I'm putting money on him being gone by Monday night, his delusions are farcial.

  5. Brown called a Press Conference for 1700 today.

    Resignation, General Election or declaration of emergency powers?

    In fact it could be to introduce Alan Sugar and his latest project, 'Britain's got Government'.

    Just about the reshuffle. Unfortunately.

    Hoon just quit, by-election in Norwich due to Lab MP standing down.

    I think this could finally be it.

  6. The party that some now hold so close to their heart and what the did / said since the last election

    They must appeal to some?

    Obsession with Labour to include in every post to justify support for extreme Right Wing

    What they said "forbidden 50 megs"? A confusing message I feel.

    Oh and the BNP are extreme left wingers, Ian. If you think UKIP are extreme have a look at the real right wingers in the sacred European parliament.

  7. Obsession with Labour to justify voting for a party with Racist / ultra right wing tendencies - similar policies to the BNP

    Nigel Farage (UKIP MEP since 1999, leader of the UKIP group of MEPs in the

    European Parliament since 2004; former UKIP Chairman, 1998-2000 and cofounder,

    UKIP) told former UKIP leader Dr Alan Sked “We will never win the

    nigger vote. The nig-nogs will never vote for us”, according to Dr Sked


    Maybe the use of Churchill by both BNP and UKIP was a coincidence

    There are racists in every political party, indeed in every walk of life, sadly. Interesting how many Labour people end up with the BNP for it's far left ideals, despite the parallel racist agenda.

    What does that prove? Nothing, much the same as your post.

  8. Sorry I didn't make that very clear, I consider any effort to increase UK voters influence over our own affairs to be libertarian, in contrast to Labour's attempt to give it away.

    You may think it, it's not right though. That simply isn't compatible with Libertarian ideals, its just a shifting of power from one place to another, Libertarian would reduce the amount of power the state had. There isn't a single party that has Libertarian ideal as they all want power and libertarians want to reduce the power the state has over the individual

    Poor choice of words on my part, you win :P

  9. The UK Independence Party is calling for a five-year freeze on immigration into Britain and a future policy that would see migrants controlled by a points system similar to that operated by Australia and New Zealand.

    Even closer to Labour than I thought on immigration.


  10. I think you'll find a whole lot more civil, level headed people across the country who would agree with those policies.

    The policies quoted were from UKIP and the BNP - the same for both - you may think that is civil, level headed I beg to differ.

    I'm with you Ian, we need more illegal immigration not less, especially criminals.

  11. UKIP are far more libertarian than Labour though Bicks. They want to recover our decision and law making abilities to an institution that is solely answerable to the UK electorate, rather than push more of or sovereign rights away to unaccountable eurocrats. For a single issue mob it's a good issue to pick.

    That has nothing to do with Libertarian, that is just transfering power from one place back to another place and has absolutely nothing to do with Libertarianism. If as UKIP want power was transferred back to the UK can you imagine what Brown and Co would have got up to with our personal freedoms? It really doesn't bare thinking about

    Sorry I didn't make that very clear, I consider any effort to increase UK voters influence over our own affairs to be libertarian, in contrast to Labour's attempt to give it away.

    As to what Gordon would do with it, two things: First he ain't going to be around and second, I think a wholesale constitutional reform process is coming to the UK parliament, and Cameron (who is going to win) has already committed to decentralising the power of the PM that Blair and Brown have grabbed and consolidated over the last decade. But before anyone starts screwing around with the constitution any further they need a mandate for reform from the public. General Election please.

  12. UKIP are far more libertarian than Labour though Bicks. They want to recover our decision and law making abilities to an institution that is solely answerable to the UK electorate, rather than push more of or sovereign rights away to unaccountable eurocrats. For a single issue mob it's a good issue to pick.

  13. I disagree, it's poor reasoning.

    There is no excuse for voting BNP. The only message that gets sent out when the BNP wins seats is that we have a depressing number of racist words removed and plain idiots in this country.


    Fair enough but I think calling someone who's posting history doesn't support the accusation of being 'racist scum' is as reactionary as the original vote. Let's be honest, it's the Euro elections and if you are ever going to make a protest vote, this is the right time. Like I said, not my bag personally, I went for the (slightly) less loony UKIP but for the same reasons.

  14. For the first time ever I voted Green, partly as a protest against the main scumbag parties and partly as I agreed with more of their policies than the other minority parties.

    unfortunately im not into this green bollocks, when i get by a bus in a few years time i wont be smiling in the knowledge that i didnt use carrier bags, so i ended up going for BNP

    makes me feel all dirty but i thought out of all of them they sent a bigger messgae that this government is pretty **** up

    hopefully if they, the green party or UKIP can trounce the lib dems (face it tories will win, labour 2nd) then people will actually take notice that we need change

    I wouldn't have done it myself but your reasoning is perfectly logical. I certainly wouldn't call you racist scum for exercising your democratic rights.

    I don't think Labour wil be coming second though mate, could be as low as fourth (if we are lucky).

  15. Interesting that the VT vote count probably wont match the vote count in the unreal world ...

    Not sure what that says about us on here ?

    Mostly young, educated and idealistic, the natural constituency of lefty type parties.

    I reckon it's the reality/idealism interface that generally moves people to the right of politics, hence older voters often being more inclined towards 'right wing' parties. Not a hard and fast rule obviously (MJ, Drat etc) but often older lefties have deep seated reasons for being committed to socialism, such as a life in academia or maybe having met a miner once :winkold:

  16. Darren,

    Short of putting 'Dave's' nuts in a vice then asking him personally I don't think you can get a more honest answer.

    I've said before that the reliability of evidence gained from torture is, at best, dubious. :mrgreen:

    Torture? I thought most MP's paid for that kind of 'interrogation'..

    On a more serious note we won't know until they get the chance to give it a go. I'd hope we can get through at least 12 months of politics (not bollitics) before the corruption kicks in and normal service resumes.

    having met you , what are your trying to say about me

    If you've got nothing nice to say..etc :P

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