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Posts posted by YLN

  1. sometimes people need to actually make a decision themselves, this is one of those times

    You make a shit choice, tough, you'll have to deal with it, its called a life lesson

    Ridiculously harsh and strange thing to say I feel. Surely this is a time is his life when advice is particularly needed, as the choice will have a direct impact on his future.

    Anyway, if you're thinking about a career in journalism, it's a no-brainer surely? I'd say that combined English language and literature is a must. As Chindie said, unis and employers generally hate Media Studies or whatever it's called.

    Probably shouldn't tell you this, but I know some sneaky **** who just did English Language (A Level and degree) and on any subsequent CVs, application forms or whatever, put it down as English, which most people presume is the combined one. That's an option for you :winkold: .

    Journalism/Media Studies are terrible courses. I hope I don't offend anyone in saying that, but journalists are not made in journalism degrees.

    At the end of the degree, you qualify with an ability to write, but with nothing to write about. Stay away

  2. I've one more year left in my law degree and I have to say that I don't like it at all. The people who do like it are not my type of people and I can't wait to get out of it.

    I don't recommend doing law to anyone, as it is not a fun subject. It is not very applicable to actual life.

    I would definitely have done english if i had my time over again. Its nice being able to express yourself. In law, when you try to express yourself you just end up sounding like a word removed.

  3. I agree with Hobbo here. It might be a fairly involved and personal question, but did Randy and MON feel you were at fault for the comments? In all seriousness, it was a fairly innocuous answer to a fairly innocuous question. I hope the apology wasn't expected of you, or it would make me think less of them (bit of respect please? BOF).

    Edit: Apologies. Any reference to Randy and MON as cartoon characters is entirely meant with plenty of respect and a bucketfull of love.

  4. This will probably be deleted, but a modicum of respect is lacking here lads.

    Maybe this is the reason why other clubs don't have board members in direct contact with any fan who would like to take their angst out on someone.

    General, they know not what they do.

    I think Mike McKenna's post is the closest to my thinking on the subject of Barry. If you could reply to that post, I'd appreciate it.

  5. Can somebody give me a clue which profanity is replaced by "clearing in the woods"?

    A four letter word beginning with 'C' and rhyming with hunt.

    Oh - I thought that was replaced by "word removed".

    You're right redman. People here don't know their own site...

    Clearing in the woods is Try Waiting After Tuesday

    Edit: I could be wrong though. Lets try it out.

    I think clearing in the woods translates to clearing in the woods

    Edit2: I'm right

  6. I've done marajuana a few times and been left pretty unsatisfied. I can get the same buzz off a cigarette and that's 5 times less carcinogenic.

    Fags, the healthy choice.

    I had one bad experience of weed with Rastafarians in Ghana and I don't think I'll do it again. Beer is enough of a tipple for me at this stage in my life, but when cancer comes a knockin, my veins will get a'rockin.

  7. Kaiser Chiefs

    Arctic Monkeys

    Recent RHCP


    Snow Patrol

    Pink Floyd (I just don't like them)

    All a matter of taste really. What bands don't you like that are generally popular in the main?

  8. Reading looks brilliant this year. Might look to get myself a ticket, but they're going for about 300euro now in eBay. Might put me off.

    Oxegen and Electric Picnic's line-ups are out

  9. He dropped a lot did he? I didn't notice.

    Just watched his fight with Freddie there again. I'm gonna miss the guy a lot. More Mr Aston Villa than Gareth Barry ever was or certainly will be.

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