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Posts posted by JulieB

  1. Well that's VT for you ...posters trying to find out what's going comparing & sharing ITK via PM & DM on twitter.

    And then you try and share some of that info on VT....and keep people updated with the newsfeeds and STILL they moan cos there's not too much

    to moan about with their football club!


  2. If I wanted updates from Twitter, I'd look at my fecking timeline. On Twitter. That I follow myself.

    You were asking me to specifically post from twitter yesterday, Pilchard! Shall I find your post?

    Every news outlet on the planet now tweets! Yes most of it is rolex but if you wanna find out FIRST about stuff then you know where to look!

    eg Fukushima, death of Amie Winehouse

  3. Please. No more fecking Twitter.


    You pair are like the new Statler & Waldorf (After Richard's conversion) regarding the modern way people find out what's going on.

    GET WITH IT!!!

    Jan Aage Fjortoft is OGS Norwegian strike partner, chum and journo was interviewed at length when the Vicking Epic was in full swing.

    To the more savvy ...it's kinda interesting to hear what he'd got to say about the outcome... I would say anyhow!!

  4. KKFootball ‏@KKFootball1

    I expect a statement today and a press conference Wednesday. #avfc #ncfc

    That's incredible insight.. :bonk: :detect:

    Did you see the tweet off Jan Aage Fjortoft last night Gazton about OGS & Lambert?


    I thought Solskjær would have taken the Villa-job if asked. My source had good knowledge:He said Lambert was frontrunner all the time #avfc

  5. So where does it specifically say he's fallen out with PL???

    He says the opposite that he didn't fall out with Lambert

    .............. but someone NOT HOLT told me this morning he'd heard Holt doesn't get on with PL so I was correcting my post.

    Rumours ...rumours and tweets.... who knows? ... Let's just wait and see

  6. He's been tweeting ......... and I've been corrected he did fall out with Lambert so unlikely to be coming to join him at VP.

    grant holt ‏@holty30

    I have loved my 3 years at the club and it sadness me to right this but want use to here it from me first. #lovedmytime

    grant holt ‏@holty30

    Just to stop the rumour mill again. I have expressed to the board and the CEO that I want to leave the football club. Due to disagreements

  7. I also have to agree Richard is weirding me out a tad... I even had a weird dream last night about a load of giant bats with huge pointy ears being sat around a big field with the two guys off Richards avatar laughing merrily in the middle of them eating grapes?! :shock:

    ha ha!

    With his avatar especially , when I think of Richard's posts on VT they always remind me of those two moaning old gits off the Muppets.... who just sat in the corner of the theatre, wallowing in their misery!

  8. Julie, lets hope he brings his team with him then.

    One of the supposed ITKs on twitter has posted this morning he is bringing his team with him.

    AVFCMysteryman ‏@AvfcMysteryman

    Assistant Manager Ian Culverhouse and Head football operations Gary Karsa will join Paul Lambert @ #AVFC #NCFC

    We shall see!

  9. exciting times ahead i predict
    So do I ;-)

    Lads dont worry about me I'm fine

    I used to be very optimistic about Villa. The last three years I have not been as the direction changed significantly culminating with the one not to be named

    Now I am very optimistic again, still wary of Randy Lerner but have to say if it all pans out as I am led to believe it will then exciting times ahead

    He's on the happy pills!

  10. Age didnt' seem to be a barrier when we signed Peter Withe!

    2nd highest scorer in the premier league after Rooney.....WANTS to play under Paul Lambert and his coaching staff - can't beleive people

    are dismissing him if he signs for us.

    If Bent get's injured like last season....we're up the creek....would make sense to me!

  11. The more dignified Norwich fans have been saying that as well as Lambert's coach Ian Culverhouse being absolutely top drop draw his

    right hand mand Gary Kasa is just fab and takes the edge off PL.. he's apparently hilarious - fantastic with the players, lights up any room

    and always establishes a great rapport with the fans.

  12. I will never forgive Richard Dunne for after his comment near the end of Houllier's reign, we had been losing games and looking like going down when if I remember rightly Dunne came out and said that they had agreed on a truce so that they could concentrate on Villa getting safe, from that day we were a different team and stayed up.

    I must have missed that comment by Dunne B6... & if it's true then that's disgusting....where else would employees be allowed to rule the roost?

    How dare they "call a truce".......... WHO's at war?

    Gary Mac said after GH's heart attack - it finally galvanised the squad into action and he felt the coaching staff were finally getting somewhere.

    In the meantime how much was their take home pay each week?!!!

    Overpaid drunken holidaymakers can slink off to Butlins holiday camp elsewhere thank you very much!

    For the record apparently McLeish was replacing "THEM ALL" this summer... I just hope like B6 said Lambert does the same!!

  13. Seriously,,,,,

    Shay & Bent I would imagine to make sure they're staying

    I think this actually is a huge statement of intent by Lerner.

    Everything I've read & heard about Mr Lambert is his


    Unless AVFC had re-assured him that they too had huge ambitions

    to get us back fighting for the top places of the PL, I homestly think

    he would have stayed at Norwich for at least another season & gone

    elsewhere, to a club that would fulfill his ambition.

    You also got to admire someone who hasn't made us wait till he finished

    topping up his suntan. Sounds like he's done his homework & wants

    to crack on.

  14. Paul Lambert has this evening spoken on the phone to at least 2 senior AVFC players.

    He must be headmaster then Gaz OFFICIALLY?

    "Hello James. This is Paul Lambert here the new manager of

    Aston Villa - Goodbye!"

    Hello Richard. This is Paul Lambert here the new manager of

    Aston Villa - Goodbye!"

  15. I'm pretty sure this 'Incognitoavfc' twitterer is someone from the club who's been told to leak information.

    That's JUST what I've been wondering too.

    INCOGNITOAVFC has been pretty spot on so far I have to say - but we shall see. He also correctly said last night that Lambert hadn't resigned..which is true because he was at NCFC training ground saying goodbye to the players this morning.

    Last night's tweets......


    Wow. Wait a minute. Just got a call. Norwich were not as forthcoming as first thought. Lambert is now taking control. May well resign. #avfc


    I will stress though, he HASN'T quit. But Norwich have apparently forced his hand. He isn't happy that things have changed. Brewing. #avfc

    Things MUST have been in a pretty advanced stage with all this because it sounds like the Gillingham accountant who a VT poster vouched for mentioned

    Lamberts contract being drawn up with Villa a fair few days ago.

    The Ben10 Liverpool fan actually got it wrong last night it appears..... Lambert hadn't resigned! Incognito appears to have been correct.

    Any genuinely sane person would not also be trying to exact emotional blackmail to get more followers surely?!!!

    I can't see Norwich playing anything BUT hardball over this....however there is an air of resignation in their statement so a deal will need to be done

    because there's no way he's going back.

    Maybe there will be a delay regarding sorting out the coaching staff compensation also - although normally they're on very short term contracts.

  16. I wanted Moyes & was hoping the rumours might have grown stronger....... but then I was excited by OGS as was everyone....

    but I'm warming to the Geography teacher coming to manage my beloved football club and will hopefully feel motivated to

    attend a few more games next season.

    Onwards and upwards as they say!

  17. Applying or getting offers from two different employers isn't anything that I would mind. It happens all the time. You go to interwievs You take the job that seems the most intresting or pays more (depending what you look for).

    Yeah but after last Summer's snub things were obviously going to be delicate.

    Martinez looks like he's lost his coach at Wigan Graeme Jones now to Swansea to replace Rodgers... Maybe Villa got wind of

    this also as a possibility and wanted Lamberts coaching staff as part of a better package.

  18. I don't think there was any smoke and mirrors with OGS, it's just that he was the only one we knew for certain had been interviewed because of thetrees's being particularly observant, nothing more than that.

    Sending your jet to a small town in Norway to pick one up, knowing Villa fans would track it and work out what it was doing there would perhaps

    be a sure way of distracting everyone's attention away from other interviews. It was certainly a big deal in Norway!

    Who knows?

    However that's OGS Norwegian strike partner Jan Aage Fjortoft‏ who himself is now a journo tweeted that tonight...

    not just some random guy from Norway.

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