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Posts posted by JulieB

  1. Its official Cardiff have gone red. I personally dont care, but I am sure the Cardiff fans wont be happy about it.

    How to anger your fan base in one easy move!


    (ha ha to Scuba Steve reminder)

  2. So Norwich ask to speak to a manager and said club lets them? They should maybe learn from that.

    And we feel morally obliged to pay the full compo......maybe you should learn from that!

    Hughton is a very good manager as well Wiz - twice now he's taken over clubs who were in turmoil and got them fit & ready for PL.

    Regardless of what was going on in the background at Blues - he turned them around last season. I think he deserves alot of credit for what he did & the way he went about matters at both Newcastle and Blues.

    He's going to a first rate set up at Norwich, so should imagine he'll do even better.

  3. So Norwich ask to speak to a manager and said club lets them? They should maybe learn from that.

    And we feel morally obliged to pay the full compo......maybe you should learn from that!

    Ask McNasty then Wiz for an explanation as to why he messed it all up. We did say!

  4. Reason they don't teach about the role of banks & financial Institutions in Universities is because they make ANY economic model simply unsustainable! SimPly because they look after the banks interest & not the wider economy.Plus many key staff of Business universities are consultants or sit on boards of these same financial institutions!

    Look at JP Morgan Chase Bank & what they've done with Billions of

    cheap deposits breast fed to them by the US & UK governments.

    Particularly as London has some of the most relaxed derivative regulations

    of anywhere, they have been allowed to literally allow one trader (the London

    Whale) to gamble & lose $2bn(although some say it's more like $7bn).

    Now forced to sell decent long term corporate bond stocks of some £25Bn to generate the profit required to fill yet another hole in a banks balance sheet, thereby threatening the stability of JPMC's ability to draw income from these assets. Consequently raising the likelihood of needing a future bail out, particularly as their share price has nose dived recently when news broke of

    the whale.

    As I've said previously this now quad trillion, unregulated derivative sector, that few are aware of & even fewer understand, is putting the whole global economic system at the risk off collapse.

    Governments paralysed to do anything because Banks like 'Government Sachs' as people in the City refer to them as, have over a number of years strategically placed their 'representatives' in high places across the globe to prevent any tightening of regulations.

    Why isn't anyone in the media talking much about Iceland? In similar straits to where Greece are now a few years ago - but now because their population made their government take action for the benefit of the people, not the bankers - they are recovering well.

  5. I also feel that he is not lethal enough when on a one on one with the opposing keeper

    Yea can't disagree - game against WBA away on two occasions he had chance to bury it but allowed Ben Foster to make great saves.

    He's lacking confidence though - as are many in the squad. Gabby needs a man motivator and Lambert and Culverhouse are by all

    accounts excellent at that. I think if we got rid we'd regret it.

  6. Gabby would hate it in Sunderland more than Craig Gardner does... Bent should have a word in his ear about that also.

    It's not Sunderland so much it's just that.. if you know Sunderland at all ...you'd wanna live in Newcastle!

    If you play football for Sunderland are black and go anywhere near Newcastle then you best be prepared.

    Besides I wanna see what a decent attack minded coach does for Gabby - he's lethal when he's on song. Think we should give him a chance under Lambert. Also he's not bad playing the channels, early on some of his crosses created havoc with Bent upfront.

    Will be interesting to see if Holt comes in the end because there are still rumours we're after him.

  7. Is that not the point though, he's been accused of it and nothing has been proven? So why should Terry miss out because someones brother thinks he may have been wronged?

    I think there must be some evidence though surely because he's facing a court case isn't he? CPO wouldn't go to the expense of a case against a PL footballer who can afford the very best defence lawyers unless they were pretty confident they thought Terry had a case to answer. One would hope anyhows.

    I didnt' say Terry shouldn't be in the squad although he is slowing up somewhat - the manager should have sounded out both of them as I said AND possibly discussed the situation with the other players to see how they felt.

    Anyway it's done now but it has IMO over shadowed the whole build up like BOF said.

  8. My child is part of this farce up there, but is so desperate for a job they have stuck it out. They have been on the phone in tears, saying they are soaking wet, bleeding feet and sleeping in a wet muddy field with barely any facilities. I have said for gods sake come home but if they did it would be the end of the course and no SIA badge, I feel murderous, they are still there with one more night to do. Lets not forget that we as parents had to provide the tent and all the camping gear, not cheap

    Just a disgrace. These workfare schemes are nothing more than quasi-companies squeezing more out of the gravy train of government.

  9. Thought Tom Jones & Shirley Bassey at 75 did not too bad at all.

    I actually like the Jubilee Song and I have to admit after slating it coming on, I enjoyed the documentary about

    how it was put together with Gary Barlow.

    Jessy Jay and opera singers did well.

    McCartney & many others = just embarassing.

    Prize goes to the twitter commentary by the mock royals - had me & many others in stitches last night, they were so good.

  10. A decent manager would have spoken to both players and at least seen whether they COULD work together for the benefit of playing

    for their country.

    What has Rio Ferdinand done wrong?........It is Terry that is to face charges of racially abusing another football player ie Rio's brother

    NOT Rio.

    If anything surely THAT fact alone should have come into play with Roy Hodgson. NOT to take a player because his brother has

    been alledgedly racially abused by another member of the squad is just an insane way to start the campaign and has angered

    an awful lot of the fans. It's fundamentally just flawed, regardless of WHO is the better defender.

    Van der Vaart (via twitter) on Rio's England snub: "it's strange. It surprised me because he's one of the best defenders in England & maybe the world."

    As one Holland fan interviewed said on IIRC Eurosport - "Can we have Rio please?"

    Kelly has played only a few games for Liverpool and 2 minutes for England - mad as is the exclusion of Micah Richards IMHO.

  11. This tweet made me smile:

    Joey barton punched outside a nightclub in liverpool. Police are said to be treating the incident as hilarious.

    Whatever issues this guy has going on inside, he should have got them sorted early on - had the potential to be one of the best.

  12. Sorry if a bit OT but for the benefit of Wiz and relevance of Lambert's backroom staff coming to Villa or not.

    Paddy Power have just tweeted that they've suspended betting on Chris Hughton being appointed as the next Norwich manager

    as big money put on him this morning.

  13. Interesting reading that the B'ham Mail give some credit to Paul Faulkner for pulling all this off as well.

    Villa didn’t have to pay a penny for Lambert despite his former club demanding £1million in compensation.

    They managed to avoid the pay-off because their new boss was effectively a free agent after submitting his resignation to Norwich on Wednesday night.

    Lambert did that after the Canaries refused him permission to speak to Villa, contradicting a clause in his contract that he could hold talks with any interested Premier League club.

    The ex-Celtic and Borussia Dortmund hero is now expected to bring his long-term No.2, Ian Culverhouse, to the Midlands with him after the pair enjoyed great success together during their time with the Canaries.

    He will become Villa’s assistant manager and Gary Karsa, the current head of football operations at Carrow Road, will also join the back-room staff.

    Lerner and chief executive Paul Faulkner believe the future is bright with Lambert in charge and are looking forward to next season.

    In order to secure the deal, Faulkner worked extremely hard and now has more reason to celebrate after being elected on to the FA Council.

    The 33-year-old’s growing reputation in the game has been recognised via his elevation to the council which meets to discuss and determine the major policies of the FA.

    He said: “For Villa to have a voice on the council is great for the club. There is prestige but also value in having representation on the council.

    “I’m pleased and proud as Villa chief executive that our efforts as a club over a number of seasons have been recognised and rewarded in this way.”

    As some fans have posted in the PF thread....perhaps Villa fans should now cut him some slack as well?

    As much as he can be partially blamed for the catasphrophic decision him & Lerner made last Summer then they appear to have tried to put this right.

  14. The Birmingham Mail are reporting no compensation needs to be paid and Culverhouse and Karsa are joining too.

    That would be best case scinario... Don't think PL would be as effective if they didn't come with him though.

    No compo as well... would be daylight robbery!!! :D

    Not got alot of sympathy with Norwich really - If McNally had played his cards right over this instead of throwing his toys out the pram last week, matters would no doubt have been handled more to their advantage.

    If he's resigned and walked away from his rolling contract - perhaps Lambert himself might owe his former club redress though? Unless of course he thinks he has a case for constructive dismissal?

    ......Could get messy!

    I would think Villa would have had to pay compensation for Culverhouse & Karsa surely? ...............Anyhows great news if true.

  15. Sky Sports website with quotes from his lawyer saying that Celtic have dismissed him.

    "I can confirm that I have been instructed to act on behalf of Alan Thompson following his dismissal by Celtic FC.

    "Alan was informed of the decision to terminate his employment with immediate effect in a telephone conversation with the club manager Neil Lennon."

    Wonder what that's all about?

    Normally termination of employment with immediate effect is for Gross Misconduct.

  16. Getting the impression from what's been going on last couple of weeks that actually David McNally tells pork pies in public and is possibly not a very nice


    Telling your star striker's agent that he wouldn't lose any sleep over a transfer request being handed in, is possibly not the most tactful of thing to say in the circumstances.

    Hardly surprising reading that lot also...why Lambert was so angry with the club for withdrawing permission for him to speak to AVFC. that's why he handed in his resignation.

  17. Not sure he'll be coming anyhow as I said the other day I was told with a whisper from another VT'r that whatever is/has been publically stated Holt & Lambert have had their differences in the past and it would be surprising if indeed he did come to Villa, from what he'd been told from that neck of the woods.

    Just passing the whisper on.....

    Agent_ITK on (the social networking sight that shall not be named but is named after something that birds commonly do) backs this statement up

    grant holt ‏@holty30

    Good luck to the gaffer will be sadly missed at Norwich. Enjoyed every minute of his 3 years.

    Doesn't sound like they had differences to me mate.

    He tweeted that days ago.

    The recent falling out was over his contract with the CEO not Lambert, which is why he's touting himself out to leaving Norwich.

    If he's looking for another club he'd hardly come out in public and say any different about his relationship with the gaffer would he?

    However I was told regardless of the tweet - him & Lambert have not seen eye to eye for some ime.

    Have you seen the tweets from Phil Daley local journo from Norwich as there's quotes from Holt's agent?

    Phil Daley ‏@Phil_Daley

    Holt's Agent speaks... "Grant wanted a 3rd year on his contract... David McNally told him you're too old".. #ncfc #holt

    Phil Daley ‏@Phil_Daley

    More from Holt's Agent.. "Being told you're too old de-railed Grant... He wanted to finish his career at Norwich City".. #ncfc #holt

    Phil Daley ‏@Phil_Daley

    Agent "When I told CEO Holt would hand in transfer, his reply was, I won't lose any sleep over it"..

    Phil Daley ‏@Phil_Daley

    The management situation was nothing to do with Holt's decision and it's "rubbish" that's he's off to Villa with Lambert. - Agent.

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