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Posts posted by deeps

  1. One things for sure, this performance (so far) will impress any of MON's potential replacements.

    Indeed. Hope he is watching, as this looks very good.

    agree with ya! and this is without Gabby, Del-Boy, Carlos and James!

  2. listen we are a great exciting team and this a good way to show this to the league. We got players playing today that never would of under MON (and i'm a MON fan). Its great to see us like this so far lets batter these and let who ever the potential manager may be see just how good and exciting we r.


  3. cant see deschamps leaving marseille. he is very much at 'his' club, he won the league and league cup last season and is therefore in the champs league this season too.

    cant see what the villa has to offer to make it a remotely appealing job to be honest.

    he signed a new deal this June LOL not gonna happen

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