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Posts posted by stewiek2

  1. General,

    I just want to echo the many comments on the main board about Randy coming out against the proposed plan. In ne sentence, he struck at the very heart of why this proposal is wrong, and in a way that I could never do. Eloquently, brilliantly, intelligently, and so simply put.

    Pass on my sincere gratitude, and that he continues to impress us all.


  2. General,

    Hate to bring more woe but I'm with everyone else on the subject of the league games abroad. Sure the NFL game at wembley sold out, but let's see how it does once it becomes a regular fixture, like the disasterous attempt of setting up a European NFL league, the London Broncos had to become a rugby team due to the huge fall off of support.

    William McGregor must be turning in his grave at this preposterious idea.

  3. Ironically I was made redundant in April so had to get rid of my flat. It is still on the market and I am acertain that it will sell, despite my peronal doubt that anyone in brum will be 90k for a 1 bedroom flatt that needs a makeoever.

    IF you buy but do not get a secured loan on it there is no way on earth that you will fail to make a profit on your property.

    Watched a doc about property millionaires and everyone said that a property no matter what doubles it's value every 9years on average. And that not one property over that period makes a loss. A mixture of market value, with c9st of living and strentg of the market. But generlly, if you buy today for £100k, it amy be shit for a few years, BUT you will make a big profit o it in 5-10 years.

  4. General,

    I'm an art lover myself. Admittedly mine are prints but I love my Lowry, Tamara de Lempicka and Jackson Pollack prints. I couldn't care less where Randy's donation came from. The man has the right to spend his money how he pleases. I just thought it was a wonderful gesture.

    Silly question I know as the answer is undoutbedly yes, but have you seen the renovation work on the original union flag in Washington? I was over there in 2003 and amazed at how big it was. Absolutety huge, now imagine having that flag in the holte end!?!

    I also thought that Washington was great. It gets bad press but I loved it. Great underground system, in fact best I've been on.


  5. I know one man doesn't make a team but having Bullard back will be an incredible boost for Fulham. They were flying last season until he got injured, then they dropped like a lead weight. I hink they have a chance, allbeit a slim one. It really is tight down the bottom, Sunderlands win has made that possible, and their next 2 games are the scum and wigan so theres all to play for.

  6. General,

    VERY tough for the Browns missing out despite a 10-6 record, despite the Steelers having the same record and of course the Giants and Seahawks getting through with the same record. But what improvement on last year!?!?

    VERY similiar to Villa a few years back missing out on europe due to goal difference.


  7. General,

    During your investigation into this so-called offender I think it should also be taken into consideration what is currently happening allegedly with Mr Redknapp and his extra-curricular activities and thus the old political and army tactic of creating a diversion to take peoples minds off what is really happening. It's quite clear to me that Mr Redknapp, to divert people from his crowd incitement, has done just that.

    Throw the bloody book at him I say!

    PS. Can I be the first to wish yourself, Randy, and everyone a merry christmas!

  8. The stigs time in the dry was 1.44.4. Hamiltons in the wet with oil on the track was 1.44.7. By anyone's book that is staggeringly good driving, and to prove the point of how skilled these F1 drivers are they had Hammond go round a circuit in an F1 car.

    Clarkson was simply stunned by Lewis's time, and even more so by how relaxed Lewis was going round the track. I really hope they get him back to go round in the dry, I really think he could push a sub-1.40 lap.

    And everyone who does the star in the car gets 3 practice laps tops nowadays.

  9. I could do a similar time to those F1 drivers in that car, you don't have to be a genius or and F1 driver to drive that car quick. I recon nearly all of the celebs are just really shit.

    You gotta be shitting me!?!? :shock:

  10. I think it's pretty evident from his lap that Lewis has the most incredible natural talent. Possibly the most naturally talented driver since Ayton Senna.

  11. General,

    All I have to say after watching a second half performance that brought pride and belief of what is to come is-


    PS- I hope that IF the story in a scummy redtop sunday rag is true, that the club and MON treat Ashley the right way, he's been fantastic this season adn I'd hate to see his confidence take a dip for being, well, a silly boy.

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