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Posts posted by stewiek2

  1. It's hard to shake the notion that he (Stan) had wanted out since around 94/95 though, was desperate to get back to the Redscouse and only returned to us when he was a busted flush

    Sigh, Do I have to repeat what I wrote a few pages back about Staunton ringing Ron Toss live on air to say that he wanted to stay at Villa but Doug **** him about to the poiunt where plop offered him the deal he wanted which he agreed to, only for Doug to then offer MORE money than either Dougs original offer OR plops offer, to which Stan said that he had made an agreement with plop and it was unprofessional to go back on it.

    He said that he was settled in the Midlands, that his family was settled, but that Doug messed him around so much over a new contract. I heard this with my own ears!

    No chap, you don't. But you did anyway.

    Truth be told I don't care what kind of spin Stan tried to put on it when -or after- he left. His leaving was on the cards since at least 94 -and possibly further back. We thought we had lost him in the summer of 94 and a number of senior Villa players even commented on it at the time. He played us off against the Redscouse a fair few times to get an improved offer and according to JG's book had made his mind up before JG had returned in Feb 98. He even said he was specifically off to join the Redscouse to win things - no mention of broken promises. Had he agreed the deal we had offered him at the time he would have been the highest paid player at the club -unusual for a defender- so I'm not sure how much finance came into it.

    He was one of the very first high profile Bosman's, exploiting the system to make it work for him. So attempts to paint him as some loyal club servant only leaving when the club let him down won't wash I'm afraid.

    I don't actually blame him for leaving truth be told. Not due to lack of ambition or anything like that on our part, we had a pretty decent squad at the time. Rather the pull of returning to his boyhood club proved too much in the end. He had started there as a youth, and his mother is originally from Merseyside IIRC.

    My point was that there is probably a perception out there that he is a popular ex Villa player. That doesn't tally with the reality. You rarely hear Villa fans talking about Stan as a 'Villa legend' (chronically overused term) for example. Which is unusual bearing in mind the longevity he had with us in two stints.

    I do not deny that he wasn't the most popular bloke to have left this club. I am just getting the point across that it took balls to ring up a radio station to state ones side of things. As for his 'villa legend' status. Come on, please! THere are very FEW who get that label thrown at them. Stan Staunton must surely know he isn't in that bracket! I am not a Staunton fan per se. I just think that alot of fans dislike are based on biased publicity put out there by a PR machine when the guy himself took the risk (and I use that word as by doing so opened himself up to the sort of ridicule the general now has as he has no one to hide behind if the truth isn't what he put/said) to come out ans speak live on air.

    And what reality is it you speak of? That he should be loyal to Liverpool as he started there and his family is from there? Pffft my oldest brother is very derogatory towards Birmingham and our accent, city, ways. And he is from here!?! It means **** all!

    And as for JGs book and John Gregory in general. Without wanting to piss on anyone's chips, theres a fair few dodgy thing's I have heard about the man that make me question him, and also tick boxes as to why he hasnt succeeded in football since Villa. And I say that having loved the guy at our club to the point of writing a letter to Doug when he got the sack/left. So I wouldn;t take too much of what he wrote as gospel.

  2. It's hard to shake the notion that he (Stan) had wanted out since around 94/95 though, was desperate to get back to the Redscouse and only returned to us when he was a busted flush

    Sigh, Do I have to repeat what I wrote a few pages back about Staunton ringing Ron Toss live on air to say that he wanted to stay at Villa but Doug **** him about to the poiunt where plop offered him the deal he wanted which he agreed to, only for Doug to then offer MORE money than either Dougs original offer OR plops offer, to which Stan said that he had made an agreement with plop and it was unprofessional to go back on it.

    He said that he was settled in the Midlands, that his family was settled, but that Doug messed him around so much over a new contract. I heard this with my own ears!

  3. As far as I'm aware, MacDonald and Thompson played together at Liverpool under Joe Fagan. And as for Thomo saying we played above ourselves under MON, I'd say he is right in some ways. The results we got playing the shite football we did mostly for the last 2 1/2 seasons shows that results to style ratio, damn right we did! Hell, you COULD say that our current league position, considering the performances in two of those games, is 'above ourselves.'

    People are giving Thompson shite because he is and outsider having a pop at us recently, when really alot have been saying the same on this and other forums over a period too. Get real people, he did a very good job with Houllier at plop, and, when he had to step up to teh plate when GH fell ill, did an outstanding job under the circumstances.

    We are getting (potentially) a manager and assistant who between them have won a bucketload of trophies, and their so-called failure at Liverpool we'd have given our right arms to emulate!

    Sure, my personal number choice was, and will always be Moyes. However that looks a no no. Randy for me has looked and decided he can't get the man he originally wanted, and I guess he is as frustrated as the rest of us at that. So he has decided to steady the ship and you know what, I think Houllier has something to prove.

    And thank **** it's not Curbishley, Bradley, or some of the others on the list!!!

  4. On a side note, regards Staunton buggering off to the dippers. I remember listening to Ron Toss and Staunton rang him on air saying that he never wanted to leave Villa but Doug had pissed him about regards a new contract. That his agent was trying to get him a new deal but Doug was refusing to pay what he wanted. In the meantime, plop made him an offer which he agreed. Having told Doug that he had agreed to join Liverpool, Doug then made him an offer on MORE money than he had wanted in the first place and more than what Plop had offered but Stan told Doug that he'd made a gentlemans agreement with pool and it would be ungentlemanly conduct to go back on the deal. Then there were leaks of him being a mercenary and always wanting to bugger off which he said was untrue and that he and his family were settled in the area and he never wanted to leave Villa, but he felt that it was unprofessional to go back on his word.

    So all in all, him leaving to go back to Liverpool was down to Doug playing silly buggers with him regards a new deal.

  5. I still have a feeling that all these names are a smoke screen. Why take this amout of time chatting to managers OUT of work and using a headhunting company? Why would you have to 'head hunt' a guy kicking his heels in between picking up his dole cheque?

    No, I still think Randy is after a guy who is currently employed and these names being bandied about are a smoke screen. It makes no sense IF we get a guy in who isn't working OR give it full time to a guy already at the club.

    If that is the case then really, the board have handled this whole thing very very poorly. Say what you like about Deadly but if he wanted a man he'd go get him and pay the compo.

  6. Just asked a mate who's a dippers supporter about Houllier. This is his text reply-

    "He's a manager with big ideas but no possible way of executing them. You would want to sign Ashley Cole but end up with Rigobert Song. You would want to sign Robinho but end up with Titi Camara. He got turned down for various other Premier league jobs over the years (Newcastle springs to mind), and I think Randy would be selling out a bit if he took him on. Best bits of business he did was McAllister and Barmby."

    No mention of the treble then :?: Ask a Villa supporter to give an opinion on O'Neil and pretty much come up with some of that other than no trophy's and did about as good as Gregory .

    Hey they aren't my words MM! Just those of a guy who's a lifelong Dippers supporter. Of course only the title and Euro Cup matter to them, so anything else in their eyes is failure. FSW lasted as long as he did due to Kudos from the CL win.

    Personally, I think the English game has moved on from the days when Houllier was manager of redscouse. Whoever it is of course I'll give the guy a chance, so we'll see...

  7. Just asked a mate who's a dippers supporter about Houllier. This is his text reply-

    "He's a manager with big ideas but no possible way of executing them. You would want to sign Ashley Cole but end up with Rigobert Song. You would want to sign Robinho but end up with Titi Camara. He got turned down for various other Premier league jobs over the years (Newcastle springs to mind), and I think Randy would be selling out a bit if he took him on. Best bits of business he did was McAllister and Barmby."

  8. Getting Houllier in as a DOF type could work in that he was part of the set up that brought through all the great pool of French players. However him as DOF with MacDonald for me wouldn't work. I think MacDonald tactically is not up to the task sadly, and I think if Houllier is making decisions on tactics then just make the bloke fecking manager!?

    Houllier? Average at best. And even that puts him ahead of some of the names mentioned. I guess at the end of the day if you have the right crop of players that is a ig help. Gullit won trophies at Chelsea, and he is an awful awful manager.

    I'd say the word for most of these names linked is... Uninspiring. I'm sure alot at the club are tinking the same as well.

  9. Didn't Houlliers's Liverpool get arse raped by MON's Celtic. At Anfield?

    I hope he's learnt from then. And can find a Robbie Fowler to bail him out in games.

    Whoeer it is HAS to come in as manager, not DOF. The thought of Kev Mac dealing with tactics after his first choice midfield being the lightweight combo of Petrov and Ireland isn't a confidence filler.

  10. KM has been coaching at the club for 15 years and took 3 weeks to decide to throw his hat into the ring. Doesn't strike me as a man with the fire in his belly or ambition to take on the pressure pot that is a premiership managerial role.

    A respected coach who perhaps deserves to be more involved in the first team? Yes.

    Manager? No.

  11. The Chairman's in Europe at the moment (not Milan), so points away from anything imminent going on with Moyes or McLeish.

    Ah, narrow it down please :)

    The buzz new escape of the rich and famous of Europe of the last couple of years.

    A bit cheaper than Monaco.

    Fecker :)


    Sandbanks innit! he's gone to speak to twitching 'arry!

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