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Posts posted by OldFart

  1. bellamy and kewell-yes,bellamy would be a great partner for carew and that partnership would score loads.Kewell is a gamble that i'm willing to make because he is likely to be available cheap and when he is fit he is an assett.You never know,his injury days might be over but of course there is a huge risk.

    ribery and defoe-yes please.ribery did well in the wc and looks a fantastic player.i have admired him for quite a long time.However the french connection in arsenal is a huge draw for him.Defoe has a good scoring record.

    I'm greedy aren't i? :D

    You reckon? Who'd put the ball in the back of the net, Bellamy or Carew? Wouldn't Gabby or Luke do it more often? Not saying we don't need an extra striker, by the way.
  2. One Alves a day keeps the moaners away. New board's tactics. Wonder who it is tomorrow. Joao Alves of Sporting perhaps? Fantastic player I'm led to believe.

    In Cyber's defence, mademan, he clearly stated 'Afonso' (did his parents have problems spelling, should have been an L in there surely?) in his original post and there HAS been a lot of Dutch football on Eurosport this season. Not that I've seen any of it, of course.

    Some excellent points.

    1 Your usual reference to "the moaners." Such a loveable characteristic.

    2 Referring back to an earlier argument despite a mod telling people to stop it.

    3 It is indeed Afonso in Portuguese - the language they speak in Brazil.

  3. What the hell would we want with a couple of players from a championship side who didn't manage to get promoted? Are they winners? Are they CL- quality? Probably no on both questions. Maybe one in the whole WBA-squad would be good enough, but I doubt it. Don't mean that there ain't any good player in the whole championship, but they are not that many and I doubt they play for WBA. I really hope we do better than that this summer. It almost feels like when we had GTmk2 and his talks about finding gems in the championship while held back financially by Ellis.

    Have you seen them play this year?

    Yes I have.
  4. All set for another day in which someone or other will wail "Why haven't we signed anybody yet? It's May 28 already!" Ready, steady, go!

    Brie, Roquefort, Pont-l'Évêque, Port Salut, Savoyard, Saint-Paulin, Carre-de-L'Est, Boursin, Bresse-Bleu, Perle de Champagne, Camembert?
    Sorry sir, I'm afraid they're not for sale.
  5. i think the signings that we are the closest to completing are bellamy,taylor,and NRC.Would be delighted to see all of them at the villa.Of course,we still have some "big name" signings to look forward to.That is the assumption i got from reading storey-moore's comments.

    Yeah but as someone said yesterday the scary part about it is that just those three would mean an investment of £25M plus and our squad wouldn't look that much different to what it does we would still not have made a single big signing. But I wouldn't be complaining ...they're all English/British players, played in the Premiership and all that! If the budget is £30M then how much else will Randy need to spend?

    saw this comment much earlier and it is spot on for me.

    MON for the core of the team wants British players or those who have proved themselves in the PL

    we have the money and TBH like under Gregory I want the core to be like this

    Inn this context NFC is exactly the player we need

  6. If we bought NRC for 8 million I think I'd be very concerned.

    Concerned about the price? Choice of player? Or both?

    To me the price is irrelevant. If O'Neill wants him and the board are willing to go out and get him that's good enough for me.

    IMO he's a good player with a bit of everything and scope to improve. At the very least he's twice the footballer McCann is, so a step in the right direction.

    Wasn't Reo-Coker

    (a) One of the big gambling boys?

    (B) Slagging off Pardew all the time?

    a) Bit libelous that. None of us know that for a fact

    B) Don't recall. Probably. Although it has since come to light that Pardew had completely lost the confidence of his players. I'm convinved they would of gone down if he'd stayed. Doe that make it right? No, but there were times a year or so ago I wish one of our players had made a stand against the manager.

    A bit libellous? Do any of us know for a fact that Ellis pisses in his pants or that Delaney is a moron or a certain Pompey defender prefers his Pal to his Lassie? Thanks for your concern though. OK, let's sign people who'll stir the dressing into rebellion against the manager the first time we have a bad season with him.

    My point is that it would be better if we could avoid signing trouble-makers. Much more than I'm worried about us signing someone who doesn't always say, "No, after you Charles" every time there's a tackle to be made. There are some right hard men about, but they don't all cause trouble in the dressing room and amongst their teammates.

  7. Why don't we circulate the other league clubs and say "Mr M O'Neill is the very person to cure the psychiatric ills of your most wayward players. Drop your price a bit because we know all about Joey or Craig, and we'll take all this shit off your hands?" Cos it's about time we had someone nasty.

    Leave it out.

    Don't think I actually said I wanted someone nasty OF. I genuinely think that Barton and Bellamy get oppo fans going. They are also both very good players and one's that I wouldn't mind having at Villa, despite the baggage.

    I wasn't replying ONLY to your post (you said someone the opposition fans would hate) which is why I didn't quote it. Others though have said we needed someone nasty.
  8. Horrible as West Ham fans may be, why Reo-Coker? They didn't just say, "Ooh, who can we vent our spleen on? Harewood? Noooo. Etherington? Noooo." There's a reason isn't there?

    I think the reason was that he had been performing so badly. But, more importantly that I think he is the ring-leader of the little "gang" they have at West Ham, that thinks they own the club. I'd gladly have him at VP though!

    Ohhh! And what were they up to?
  9. Or certain people may actually be wrong, anyway its only an opinions.

    Some people think Ferriera is good, if he wasn't at a big club he wouldn't be even mentioned because of how cack he is. If Sissko wasn't at Liverplop nobody would give a monkeys.

    Sissoko can tackle and cannot pass, i dont see the difference from McCann both are half decent DM's.

    Just my opinion mind, i could be wrong i'm sure someone will point out my failings ;)

    Cannot pass? I saw a fair bit of Sissoko when he was at Valencia, and obviously I've seen him playing for Liverpool too.

    He can pass. And he can beat men too.

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