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Posts posted by flashingqwerty

  1. 2 hours ago, TRO said:

    I don't particularly agree.....I like Ramsey, don't get me wrong, but hasn't got the intensity or pressing appetite of Gallagher, he doesn't snap at the heels like CG.....JJ is more direct and a ball carrier.....not the same for me, both have endearing qualities.

    Gallagher doesn't carry the ball like AJ does either.  He is better defensively than AJ but not as good going forward.  He's somewhere between Kamara and Luiz in terms of style without being as good as either.

  2. 2 hours ago, TRO said:

    I think he offers something different to those players you mentioned....it's hard to say better, when they are different.

    for some time, I have thought our players are too samey, that doesn't mean they are bad....its a 25 man squad, and managers have to have varying styles to change tactics.

    Its opinions of course....I like busy players.

    Kamara is a defensive player with good passing, Luiz is a creative playmaker, McGinn is a workhorse, Ramsey is a ball carrier.  They all play completely different roles.

    I agree that he is different to all the above, but he's not as good as any of them at what they do which makes him at best a bench warmer, and Chelsea will be looking for 40m for him, which would be a complete waste.

    He's mediocre at best.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, Rodders said:

    The form of Southampton has nothing to do with it obviously. Oh woe is us.

    The form of Southampton?  Last 4 games lost to Forest, Fulham and Brighton, and beat a very poor Everton.  Yeah amazing form.

    Meanwhile we've beaten Man UTD Spurs, Brighton.  I'd say our form is better

  4. 12 minutes ago, messi11 said:


    🤣I speak with facts and wisdom. Unlike you two I will come with constructive points to back up what I've said. 

    Facts are:
    Palace, Everton, Fulham, Brentford, Southampton, Wolves, Arsenal, Spurs, Newcastle , West Ham, Man United, Chelsea All spent more than Villa in the Summer Transfer Window. 
    Leicester, West Ham, Leeds, Arsenal, Nottingham Forrest, Liverpool, Wolves, Southampton, Chelsea so far have all spend more than Villa in the Current Winter Transfer Window.

    Emery clearly stated with his own words we need to sell Sanson and Nakamba if we wanna buy a midfielder.  Sell to buy.
    We're looking at the bargain basket with Dembele

    Our nearest rivals Chelsea (10th position) have spent £470Million on new signings. Our closest locally PL team Wolves are outspending us.
    Its a fact our spending has massively dropped off the last 3 seasons.
    Like I said Emery is the best manager to have when you don't have the money to compete with the rest, he did great work at Villarreal and Valencia.

    *Drops the Mic*



    SG wasn't heavily backed in the summer because the writing was on the wall fact.

    Emery is still new to the club and needs time before making major changes.

    The reason we need to get rid of 2 to bring 1 in is because of our poor incoming revenue, coupled with a crippling wage bill, means for FFP we need to get wages off the book, nothing to do with transfer budget.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, GingerCollins29 said:

    Agreed, can someone more knowledgable on FA rulings explain why it wasn't?

    The other defenders around meant no red as last man, but even the sky commentators said he was fortunate not to see red.

    VAR not seeing it as clear and obvious. It was borderline, and I'd say only saved by the contact being quite small.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    True, but Moreno was coming here way before he got injured. Moreno is here to replace Digne in the starting XI. 

    He's also a loaner so I'm not surprised a 2nd lb was being talked about 

    Had Ludwig's injury not happened I don't think this would have been our 1st signing

  7. 3 hours ago, duke313 said:

    It speaks volumes that LB is the first area of the team UE has went to improve. Digne while not a terrible signing, has not improved us much.  

    I think it speaks more to the seriousness of Ludwig's injury.

  8. 3 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    I wouldn’t be in a rush, we’re not that stacked out with starters at left back. One’s here on loan and Ashley can’t go on forever. 

    I think Ludwig's season is over, so Moreno effective replaces him.

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