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Posts posted by flashingqwerty

  1. Hi General,

    Not sure if this has already been raised or not but RE the black training kit:

    i recall you saying that measures were being put into place to ensure the colours

    remained consistent in all things villa as part of the "Branding" process.

    Unfortunately the black training kits i have seen on sale here in Ireland are

    decidedly PINK and far from the claret of the other merchandise! Whether this is

    an early batch issue or not i am not sure but to be honest it looks really bad when

    taking into perspective the things that have already been said about such matters.

    But on a lighter note - thanks for your input and for putting many of of fears and issues4

    to bed! Keep up the good work!!!

  2. General,

    Dont know if this has already been said but is there any plans for an AVFC sports channel as there is for manutd and chelsea etc? Also do you think there would be a plan to stream all villa's non sky games on the OS on a pay-per-view type thing? think this could be a really good source of revenue for the club!

    Thanks for everything you and the board have done so far - really appreciate the effort!!

    UP THE VILLA!!!!

  3. Hi General,

    I work for a company called Micros Fidelio, we provide Property Management Systems and Point of Sale systems to Hotels, Theme Parks, and Sporting Arenas. My question is will Villa be following the trend of football stadia having major till and PMS systems installed?

    Recently The New Wembley, The Emirates, The Ricoh Arena,Goodison Park, and we have a contract for Liverpool's new staium - but to name a few.



  4. no disrespect to gavin - and i'll prob get stick for this but i am very glad to hear this

    we need better than Gavin McCann

    and this singnals that better WILL be coming sooner rather than later

    Good luck Gavin - not too much tho :winkold:

  5. and i do respect your opinion DDID honestly!

    just saying that traditionally top teams create a strong base before

    starting on the attack which makes me think an experienced

    centre half - maybe 2 - and a quality defensive mmidfeilder

    and then you will find our creative players - especially petrov

    will start to play the way they can

    but as you say its only opinion

  6. well personally from what i have seen this season there are two reasons why we have conceeded few goals

    1- tommy has been in great form - possibly his best since coming to villa

    2 - the midfeild is doing far too much defensive work hiding the defences weaknesses

    if the defence was better the midfeild could support the attack more

    hence giving better service more chances and ultimately more goals

    if you have watched any villa games this season you can clearly see this is the case

  7. stop conceeding goals then we can start thinging about scoring a few

    Really? Most people would say it's the other way around. We're not conceding many, but were not scoring ANY.

    That said, where the feck is Luke Moore?

    DDID i think you will find that the most successful teams historically were built on a solid back line before the attacking threats were added

    its worked for over 100 years i see no reason to think toherwise now

    newcastle tried to do it backwards and what did they win?

  8. Im worried that MON is looking frequently less happy. Is it the transfer window thats doing his head in? Is it the run of 12 matches without a win? Is it the realisation that reviving Villa is a bigger job than maybe he first thought? What do people think?

    thats a whole other subject all together

    why dont you start a new thread for it?

  9. if young is worth 9m how much is gabby worth?

    in fairness Gaby has alot of pace and not a great deal else

    he reminds me very much of Tony Daley i'm sure you remember him

    Young is an entirely different breed

    bags of skill and trick

    far better passing and crossing ability

    not quite the same amount of pace tho :lol:

    but a much higher quality player

  10. and even in our school team he was decidely average

    No offence, but I reckon that's probably bollocks. Bet he ran rings around you :winkold:

    well as a goalkeeper yes he probably would have

    but as we were playing on the same team he never realy got the chance

    there were in fact 4 midfeilders in our school team of fair higher quality

    two of whom were severly injured playing in said team at 16 years and 17 years old

    one of whom had signed a pre contract with manure but i'm not getting into name dropping :lol:

    and if you still think its bollox you can always drop into the school and ask the teacher who ran the team i'm sure he'd be happy to put you right

  11. very glad to see the back of him

    he has talent but much like tony daley (going back a bit i know)

    he just doesnt know what to do with it until its too late

    Carew, IMO of course, is a far better player

    we definately got the better of that deal!!

    (looks around praying not to prompt a jinx)

  12. Angel has been poor since we moved to 4-4-2

    but this is because he simple isnt fast or fit enolugh to play in that system

    he still has so much to offer

    i dont care what anyone says he looked class with gabby and moore along side

    and i would even pancy seeing him drop a little deeper being a front two as he is well capable of a killer pass

  13. sorry guys i was never convinced about lee

    i went to school with him until the age of 18

    and even in our school team he was decidely average

    lacked and real physical presence that his mouth

    demanded that he had

    not sorry to see him leave at all

    he really should have left a few years ago while he shone

    in a more average midfield than we have now

    still all the best Lee

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