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Posts posted by tismyk

  1. Tim The Villain & alike,

    Seeing that you think players should have more comfortable seating on the bench and get with the times etc. Do you also advocate the wearing of headphones and being "chilled out" whilst sitting on the bench, waiting for a game?

    It drives me mad to see players sitting, listening to music, when they should be watching the game to see how it is developing just in case they do manage to get on the pitch! How can a player get a feel for the atmosphere when he is listening to some speed garage or whatever it is they listen to!

    I think that the dugout should be left as it is. It's called "sitting on the bench" for a reason. Until the day comes when they rename the non-selection of players to "Sitting in the chair", I think they should refrain from installing chairs.

    it doesn't seem to do united subs any harm does it?

    Personally, I'm not too fussed. MON doesn't use the seats anyway, so whatever.

    lol Max, and I didn't even start this 'debate'.

    I just think it certainly wouldn't harm the club and would help to make us look like a club with substance; a modern club with old fashioned tradtions mixed with new ideas.

    New ideas, more like chavy ideas lol :)

    I'm not even sure if the dug-outs need to be improved, but if they do surely it doesn;t have to involve car seat lol

    Makes me laugh when they even have the holes for a four point harness.

    So Old Trafford and The Emirates are chavvy?

    Course not. They're both better grounds than Villa Park.

    Old trafford better than Villa Park, never, you can`t have been to both grounds if you think that

  2. Jeez, can't believe the 'small club syndrome' here.

    Of course we need to get Rocaro seats in and have a proper players and coaches area.

    Isn't this just another case of upgrading our stadium or do we want to stay down there with the wannabies ?

    Must be on a wind up

  3. The name "Chucho" has an interesting base in South America -

    used when referring to a little ugly dog.

    can be a sort of pet name, but literally means little dog. could also be used for little annoying dog.

    People have been known to name their dogs this, so they would say "chucho, come here!"

    or something like "ay, que chucho, es tan sucicio y feo"

    As the old Dougal Mob used to chant to ex SHA players, "Once a mongrel always a mongrel", how very apt.

  4. Watching him and Clarke today, you would have tought it was Cuellar making his debut, not the other way around.

    Why's that?

    Because i attended the match, and that was what i saw, i rest my case


    Cuellar was solid today and so was clarke !

    Cuellar is coming to form which is good for us.

    I would like to think so, but on last years performances i wont hold my breath, but in in Clarke we have a gem, followed him thru, youth and reserve levels and if handled correctly we have M L `s long term replacement

  5. Sadly General, i thnk it may soon be time for you to retire from having to post on this and the other sites you frequent, (not what i want)

    I know how much you love the Villa , as do we all, but there has to be a time when you feel you cannot carry on doing the fantastic work that

    you have done over the last 3 years. As a fan of over 50 years I already think that this season is going to unfortunately be a stepback in the

    progress we have made since Randy took over, and hence i don`t think we have a right to expect you to commit your time to respond to everthing

    that is put to you on these sites. I would love you to prove me wrong, but I think that, if there is a willing young NCO in your ranks that can follow in your footsteps then maybe Mrs Krulak can have her kitchen finished, you will always be in our hearts, Semper Fidelis.

  6. When I was young,

    I had a dream,

    To watch the world's greatest football team,

    and here we are, the dream is real,

    with Randy Lerner and Martin O'Neill

    Martin O'Neill, Martin O'Neill, Randy Lerner and Martin O'Neill...

    Just a catchy one that is one of my favs..

    It is very good.

    Should be, weve been singing it for months

  7. "One of the ways to really ensure that there are no incidents after the game is to apply the "5-1 rule" which causes the opposing fans to vacate the stadium early thus avoiding confrontation!!!!!!!"

    56 years a Villa Fan, thought i had seen and heard the best opinions given by many a

    man, General you are more than any man i have met, god bless you Sir it is a privlidge

    and a honour to have you on our board, if i can do anything to help you and Randy

    in my retirement please do not hesitate to ask.

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