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Posts posted by JAMAICAN-VILLAN

  1. General,

    to be honest...i am one of the most frustrated supporters, however i am not going to get into a disrespectful tirade against you or the board. I saw where you mentioned that your sense was "if we were in the top 4" etc some people would still have something to moan about. I have seen the same line bandied about by a few posters on the forum and if people are to be objective and realistic it is blatantly a far fetched notion. In my personal case this has nothing to do with "frustration" from the previous regime or anything of the sort. It is all about the here and now! The fact is that we are playing very dangerous games with ourselves as it stands...and IMO MON is risking the future of the club with these very awkward decisions. We can go on forever about how "we finished sixth last season". while a great achievement...nothing in the premier leaugue is guaranteed two seasons in a row bar maybe the top 4. There were a range of things which helped us to finish where we did last season...Other teams having off seasons...going through management changes and instability etc...and by saying this i am in no way trying to discredit the players or MON for it. We are approaching a new season...where there are squads which already had more "quality" individuals within their team...but were not able to gel together or compete as normal due to injuries etc...and the other things we have mentioned....AND WE WERE BLOODY FORTUNATE WITH INJURIES!!! General....any person who really cares about this football club...and even external viewers....can see that we are in a desperate situation...as a matter of fact General it is quite embarassing...and if i myself were Randy...i would feel a tad bit embarassed. Sometimes we do over react....and talk alot of nonsense...and truthfully none of us can claim to know how to run a football club better than the board or MON. Yet there are some things which IMO are pure semantics and common sense...and unfortunately it is leading me to repeat the same things a million people have already said! No right back for two years???(general now seriously...that is not even funny)...The smallest squad in the leaugue....at the moment we have no business comparing ourselves to the other teams as none of them are in as dire need of reinforcements as we are......how will you and Randy feel if this all blows up and we fall flat on our faces,....and it is proven that because of stubborn and outdated mentality and dealings we have failed...and even gone backwards.

    I am not even in the dream land of thinking about breaking top 4 just yet general...but as even MON himself said...just to stand still...we need quality reinforcements......if we dont get enough bodies i honestly can see us having to once again accept mid table mediocroty....because all the teams around us are getting richer and stronger....we were lucky to be taken over by Randy at the time we did...and we had a glorious opportunity to steal a march on the opposition and get the quality players in at that time before everyone else...and at far less inflated prices....when we see teams like Portsmouth beating us to quality players....how do you expect the fans to feel???Especially when they are for positions we are crying out for players...

    with all due respect General...

    I don't need to hear how well Martin did for us last season...or who he signed last season...or about Ashley young...or John Carew....because believe it or not....when everything goes buts up these will be the same players looking to leave us....and i cannot help but think....(of course i'm only speculating)...that if Gareth Barry had enough faith in MON to bring in some quality players to help us push on....and play some quality football....he would not want to leave!

    I could go on and on Gen.....however i realise i am just one of many saying the same things....you do not even need to answer my post...and in no way am offering any disrespect....but i just wanted to once again add my voice....and let it be known that while i am not an "ass kisser"...i am also not just a "doom mongerer" or someone who choses to come on to your thread just to create more havoc.....I just want to express to you that the concerns alot of fans as well as myself are putting forward are convincingly warranted.


  2. I notice my post was deleted, maybe due to it not being pointed to the General...so with all due respect i would like to say, i love all the off field things yourself have done for the club, but would also like to point out that MON is playing a very dangerous and "stupid" game in my eyes in the transfer market. The mention of what other teams are doing are irrelevant to us because we are in drastic need of reinforcements...even though repeated a million times. MON looking for the "right" player etc. General K at the moment even decent squad players will do. The fans concerns and anxiety is greatly warranted as we love this club with all of our hearts and have seen ourselves waste too many opportunities to capitalise.

    So...in conclusion...while you might not have any bearing on transfer policy, could you please send a whisper to Randy to give MON a slight nudhe up the backside on this one?!

    Thanks and many blessings to yourself and the chairman.

    From A rare Jamaican villa Fan living in Qatar!

  3. Odonkor is a German right winger, stupidly fast. Currently at Betis but I don't think he's played much this season. Beyond that I dunno.

    so he's good then????

    I never saw any speculation related to him...do you think it might be Villas sneaky way of telling us there is something there by having it on the OS...or maybe pondering..putting it up and then logging on to VT to see what we think???

  4. I know everyone will say the obvious is impossible...but how would u all feel about these as our summer signings.:

    Gudjonssen- 8 million

    Reo Coker - 7 million

    Micah Richards - 12.5 mill + add ons

    Sneidjer - 11 million

    Good Cheap full back(left) - 1.5 million

    Thats 40 mill...i think well spent!!!!!




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