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Everything posted by MR.Smalljob

  1. Young is far more dangerous than Carew
  2. No problem we will come again.. we are the better team!
  3. Come On KM and the Villa boys :-)
  4. Stop complaining. 1-1 is fantastic with this team :-)
  5. 1-1 is very good if it ends like that
  6. Curtis Davies must be the worst defender in the club.
  7. Very similar to Martin Jol was he..
  8. Don't matter much if we lose 2-1 now.. we got the bloody away goal :-)
  9. who the feck was MON? KM is the king :-)
  10. KM just make them play better no matter what team he puts out :-)
  11. As long as they do well.. come on boys :-)
  12. Delfonso with Weimann in front.please not Heskey KM :-)
  13. He seems more confident and it looks like he's enjoying it more than a few days ago. If KM gets the job then I have a problem. could never say KM OUT, could only say back to your old job
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