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Posts posted by Gizmo

  1. Tony Butler on Radio WM is dreading it going through. Obviously he's read the Mail and is totally convinced that the first thing Randy's gonna do is sell the ground and build a casino on it.

    Plus Randy doesn't talk to fans... the Browns have won bugger all... etc.. etc...

    Trouble is there's a lot of fans who probably think like him.

  2. In anticipation of the days weeks months and years ahead, I've been reminding everyone I know this afternoon, where I was when we were shit.

    What about you?

    I started doing that last week. Glad I'm not the only one.


  3. The impression he gave in the interview was that not only did he know nothing at all about Villa, he seemed to have little interest in football full stop.

    Now, I couldn't give a toss if a buyer supports the club but I at least hope someone in that consortium has actually been to a game of football before!

    EDIT: So good, I said it twice!

  4. The impression he gave in the interview was that not only did he know nothing at all about Villa, he seemed to have little interest in football full stop.

    Now, I couldn't give a toss if a buyer supports the club but I at least hope someone in that consortium has actually been to a game of football before!

  5. Lerner seems the only one with a proven track record.

    yeah but he isnt exactly busting a gut to get it over and done with!!!!!!

    As far as you know.

    If he was it would be over and done with by now or very soon, but we look as far away from a takeover as ever!

    If he ain't doing anything, why were his people here yesterday? I'm not suggesting it's gonna happen soon but I'd bet my house he's doing stuff behind the scenes.

  6. I can see this taking weeks/months to sort out, one way or the other. Most company takeovers probably do but they're not played out in the media.

    The thing I worry about is we still have a crap team. I only hope we can grab a few points in the first half of the season and then do a Pompey and buy our way out of trouble in January (assuming the takeover is done).

    And I'm Mr Optimistic normally!

  7. I feel a bit sorry for Mike Neville. He pretty much started the take over bandwagon, spent the best part of a year working on it and then probably get's brushed aside - never to be seen again.

    I can appreciate what your saying about Neville but I won't feel sorry for him. At the end of the day if he has the best bid he'll win if he hasn't he won't. He may have been quite shocked by how many potential bidders have come out the woodwork but that is to the benefit of the club IMO.

    Well exactly. If he loses out, it'll be because he doesn't have the right bid. But after all the years of shite, he seems to have been the one person most determined to drag the club back up again. If he hadn't surfaced last year, there isn't a cat in hell's chance we'd be looking at a takeover now.

  8. The more the merrier. We can't really say it's too late for a new consortium. Who knows how long this 5th lot have been working on the bid. After all, Randy was sniffing around weeks before we ever heard of him.

    It would be great to get this tied up before the season starts (after all, we have a relegation battle to win) but while people still want to buy the club, the club should take it's time to get the best deal.

    I feel a bit sorry for Mike Neville. He pretty much started the take over bandwagon, spent the best part of a year working on it and then probably get's brushed aside - never to be seen again.

  9. bakers have to do something to bread with their hands called "kneading".......it mixes all the ingredients together (I have a breadmaker that does all that but that's another thread)

    So------- he needed a poo?

    but he "kneaded" a poo------ so he played with his own cack, therefore got brown hands.

    I take it you're not a rocket scientist? :-)

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I seeeeeeeeee! :) Very funny.

    I applied for a rocket scientist job, but I didn't hear back. Ta.

  10. I can't wait for the day that Ellis leaves and someone else takes over the club. And I get soooo frustrated seeing us sink into nothingness - it really pains me to see it.

    But it's an absolute feckin disgrace the number of people on here gleefully wishing the man to die a slow and painful death.

    It is 'only' football.

  11. One thing we can all agree on about Ellis is that he's a stubborn old bugger. If he or the board didn't want to buy players in the transfer window. He wouldn't - regardless of the stick he gets from fans.

    Any suggestion that this takeover is an elaborate ploy to avoid buying a player is absolute madness.

  12. Unless I'm very much mistaken, our biggest attendance of the season by far was against Liverpool.

    This game was very soon after the takeover story broke.

    I suspect this is because people thought Doug might be going/gone for this game.

    The missing thousands coming back maybe?

  13. tbh, if me staying away makes even a small dent on ellis, then its worth it...

    more and more are staying away and it could be argued that has had an effect...

    we spent more in the summer after season tickets were down and ellis is now allegedly actively looking to sell...

    if thats the price for me and others depriving ourselves of match days, then so be it...

    It's an interesting point...

    And just to be clear, I'm not suggesting not going makes people 'less of a fan', I was just saying it seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me.

  14. A couple of my mates won't go to Villa while Ellis is there. I really don't get it.

    If you can't afford to go. Don't go. Fair enough.

    If you don't like the football. Don't go. Fair enough.

    Not going because you don't like the chairman is a bit strange in my opinion. And since Ellis couldn't really give a toss, the only people that lose out are the ones not going.

    Just my opinion!

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