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Posts posted by Bazdavies79

  1. I'm confident in him but this is a big step up. Getting Villa into the top 8/7 and competing for Europe from where we are now is a lot different to getting Norwich up and then keeping them here. Not that he hasn't worked wonders this, but this is the next step.
    I think getting the Norwich team he took over to back-to-back promotions is a harder task than getting this squad to be in the fight for 6th. He's inherited a competitive squad and I suspect a competitive budget to do that. I also think he has the luxury of low expectations thanks to the incompetence of his predecessor.
  2. PLUS! Designated smoking section in the Upper Holte. Uncle Randy is crumbling to fan pressure time to ask him for another couple of favours!!

    Never understood why smokers get treatments like this, their own areas. One of my favourite habbits is to inject melted mars bars into my neck whilst Im drinking.....where's my designated area??

    If there are a few of you, maybe you could get together and petition the club for a mars bar injectors area.
  3. I run hot and cold on comedians, I can like someone for a while then totally go off them for no rhyme or reason, and wonder why I ever found them funny in the first place.

    Bill Bailey has stood the test of time, I like him as much now as I have for several years. There are so many I've never liked I wont even bother compiling a list. Most of them are regulars on second rate 'comedy' panel shows.

  4. 6th placed Chelsea won the CL. The Premiership is what it is, strong at the top (thought not currently as strong as it has been), tactically naive at the bottom (though that seems to be changing too).

    Back on topic, I saw Adelaide play Melbourne a couple of years back and the quality was probably just below championship level IMO.

    And getting right back on topic, I don't expect much from Holman. If he turns out to be useful in some way I'll be pleasantly surprised and very happy.

  5. Right, just heard we have Lambert (I've been busy the last few days!) First thoughts, we got the man I wanted to replace MON, finally. Not as stylish as I'd like, football wise, but a really good tactician with a second to none record for up and coming British managers, as such a very good appointment. Success isn't guaranteed in football, but you give yourself the best chance of it if you appoint the guy with the best CV and let him get on with it.


  6. The only reason I'd even entertain the idea of selling is because Given has had a lot of injuries, and I can't see it getting better at 35. It depends on the offer, everyone has a value, but I'd be inclined to keep him.

  7. Lambert, he has the better CV. End of.

    And Houllier had won more than O'Neill.

    McLeish fluked a cup and got to 9th.


    AM's CV was/is poor. Houllier is old and wasn't really here long enough for comparison with MON, and in terms of CV it isn't just about what you've won.

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