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Posts posted by osmark86



    Maybe this is a sine of things to come.

    Just need randy to cosine a deal for the sale of the club now.

    Just hope the deal doesn't go off at a tangent.

    I feel dirty



    I thought you approached the joke from a good angle.

    • Like 2
  2. I think Ellison is definately a 'no chance'. He seems like a name that has been plucked out of thin air, to excite the fans (or to troll them).

    All other names have only been mentioned by people guessing. Hunt, Anshultz (sp?), Simpson and the other chap.

    A certain man who shall not be named, said the interested party owns an American team, but he didn't say in what sport.

    I think, with Randy's connections, it's likely that we're going to be sold to an owner of an American sports team. But, there are probably hundreds of people who fit that criteria!


    That's it. Jay-Z will take over.




    I personally think a deal is at an advanced stage. Can't see Lerner releasing a statement like that if it weren't. I know not many on here give him much credit but he's not that stupid to say he doesn't want to own Aston Villa, but will continue to do so. He just wouldn't put himself out like that.


    I also don't know why this discredits any ITK's on TBAR, to me a takeover is definitely happening, and it will happen this summer. It's just a question whether it's weeks or months. 


    I imagine Randy has been trying to sell the club for quite some time, not just starting today. 

    its just a question..........or years!! no buyer has been lined up - lets not kid ourselves, however nice it would be to get mega rich owners


    Why has no buyer been lined up? Because Sky Sports told you so? Do you not think releasing a statement like this is a bit out of character for Randy? Why would Lambert pretty much tell the world he has no future at AVFC if Lerner was going to remain the owner?


    facts are facts - we have not been told a buyer has been found - the statement says he has put the club up for sale - nothing more - why do you think we have a buyer when the facts say we havent - dont kid yourself with what you want to be true - if there was a buyer we would know - there isnt and thats why there has been no leaks, no concrete rumours - nothing - nada - nowt.....



    in what way does this rule out the possibility of there being potential buyers? because any names weren't spelled out? deals like these don't exactly have 100% transparency for a multitude of reasons so you're exactly as much in the know zone as every other person that isn't currently formalizing a deal (or not for that matter). so how can you say there isn't a deal with much confidence?

  4. I'll say it until people acknowledge the truth and stop acting like children making up rubbish to make themselves feel better. ... and then moaning at anyone who shatters there fantasy life's with reality


    how sweet of you to burst my proverbial bubble of ignorance for me



    great, can't wait to get heckled by my Tottenham supporting coworker tomorrow. then, again I knew this would happen so at least I'm mentally prepared.


    First thing in the morning, before he has a chance to really get started and whilst you've got the element of surprise, punch him in the face. Warn him that there's more where that came from and tell him to stay away from you for the rest of the day.


    You're welcome.

    Wise words. Wise words indeed.



    Thanks mate, that's a safe course of action. Much obliged, much obliged.

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