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Posts posted by Con

  1. So actually you know **** all about him. What you know is what someone cut and shut together on YouTube. Unless there is a "James Wilson glaring misses gag reel of shame" what you have seen are his greatest hits. You can't comment on his finishing ability at all other than to say that the finishes you have seen were finished well.



    If I showed you an Emile Heskey goal compilation and the goal highlights of Gary Lineker you couldn't tell me which one was the natural finisher? They're all goals, right? By definition, a goal is scored, therefore the move was "finished" the scorer a "finisher," possibly "natural."


    No, it's not just the fact a goal was scored that makes a finisher. You can tell even from the bloopers showreel which one is which.  It's how the goal is scored (and how often in a season). 


    Was the goal scored using classic strikers technique? Did the goal require anticipation, great positioning and great movement? Does the player have a perfect first touch?


    I'd argue that James Wilson's goal compilations, and number of goals he has scored, show he has these marks of a natural finisher.


    Another clue he is a great player already is he scored two goals on his debut appearance for the first team which is impressive in itself. It was a big game for him. Shows he's got the big game mentality.

  2. but how do you know he is a natural finisher but don't know if he has pace or tackling ability


    I've watched his selection of goals on youtube and the Man Utd site but I've not seen him play a game so I can't judge his pace, dribbling or tackling.

  3. Being a natural finisher is enough to make him a great player. That is why he is a great player.


    If he can do at least one other thing just as well - run fast, tackle, dribble - I would call him world class.

  4. James Wilson is a great player. Natural finisher. Is he fast? Could be the next Michael Owen. Can he tackle? Could be the next Jay Rodriguez.


    I'd be surprised if Welbeck is there next season with this talent who could even take Van Persie or Rooney's place.  


    My feeling a few weeks ago that Man Utd had turned a corner when they fired Moyes and appointed is now confirmed.


    They need a whole new defence but with Januzaj and Wilson they won't have to splash out much on the attack.


    Van Gaal will get them back into the Champions League.

  5. if Lambert was at Norwich and brought all these signings in on the cheap as he has done he would be congratulated for keeping them up two years in a row.


    the fact Benteke is a "gem" is a bonus. at the prices we paid, even for Benteke, we're lucky any of them turned out to be Premier League standard.


    actually, I think we have more than one "gem" in Lambert's signings. Westwood has continued to improve. Bacuna has shown ability and at 21/22 should be better next year. Kozak and Okore looked potential gems before their injuries.

    • Like 2
  6. I think in the last two games Rodgers, as good a job as he has done, has been shown to be a little naive and inexperienced at this level. Perhaps even a touch arrogant in his approach.


    What he does next will be the making or the breaking of him in terms of if he learns from it or not.


    I thought it was interesting in the post match interview that he appeared to be blaming players or the group of players, I don't recall him ever having done that before in fact he has always done quite the opposite.


    I think the pressure has got to him a little.


    Or he's fishing for more investment in the squad for next year and guiding the thoughts of the fans away from a reflection on his management decisions.

  7. Saw this on F365 - thought it was funny



    Gerrard's Speech

    Everyone knows the captain's speech after the 3-2 victory over Manchester City.

    To surmise:

    1. We go again

    2. This does not f**king slip

    3. Every match like a CL final

    What happened:

    1. Liverpool next match against Norwich ended with a 3-2 victory again

    2. Stevie slipped against Chelsea

    3. Crystal Palace fought back from 3-0 down to claim a draw (aka 2005 CL final style)



    That cannot just be coincidence.



    Maybe Gerrard is in contact with aliens?


    Crystal Palace to stay up, aliens tell Bromley woman who 'used to be Joan of Arc'

    7:00am Friday 29th November 2013 


  8. Saurez missed a lot of easy chances tonight, so did the other Liverpool players.


    He's still on 31 goals this season which is a joint PL record total. Not interested in the great individual achievement though. What a team player, crying like that. Shows he cares about the team winning.

  9. What's the song Palace are singing to the tune "I fought the law" by The Clash? Wish we had some decent songs.


    you're only singing when you're winning.*


    being down the bottom of the league is not good for inventiveness. there's nothing to sing about.


    Palace have come up from being successful in the Championship.


    Swansea and Palace have the best fans for songs in this league.



    We get knocked down, and we go again...


    ...we're never going down again


    must be lots of potential in the tubthumping lyrics...



  10. Top 20 tackling forwards in the Premier League



    Yoan Gouffran - 56 (30/4) 


    Marouane Chamakh - 49 (25/5)


    Jay Rodriguez - 47 (30/3) Sir Tackle-Goals 


    Marko Arnautovic - 45 (26/3) 


    Morgan Amalfitano - 38 (25/2)


    Johan Elmander - 38 (15/13)


    André Schürrle - 37 (15/14)


    Fraizer Campbell - 32 (31/5)


    David Silva - 31 (24 / 1)


    Olivier Giroud - 30 (35)


    Wayne Rooney - 29 (27/2)


    Ashkan Dejagah - 26 (13/8)


    Gabriel Agbonlahor - 26 (28/1)


    Andreas Weimann - 26 (29/6)


    Fabio Borini - 25 (23/7)


    Steven Naismith - 25 (12/18)


    Craig Bellamy - 23 (12/9)


    Emmanuel Adebayor - 22 (19/1)


    Stéphane Sessegnon - 22 (21/3)


    Kevin Mirallas - 22  (28/4)

  11. Top 20 tackling forwards in the Premier League



    Yoan Gouffran - 56 (30/4) 


    Marouane Chamakh - 49 (25/5)


    Jay Rodriguez - 47 (30/3) Sir Tackle-Goals 


    Marko Arnautovic - 45 (26/3) 


    Morgan Amalfitano - 38 (25/2)


    Johan Elmander - 38 (15/13)


    André Schürrle - 37 (15/14)


    Fraizer Campbell - 32 (31/5)


    David Silva - 31 (24 / 1)


    Olivier Giroud - 30 (35)


    Wayne Rooney - 29 (27/2)


    Ashkan Dejagah - 26 (13/8)


    Gabriel Agbonlahor - 26 (28/1)


    Andreas Weimann - 26 (29/6)


    Fabio Borini - 25 (23/7)


    Steven Naismith - 25 (12/18)


    Craig Bellamy - 23 (12/9)


    Emmanuel Adebayor - 22 (19/1)


    Stéphane Sessegnon - 22 (21/3)


    Kevin Mirallas - 22  (28/4)

  12. not worried about lack of self-belief as Jack is already performing. dealing with over-confidence could be his next problem. best young player in League One right? Lambert would buy him if he wasn't already at the club.


    don't expect him to have the power of Ronaldo or Bale with the long range shooting but he could knock the occasional one in from outside the penalty area like Sterling who can't be any bigger than Jack... 


    Sterling's scored 9 Premier League goals this season and has one from long range.



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