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Posts posted by sidcowans21


    If you want me to stop preaching, PM me. What was it you and Richard said 'All ye of little faith'? Mwwwhaaaa


    You never preach when you shine the Gent's shoes? Strange. Hell, keep preaching baby, you mean nothing to me anyway. If you want to continue abusing and labeling me and Richard for sharing information, go for it champ... chump. 


    Abusing you lol. What, because you don't like people answering you back and you have been found out to actually know nothing?




    But passing on so called info that then proves to be bollocks isn't very helpful is it ?

    A meteorologist might tell us that the sun is coming out tomorrow and I'll be a bit pissed off if pisses down while I'm wearing shorts. Doesn't make them liars, sometimes information is wrong.

    Funny how they didn't mention Ryan Bertrand though isn't it? ITK my arse

    mate you are entitled to your opinion and I'm not saying your wrong. All I am saying is that there are some very respected posters on here that do not post for effect, so its my opinion that maybe they recieved info that they believed to be correct as opposed to seeking attention. Just my opinion pal..


    I totally respect your opinion mate, but why don't they just post the players in question. When the fans have complained in the last few days that nothing will be happening, we keep getting 'All ye of little faith' and stupid riddles, as if they know something big is going to happen. It's ridiculous. Surely they would have had a hint that a new defender (Bertrand) was coming, yet nothing at all was mentioned.


    But passing on so called info that then proves to be bollocks isn't very helpful is it ?

    A meteorologist might tell us that the sun is coming out tomorrow and I'll be a bit pissed off if pisses down while I'm wearing shorts. Doesn't make them liars, sometimes information is wrong.


    Funny how they didn't mention Ryan Bertrand though isn't it? ITK my arse




    You don't like the criticism, yet love all the attention for people to 'pm' you with your fabricated info.


    Yawn. I am really not bothered chap. Please take your lecturing elsewhere, it bores me.


    Your fake info bores me.


    I am not forcing you to believe it, move on and stop preaching. 


    If you want me to stop preaching, PM me. What was it you and Richard said 'All ye of little faith'? Mwwwhaaaa

    • Like 1

    Gentleman, why are you having a go at other people, when it was you that got your 'supposed' info wrong? All these riddles and secret pm's, and you and Richard saying to the fans 'All ye of little faith' has made you look like attention seeking fools.




    You don't like the criticism, yet love all the attention for people to 'pm' you with your fabricated info.

    • Like 1

    They just wanted the attention and to feel important. Bless them


    You must live a sheltered life, I feel sorry for you.


    Gentleman, why are you having a go at other people, when it was you that got your 'supposed' info wrong? All these riddles and secret pm's, and you and Richard saying to the fans 'All ye of little faith' has made you look like attention seeking fools.

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    I'm guessing Gentleman and Richard are feeling very sheepish 

    Not really chap,  in fact I'm struggling to actually give a flying fig.


    I was privvy to something I felt was quite positive,  passed on that positivity on what is actually a transfer SPECULATION thread and if it happens then brilliant,  if it doesn't then brilliant as I'm still supporting Villa


    But I tell you what it does mean,  it does mean mistakes have been learned in terms of future posting.  I could do without the agro and abuse and PMs to be fair from what was me trying to pass on a bit of positivity,  wont make that mistake again.  Those serious souls can wallow in their despair and then complain that nothing exciting ever happens or gets spoken about the club


    Not being funny mate, i always used to respect what you posted, but you have made yourself look a bit stupid. Saying things like 'Keep the faith' and these supposed top secret 'pm's'. It is just looking for attention really. We all know Hairy Hands was the only real ITK on here.

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    How is signing a COVER player akin to lambert thinking 'he is the solution'. As I said, you're creating your own argument. As a cover striker, the signing makes sense to an extent. In any other circumstance it would make no sense and I'd be pissed off too.

    If he was signing him as our main striker then yeah, mental. But he isn't and won't be.

    Just a slight flaw in your, IMO blind faith argument re Lambert Stefan


    Strikers at the club








    Fonz (loan)

    Bent (loan)


    So why are we signing Holt exactly? Is he to be a (and it will need to be a widened) bench warmer? Will it be to replace Gabby or Benteke? Is Wiemann now a sub? What is Helnius and Bowery's roles at the club? Why have Fonz and Bent been moved on?


    The timing and the type of player that Lambert has seemingly got here is somewhat strange especially given then more pressing requirements in midfield and defence. The type of football we have seen this year has been awful, reliance on hoof ball and when that does not work (often) then mere capitulation as we have seen at VP. Is Holt the type of player that will change that philosophy?


    I understand the comments some are making this being a no risk, but is it? Who's nose will be put out of joint (deliberate choice of words) by his arrival, how much is he costing? What is this saying about Lamberts and the clubs strategy? Also why now? why not at the start of the window? why not immediately after Kozak got injured?


    Lots of questions and not a lot of enthusiasm for this signing ......... but if as it seems he will be wearing the XXXXL Villa shirt then good luck to him and let's hope he scores a shed load


    You do realise this is only a loan move for Holt? You state all the strikers we have, yet many posters are creaming themselves at Klose (another stiker), which won't happen. Don't people realise these websites come out with these ridicolous rumours to get you to their website and click on adverts etc...? Trust me, im a marketer :)

  9. after the signing of Holt. I am 100% behind the next manager of this football club. The amount of times Lambert has made a joke of this club. record defeats.. worst home record.. dreadful signings.. Grant farking Holt.


    Great 'lift' for the club so far..... we better back it up and sign Depay or Kiyotake or the only lift at the club would be a forklift trying to move Holt around the park.


    Lerner then brings in someone like Dave Jones as manager with the same restricted budget. Yeah, great, can't wait.

  10. I actually find it hilarious that there are a group of people on here who actually really beleive they know

    better than the Manager about who else he might be signing (the 'not a priority' people);

    better than our fitness staff (he is fat etc etc - (in fact some of the most needlessly insulting comments about a prospective Villa player I have ever heard);

    and they know how unimportant and embarrassing it is that PL thinks Holts maturity may matter - despite PL having actually worked with the player and, unlesss I am mistaken, none of the derisory bunch having done so.

    And they all know we 'have enough strikers'.

    They really think they really do 'know' so much about football that they appear to 'know' our Manager is an idiot.

    Yet those self same people appear to be totally unaware how silly they sound.

    No, Holt is not a top draw player. Yes, it does - or might - give an indication as to where we are with wages etc.

    But he may well be able to play a worthwhile role - perhaps the Manager isn't an idiot ?

    Agree. I asked someone on here who exactly they would buy if they only had say £3 million and maybe £20k a week wages budget. They suggested a tottenham player who is on about £60k a week and would probably cost around 5-6 million lol!



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    He scored 25 goals for Norwich in the PL and they didn't just play hoof ball. He clearly had the footballing ability to play in the PL then. Whether he does now is another question entirely.

    First Jordan Bowery now this, you are somehow trying to defend PL's possible signing of Grant Holt on loan, **** hell.



    It's like you don't even read what is being posted.


    By your statement it strongly suggests you're trying to defend the possible signing, '25 goals for Norwich' and 'they didn't play hoof ball' etc. Just another decision that warrants PL's sacking, adding to the lacklustre performance yesterday evening. 



    It's like the bolded part of my post isn't even there.


    I can see it plain and clear fella but you still look like you want to see big Grant Holt up front playing a starring role at VP lol.


    It's quite obvious you didn't read Stefan's post properly.


    Haha predictable.


    You are clearly unable to not see things in black and white.


    Obviously if one can see the logic in this signing then they 'are a defender' and they have 'so much faith in Lambert'. Obviously you can only either 'have faith in Lambert' or 'not have faith in Big John's world because there is no grey area where you might like some traits of Lambert's management and hate others. If you actually read anything I said rather than categorising me into one of your neat little boxes then we might be able to get somewhere.


    As for your strawman. It's more black and white thinking.


    >Lambert signs Holt so that clearly means he can't cope without him


    Without any sort of grey area for the reasons why he might do this. Rather not than 'he can't cope without him', it could be that he wants short term cover for Kozak and Holt is a player he knows. Or there could be aspects of both. That he likes him as a player and thinks he could do a job.


    But no, it's one or the other and I'm clearly a defender of the signing because I can see how this could possibly benefit us without throwing a total hissy fit at the very mention of his name.


    And the best thing is, your tone of posting. You can't resist lining your posts with condescension at anybody who might not share an opinion with yourself, when most of the time you manage to distance yourself from the discussion due to your inability to not see things as A or B.


    To be honest, I don't really care. You clearly aren't happy unless there is something to moan about. Whether it's Randy, or this potential signing, it's all just fuel to add to your fire. And where else would you be without that fuel?


    Spot on mate. He keeps repeating himself when he doesn't get a reaction from someone. Sad really

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    How will the desperate football we are watching week in week out suddenly improve with a lump like Holt upfront?

    That's one of the things I'm demanding from Lambert in the second half of the season.

    It won't, but odds are we won't be seeing a lot of Holt unless there are injuries.
    We saw a fair amount of kozak and hes replaced him.

    You do know Benteke was injured for a fair few games right?

    Really? Was he?

    Out of the 15 games kozak appeared in benteke appeared in 6 of them. You think lambert spent that money on kozak to only play when benteke was injured?

    And TBH it doesn't matter how little he plays, if lambert can't cope without grant holt then why do you have such faith in him?







    How will the desperate football we are watching week in week out suddenly improve with a lump like Holt upfront?

    That's one of the things I'm demanding from Lambert in the second half of the season.

    It won't, but odds are we won't be seeing a lot of Holt unless there are injuries.
    We saw a fair amount of kozak and hes replaced him.

    You do know Benteke was injured for a fair few games right?

    Really? Was he?

    Out of the 15 games kozak appeared in benteke appeared in 6 of them. You think lambert spent that money on kozak to only play when benteke was injured?

    And TBH it doesn't matter how little he plays, if lambert can't cope without grant holt then why do you have such faith in him?


    Who said he can't cope?

  14. It almost feels as though the defenders of this signing are just doing it for the sake of it now. I'm pretty sure if anyone else in the league had picked up an overweight 32 year old that's featured in just 11 games for a mid table Championship side you'd be scratching your head and wondering why, or even having a good laugh at their expense.

    Why? Because they don't agree with you? It's obvious this is for cover for Kozak. Some on here get more into a tizz about nothing than my wife.

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  15. Be funny if he bangs a few goals in, if only just to see peoples reactions on here

    Exactly. Probably the same people who said Robbie Keane was way over the hill, was crap and was an awful signing. Yes, slate him if he plays a few games and is terrible. Let's just see what happens eh?

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  16. Forget Defour, national player for Belgium, we need real quality for the bucks, 23 year old player from league 1!

    Who is to say we are not in for Defour and other players?

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    I doubt Nakhi Wells would anywhere near a starter, but if we've been watching him and know other clubs have to, we've probably decided to get in now while we can.


    This summer, who knows which strikers could leave, Benteke almost certainly if his form picks up, Weimann, if he continues in this dire form, Gabby, HUGE wage packet and plays maybe 10 good games a season


    Might be a complete clear out on the striker front.

    Lambert preparing for next season in the Championship, what a **** clown.
    Opinion presented as fact based on a rumour.  Nicely done  :rolleyes:


    Haha can't wait till he is presented outside BH and its shown on SSN ;)

    Whether it's true or not is moot, as you called Lambert a "**** clown" based on the rumour.

    If Wells does indeed turn out to be a Villa player, surely one would be more critical of PL were he to be the only signing of the window.

    Signed alongside players that would improve the side could be seen as a decent gamble - with other mitigating criteria.

    But why wait? Let's all react now shall we?


    So I can't call the manager who IMO will take us down this season that, sorry :)





    What is *mind-blowing?? Also StanBalaban you said "What he's done for sure", what has he done, so far this season he has produced a worst style of football than McLeish did, I never thought that was possible. 

    Regarding Wells, I haven't got anything bad to say about the kid, I'm more concerned by the fact we are looking at signing players from League One. Funds should be utilised towards more experienced signings e.g. Defour and Lescott.


    Have you not heard about the cost cutting and reduced wage bill by Randy Lerner?


    Indeed I've heard about it, but its getting to a stage where the cost cutting from RL due to MON's unlicensed spending is looking like it could cost us our Premiership stature.


    I agree with you on that, but why blame Lambert when he is totally restricted by the money available. Just out of interest, who would you buy for say 3.5million and say £20000 a week wages?









    I doubt Nakhi Wells would anywhere near a starter, but if we've been watching him and know other clubs have to, we've probably decided to get in now while we can.


    This summer, who knows which strikers could leave, Benteke almost certainly if his form picks up, Weimann, if he continues in this dire form, Gabby, HUGE wage packet and plays maybe 10 good games a season


    Might be a complete clear out on the striker front.

    Lambert preparing for next season in the Championship, what a **** clown.
    Opinion presented as fact based on a rumour.  Nicely done  :rolleyes:


    Haha can't wait till he is presented outside BH and its shown on SSN ;)

    Whether it's true or not is moot, as you called Lambert a "**** clown" based on the rumour.

    If Wells does indeed turn out to be a Villa player, surely one would be more critical of PL were he to be the only signing of the window.

    Signed alongside players that would improve the side could be seen as a decent gamble - with other mitigating criteria.

    But why wait? Let's all react now shall we?


    So I can't call the manager who IMO will take us down this season that, sorry :)





    What is *mind-blowing?? Also StanBalaban you said "What he's done for sure", what has he done, so far this season he has produced a worst style of football than McLeish did, I never thought that was possible. 

    Regarding Wells, I haven't got anything bad to say about the kid, I'm more concerned by the fact we are looking at signing players from League One. Funds should be utilised towards more experienced signings e.g. Defour and Lescott.


    Have you not heard about the cost cutting and reduced wage bill by Randy Lerner?

  19. I seem to remember quite a few people on here looking quite stupid when all the same quotes being banded around about Hoolahan were said about Robbie Keane and what a player he was.


    Let's just give the guy a chance if he does join and see what happens? If he turns out to be crap after a few games, then everyone was right. But give him a chance?

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