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Status Replies posted by TRO

  1. Im very interested in hearing the story. Basically I think we look at it more or less in the same way, maybe its just me having the difficulties to express my self in a seconf language.

    1. TRO


      Hi Mads

      You are right, but some times faces fit with coaches sometimes they don't, sometimes they are overworked in their eyes and take the easy route.

      I would suspect Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi are what they are through their own personal motivation and training

      I suspect one on one coaching only happens at certain clubs.....thats something we are not privvy to.

      we as fans don't get to see the warts and all, so we can only speculate.

      I am not so much pro Bruce as some think.....I am just unsure, he can be blamed for as many things as some fans do blame him for....I think there are worse managers out there......and whilst we are looking for a better one, might get one of them....its a roll of the dice in many cases.

      nb when I answer your posts on line i will refer back to Taxahunter......thanks for the chat.



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  2. Im very interested in hearing the story. Basically I think we look at it more or less in the same way, maybe its just me having the difficulties to express my self in a seconf language.

    1. TRO


      Hi Taxahunter

      where are you from bye the way?

      No I understand your point and largely agree with it.

      This is a true story.....and the point is motivation and taking responsibility for yourself.


      I was running a pub/bar in Birmingham and it was used by many WBA players, one player in particular used to spend much time talking to me, he was just progressing from the youth academy and was having difficulty in getting in to the first team....He was extremely frustrated.

      I was asking him how much the club knew about his predicument and had he spoken to anyone about it.....It was clear to me that all they were interested in is players doing the business, not ones who had issues or personal ( footballing problems).

      I said to the player, you must know deep down what your strengths and weaknesses are and so do the club.....go back after training in the afternoons and work for 2 hrs on those weaknesses every day

      He said Nobby Stiles ( the coach) has not asked me to do that.....I said Nobby Stiles don't give a flying **** where you make it or not another player will come along who gives him less issue.

      I said if its aerial work get one of the younger lads to help and cross the ball for you....but work, work,work until you get into that first team.

      Now I was in a pub, my pub, so I had had a few and I was most passionate in my delivery to him....He could see in my eyes I meant serious work, hard graft.

      My pub was a young clientele and was very very busy most nights , but I hadn't seen the player for some time, but reading the press learn't he had managed to secure a place in the first team and secured a place in the England under 23 team.

      Now I am not claiming fame for his success, merely explaining how these players need to help themselves a bit and take good advice.

      Months later the player came in to the pub and give me a high five...and thanked me for the motivating chats.

      That player was Carlton Palmer.

      ps My friend met Carlton in Dubai where he lived and mooted that story ( not sure if he never believed me) My freiend told me Carlton remembered it well and said it was most helpful at the time.

      shame it wasn't a villa player......but I hope you get my point.....It has to come from within outsiders can only help.


      ( Tro)


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hiya

    Nice to read your Post.  I've been well and truly ambushed by snowychap in an increasingly unpleasant series of PM's (blocked him now !!).  I wish I'd said nothing !

    I know there's lots of bad stuff everywhere - this is my break from it all !!

    Ah well, don't read website threads if you want to stay calm !

    Main thing is, here's hoping.  Like yourself, I think we need to establish some character, above all else really at first. It going to be interesting times, and more fun, in the traditional non-fun way of supporting a football Club, than we've had for some time !

    1. TRO


      Hi Terry

      I think this site drifts away from football at times in a weird sort of way.....I'm tempted to say self indulgence by some of them.

      We have a new owner and it seems some just want to pick flies.....it was the same with Nigel Pearson the vitriol for a man they don't even know.

      I also think there is a kinda syndicate that supports each others views....it is made evident when a little bit of controvesy or something that goes against their grain is raised

      I would say bollocks to Snowyfella.....but its not worth continuing.....Its not your job to make them see your point, they either do or they don't

      I do

      keep up the good posting.

      ps my names Paul

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