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Posts posted by Trinity-Tom

  1. Olenjiker has his views because of his religious beliefs. I disagree with those and having gone to Catholic school all my life I have realised how much of a cult the Catholic church really is (in my opinion). However, it is ok to have the beliefs he does as long as he doesn't proclaim to be right and doesn't discriminate. It is his opinion and he is entitled to it.

    To me homosexuality is not a sin it is a natural path which cannot be cured. (And nor should it).

  2. I think it is down to Social conditioning/nurture.

    For example the few gay people that I know were brought up with a single parent (the female.), I think it is something to do with the lack of male influence on their lives, the same goes for the people I know who are a bit **** up on drugs.

    Well I am heterosexual as are several other people I know that were raised in single parent families.

    It is dangerous to try to extrapolate your experiences (people in general that is) when they are so limited in volume, as an explanation for something so sensitive!

  3. If choosing to be gay is a choice then choosing to be straight MUST be also. In that way, we are born without sexual inclination and generally go with the norm.

    FWIW, I think that is rubbish and that we are born the way we are. Some factors in our upbringing may assist in a person "coming out" or "staying in" but fundamentally we are attracted to who we are due to factors beyond our control.

  4. Imagine MON thought it was a good idea and sent him off for a month. Imagine he scores, what would he do? If he celebrated, many Villa fans would be unhappy, if he didn't many of the b-losers would be unhappy.

    I don't see how this benefits anyone but SHA.

    If he is available for a months loan, surely there are other clubs who would be interested like Stoke.

  5. I agree with everything you are saying Sheriff except for the comment about Moore. He is premiership quality in my opinion and would not benefit by playing in the Championship. I think he would sooner leave than do that and I wouldn't blamce him.

    I see him as very similar to Bent and given a run in the team I think he would be scoring at a similar rate. I appreciate that this is just my opinion but I think Ashton would be more important than Bent because of this.

  6. I think Hughes, for his versatility and experience is worth keeping. As an impact player Berger may be useful to keep on a 12 month contract.

    Buying too many players all at once can be unsettling. I would rather sign 4 top quality players and 2 or 3 18/19 year olds for the future. The only players who should be leaving are Hendrie, Sutton, Djemba Djemba, Delaney and maybe JPA and Samuel (although the latter 2 may be worth keeping for another season).

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