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Posts posted by Nabby

  1. Looking at the team sheets yesterday even with injuries its not hard to see why we got hammered we just don't have the quality.Fact is between Randy ,PF and MON they wasted all the money we had to invest and now we are worse off than teams being promoted.I'd like to belive in Randy and he has done some good things but currently AVFC is being has poorly run as his Browns team.You have got to think at some point he will step aside if it continues.

    Could we get a worse owner ? Sure it's possible but I don't think we will struggle that much to be brought.

  2. I think our problem is now we have been stuffed in 2 matches no goals scored and we are going into a 6 pointer with a long list of injuries.Ireland starting and Bannan too thats the pretty much the only changes we can make.

  3. Stats look bad no getting away from it .

    Worried for next game can't see how the team can raise them selves after the 2 losses in what is now a 6 pointer with so many injuries.

    We got a goal down at Wigan we will crumble.I also suspect they will pass it around whilst we run around like headless chickens to put pressure on them only to tire badly towards the end.

  4. milner is not the "man" we thought he was,we thought he was your working class football player..like roy keane.. hes a modern day footballer..take the £ and run, villa would not pay over 100k a week fact,man city do not need to off load him. we need to lower the bar & look at olsson & morrison from wba..dont laugh fella they are (wba) above us.

    Doubt WBA will sell to us ..in regard Milner they apparently want rid so surely we could ,if we wanted do something similar to Given's deal lower salary but longer contract.In the end it would come down to what offers he has.

  5. Whilst we are not as good as the Norwich and Liverpool results suggested we are not as poor as yesterdays result either. The truth lies somewhere in between.

    There are however two glaring concerns. Lack of goals and how poor we are at times defensively. Even at Norwich and Liverpool where we achieved two fantastic results we could easily have conceded 4 at Norwich and another couple at Liverpool. Herd is not a centre back. I love his all out attitude but positionally he is all over the place and is way too rash at times. Clark needs an experienced head alongside him still which at 23 perhaps still shouldn't be the case. I like Baker but you put him with the other 2 and it brings his game down. This area needs addressing in January as even with Vlaar back we still lack as I don't see Dunne kicking a ball for us again.

    Then we have the issue of lack of goals. We have the players to stick the ball in the net what we don't have is any creativity in midfield. Again another area Lambert desperately needs to address in January. Bannan is not good enough and until we do sign someone I'd rather see Ireland in the team.

    It is also now time for Lambert to drop Lichaj and give Bennett a run who despite a shaky start I hope can come good with a run of games and should certainly be suited to playing as a wing back if we are to persist with playing 3 centre backs. You can't fault Lichaj's attitude he gives 100% but he simply is not good enough.

    Massive transfer window coming up. I hope Lerner backs his manager as we desperately need 2 or 3 players who can make an instant impact.

    Great post.Totally agree about Herd only so far enthusiasm will get you in this league from the first minute yesterday he was all over the place positionally and never recovered also as a midfielder by trade his passing is very hit and miss.Against Stoke where effort is needed we did well but against the guile of the likes of Mata and Hazzard we were found seriously wanting.Will Chelsea beat another team 8-0 this season maybe not but they will stuff a few teams.I think yesterday you also saw that Bannan and Westwood are tidy passers of the ball but physically they are slight and were dominated by Luiz ,though hardly suprising whilst somewhat dodgy as a defender at times the guy is a world class and cost Chelsea £30mil IRC.TBH I am suprised KEA didn't come on and just to put some tackles in to disrupt Chelsea a little.

    With regards Norwich they have built on what Lambert left their by introducing experainced players like Bassong and Garrido hopefully this is something Lambert himself will take on board because enthusiam of youth and Talent will only get you so far we need some experainced players unfortuantly for Lambert the players he was left with who are experianced Nzog / Bent / Dunne / Ireland have not performed this season or last really.

  6. I think you all need to accept that we were beaten yesterday because we were worse than poor and totally outclassed by a struggling Chelsea side just back from a very long trip which some posters had suggested would give us a more than reasonable chance of beating Chelsea.

    It was nothing to do with fatigue or decisions by the referee.

    Losing 0-8 and still trying to excuse it won't wash with anyone.

    Struggling Chelsea who scored 6 in their last champs league game and 5 in midweek.

    It hypercritical for you to say we are making excuses for ourselves yet you downplay Chelsea as a struggling side in recent times to make the result look worse ( not that thats really possible but kudos for trying )

  7. In other news


    Paul Lambert, Norwich City and Aston Villa have agreed settlement in respect of the dispute regarding Paul Lambert’s departure from Norwich City, whereby Villa will pay Norwich City the original amount as agreed in the contract between Paul Lambert and Norwich City, and Norwich City will pay Paul Lambert the bonus he was entitled to after completion of the 2011/12 season.

    This represents a final settlement of all claims and disputes between the parties. No further comment will be made.

  8. Disappointing to lose our GD advantage.An embarrassing scoreline but thats what is likely to happen with the gap the spending of the two teams.Fact is we could of gone defensive but we tried to score and kept getting caught.

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