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Posts posted by Mazrim

  1. Mashcerano is the most overrated footballer in the world and I'm sick of hearing about him.

    He's **** pony.

    Hes really not.

    Was Makelele crap as well, because Masherano is Makelele but quicker.

    Liverpool finished just below us but with shed loads of injuries along with Lucas and Masherano in midfield.

    Now Lucas is absolute shite, so i doubt they did ok with two shit CM's

    Yeah, he really is.

    Once they lost Alonso and Gerrard lost form they were crap. I wonder why? The season before their quality hid his lack of. The truth is he runs about kicking people and gobbing off at the ref. Whatever he does to earn this reputation, Ive yet to see it. Doesnt score, doesnt create, passing isnt up to much or very imaginative, isnt particularly quick or powerful. Average.

    People say he's much better than NRC but I cant see that either. In fact NRC replaced him at West Ham when they were plummeting towards relegation and helped save them. Mascherano was shite then and he isnt much better now. Completely overrated.

    Anyway, I'm not talking about that Speedy Gonzales looking gobshite any more. He isnt as good as Makelele was at all and I hope he never darkens our door. Believe the hype if you want. I dont.


    Just out of interest, and to check if I'm going mad or not, I checked the actim index to see where Mascherano ranked in the top 100 players last season. He's not even in it! Even more pointless than I thought then.

  2. Its the way of things in the academy but its also a good sign in a way. If they're letting good players go it means there are better behind them they need to make way for.

    Good luck to them though.

    This is very true, next season's u16s are outstanding and I expect at least 8 of them to get scholarships for 2011/12, it's probably the best all round group we've ever had.

    That does sound promising. Good stuff.

    Even if they're as good as the crop that produced Fonz, Albrighton, Clark... etc I'll be over the moon.

  3. I've watched a lot of academy/reserve and you can put me down as one who thinks Delfouneso will be a top striker.

    Better than Drogba? We'll see, but he is special and could achieve that level with a bit of luck and hard work.

    I dont know much about this Grealish lad but he sounds promising. He isnt the only one. We have a number of really exciting players on the horizon. I know fans want the finished article right now but trust me, the future is very exciting for us. We've really invested, financially and physically, in the academy. Without making a big hoo hah about it, we've set ourselves up as real school of excellence for yongsters and we'll attract far more in the future as a result.

    We wont get all the best players obviously but we'll be getting more through to the first team in future and even those that dont quite make it will be commanding decent fees that can put back into the club.

    Delfouneso, Clark, Albrighton, Gardner and Siegrist will make it as first teamers at Villa. I have no doubt about it.

    Weimann has a very good chance. Then there are players like Forrester, Bannan, Simmonds, Baker, Lowry, Herd, Hogg, Collins, Devine, Williams, Halfhuid, Lichaj and Carruthers etc... who all have a decent chance of playing for us or at a decent standard.

    I dont know much about the youngsters behind them. But the academy, rather than going out paying a fortune for already established players is where we'll concentrate our efforts I think and I'm happy about that. Its the right way to do it.

    Of course, there will have to be blend of the two in the meantime.

  4. I dont see why we should let Davies go for a song. He's a good player, has his best years ahead of him and is English so there's a premium.

    I'd say £8m is about right to start with and a straight swap for Keane a fair deal.

    The only issues with him is one too many injuries.

    I wouldnt even consider letting him go except we have an exceptional young talent in Clark so we have the cover.

    One thing we shouldnt do though is sell Milner before lining our targets up. Once clubs know we have another £30m burning a hole we'll get mugged left, right and centre.

  5. Yeah, no worries. We had this debate yesterday.

    Basically the Randy Lerner article has been totally misinterpreted by the press who say we have to sell to raise money for purchases. We dont. Its a load of bollocks. And some fans are believing it.

    To sum up, Randy says:

    - There is money to spend.

    - If there are players we want we can go after them without having to raise the cash from sales.

    - We wont spend £30m on one player.

    - We dont need to in order to compete for the top 4.

    - Top 4/silverware is still the aim.

    - All clubs will want to move players on as well as buy.


    The point being, money is no good to us compared to footballers because we're a football club. Good players are our lifeblood. We dont have Man City money but we dont need their money either.

    So we should tell them to **** off and continue on our own way.

  6. What are we, a **** shop?

    They can **** off! We need footballers. We have money.

    But were a business and if you use your shop term its like someone going to the Asda George collection and trying to pay £50 for a shirt.

    Not really because ASDA is actually a shop. We're a football Club.

    I just dont like it when we start thinking of what we should sell our players to Manchester poxy **** City for. Especially our best and homegrown ones.

  7. I do know of the details with FxPro and it is in line with a top PL club. Its more or less the same as Arsenals shirt deal for instance.

    I doubt Fulhams is even half, or a third of it.

  8. I dont see whats difficult to understand or that there's anything to criticise.

    FxPro met our demands and met Fulhams. Ours are bound to be much higher.

    They probably had a budget to get a big club and a smallish one.

    Its none of our business what they do with other clubs. If we'd have asked for more money they'd have said no.

    As it is it was a fantastic deal for us.

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