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Posts posted by Hughes

  1. 5 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    The only deluded one is you if you believe that.

    Sending a team out with the only goal being to beat Telford in a pre-season match would be moronic. That's not what they're for.

    Aaaahhh, the annual summer holiday debate on whether results in friendlies "means anything". On the face of it; of course they do not, no points are gained or lost. On the other hand; I strongly believe it says something about a team's culture and whether the players and management "accept" losing. Of course, when playing Telford it is not the main aim to win.  However, if you lose, and then lose more matches in preseason against lower teams, it does not help the general mood. Especially for a team/club like Villa who has produced loosers and loosing teams for years I do believe that results in preseason, at least taken as a whole, are indeed important. This club and these players need to learn to win and learn to understand that underachievement is no longer acceptable. If these players perform as they should, we do not lose preseason games against lower opposition. Besides, I just hate seing the great Aston Villa lose any game.... 

  2. 6 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

    If we do not ship out some at least of the players mentioned, I think we will be done there for more than one season anyway.

    Oh absolutely.  No doubt.  I was just saying that selling or kicking out all or most would perhaps be a bit too much. Some of the current bunch surely need to hack it in the Championship,  both in terms and attitude and quality. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Richard said:

    The list is far too smal .  It would be easier to say who I'd like to stay 

    Agreed that would be easier. But, coming back to my earlier point, shipping out all or most of the players will require a completely rebuild and I think that would mean we need more than one season to get back up. We had an extreme make over this season, we have had 5 (to be 6) managers in 5 years. No effing stability nowhere except for Lerner.  Changing 20 players now again with a new manager I  fear will be too much.  

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  4. @Mantis ,  yes I can agree with that list as a combination of lack of professionalism and lack of quality. However, to me Sanchez needs to be added, he is completely shit.  Bacuna needs to go as well, he has stated publicly he doesn't want to be here. That's 9 alone....

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  5. Agree that we should terminate several player contracts, I've been saying that for quite some time. However, if we are to terminate or sell or let go of most or all I think we all need to understand that assembling a completely new squad will likely mean that promotion next year will be hard. Surely, some of the current players must have the correct attitude and quality to play for us in the Championship?  

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  6. FFS, Before the season we had our most promising youngster and one of the players expected to carry a lot of the team this season in the effing gutter shit drunk and then a few days later downing vodka as water, and then later in the season chosing to not travel with the team back from an away game to that he could party with his cronies. The only thing more sad that the actions of Grealish is that lot of Villa fans at the time, and possibly still, seemed to say that "this is no big deal, its off season / after a game, he is only a young lad letting off some steam, surely YOU have done the same", and all kinds of other, to me, completely incomprehensive statements. Then, Okore announcing before the Liverpooil game that he, actually, would like to leave the Club. Further, Guzan and Lescott having the "gum-gate" at the cup match away and swearing at Villa fans. I actually kind of believe Lescott did not mean to send THAT tweat after the Liverpool game, but you never know. Now, Bacuna "is ready to leave within two years (who the absolute F*** does he think he is and how can he be so stupid to be quoted on this now?), and rumours of players wanting to be injured in order not to have to play. Add this with the, again in my view, wholly inappropriate story coming out of Dubai (I notice that several of you also say that "this is no big deal"!) and there is quite a lot of "evidence" that there is so much crap going on behind the scenes that the conclusion is rather evident. No manager can fix this shit by himself. Whoever the manager is and will be, the Club (Football Board) must give the manager ABSOLUTE support and power to kick out the underperformers and snakes (I start to think no wonder that THE snake actually left - at least he seems to be a player with a professional attitude). Also, I think we as fans need to stop accepting players going on booze benders and similar - it is NOT acceptable in my mind, not by a fat chance and for the most part you do not see that any more from players established at the top teams do you? Rant over. Apologies but I get really angry that Aston Villa is dragged through the dirt by absolute shit players with a horrendous attitiude towards their trade, their Club and employer and us fans.



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  7. 8 hours ago, theboyangel said:

    The problem is, even if we 'sack' a player - said player would just walk into another club on a free, with a massive signing on bonus.

    Sacking footballers is completely different to sacking an everyday employee - whilst getting sacked for you or me, would result in a massive black mark on our CV's and seriously hinder our chances of future employment, someone will always 'take a punt' on a 'disgraced' footballer and they'd always find another club.

    I don't know the answer for dealing with unprofessionalism within the club - their contracts state they merely have to turn up to training and be available for selection (which N'Zogbia has exploited for nearly 5yrs). If change is going to happen, then their contracts have to be 'tougher' but the problem then would be convincing players to sign them.

    Some of these players signing on for other clubs would just be great news to us - getting them out of the club and not having to pay crazy wages for nothing. Yeah, we may lose out on some transfer fees, but come on; we are not talking about big numbers here. It will cost something in terms of money to ship out the poison that is within the club but it will be worth it, in the short and medium term with respect to creating a more acceptable culture and for the longer term also with respect to money / values. The Club really cannot accept this shit to go on - footballers' contracts may be different from other employment contracts but a line must be drawn in the sand at some stage. As for creating stricter contracts and risking targets not wanting to sign for us - that is a risk I would take. If a player would not accept such terms (which should not be draconian and which could be difficult to draft in order to be clear as to what is expected from the player) I would say f*** him and move along to the next target. Next year we will be one of the most attractive Clubs, if not THE most attractive, below the PL and a lot of players would love to sign for Villa - hard to believe these days but I am absolutely sure of it.

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  8. 1 minute ago, VillaChris said:

    He dosen't want to be here anymore, let him go.

    Chris,  that's fine and I agree..but why is the media branding this as Garde getting the sack? I know, they love a "story" but a bigger story, surely, would be if a PL manager actually did not want to continue because his club was that crap that he just wanted to GTFO. Anyway, perhaps the absolute most negative thing is that the club seems to have really shafted him. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Woodytom said:

    I'm not with ya?

    Apologies. On Moyes you basically cover all possibilities by saying that "we all want him but he is still a poor manager" . So, if he is our new manager you position yourself to be able to say "told ya" if he turns out good (we all wanted him) or shit (but he is poor). Classic hedging! ☺

  10. 3 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:


    I wish we could just tear up some contracts, I have no doubt the board do too but unfortunately it is not going to happen. Unless you want to either pay up the value of the contract, come to a mutual agreement (unlikely) or frame them for grooming a 15 year old girl we are stuck with them for the duration.



    Exactly, I think you are correct but that's what I do not understand. If they are employees (and, surely they are), they should be subject to the same rules which will allow employers to terminate contracts for much less than grooming girls etc. I guess football contracts are different and give players more protection, which quite frankly is completely wrong IMO (but that's a complete different discussion). 

  11. Just now, rodders0223 said:

    You don't just write off a £10m 'asset'

    I understand that but none of the current "candidates" should have a book value of anywhere  near 10 million.  Besides,  terminating contracts should also save lots of wages so should have a positive impact on the P&L. 

  12. Possibly a stupid question but are not the players formally employees of Aston Villa? In any other business there may be legal grounds to terminate the (employment) contract for under performance, why not in football?  If the attitude is crap and if you do not contribute in a positive way or, conversely, is posion for the rest of the Group you would be sacked by any other employer so why not here? Just effing terminate the contracts if the attitudes are as shit as reported and take the legal battle thereafter.  FFS, there needs to be some limits as to what kind of shit this particular employer must accept.  I do understand the club would forego any transfer fees in this scenario but still - who would pay anything for these players anyway? 

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, bose said:

    Not that Remi has done a good job but as we've seen the players don't give a **** about Aston Villa Football Club. Apparently David Ginola has spoken a few times with Garde. Nothing new perhaps.

    And herein lies the problem. Absolute first grade tossers in the Squad. We have had 5 managers in 5 years FFS. It's not primarily the manager(s). Even Fergie could not have helped this shower of absolute shite.   

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  14. Seems Remi is preparing for the sack by ensuring that the press gets hold of "players have awful attitude" and thereby trying to get the blame away from himself. However, there has been so much reported now about shit attitudes and bad professionalism that it simply cannot be ignored. As many have said before, we could have effing Ferguson as manager and we would still be shit - the problem primarily (not completely) is due to the players IMO and I have no doubt that we are far far far away the top teams with respect to attitude and  professionalism. So, I would rather ship out most of the squad and keep Garde but I am resigned to the probability that he will be removed and we will get yet another manager who will have to assess the same shit squad and fight the same shit attitudes and so the merry-go-around keeps going. Basically, I am not too fussed about who the new guy will be, it will be the same absolute unacceptable crap unless the new manager is given the absolute support from the Board, and has the ability and willingness, to clear the Squad from losers, underachievers  and clearings in the woods who should not be allowed to ever wear our shirt again. The one thing about Garde is IMO that he has made the assessments and he knows that several players have to leave  and he knows who they are. Anyway, he is gone and God help the new guy coming in.


  15. Would Moyes accept to work under what seems to be the Villa set up with a DOF kind of guy and having to report to a "football board"? I would have thought that Moyes would require full control and if so, he will not be our new manager. Southgate could be a great shout - not sure I want him but sounds rather possible. 

  16. So, the day after the chairman  points out in public that stability is the one absolute key for success and that having five managers in five years is quite simply not sustainable,  he is going to sack the manager he at the same time branded "one of the best in Europe"? If so, only at Aston Villa. And Steve Bruce? GTFO. 

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  17. Impressive football background indeed,  but this guy is 73 years old. Is he really up to speed on the modern game - it has changed a lot only the few last years.  And, are we trying to create a Man City alumni now that the Arsenal love in seems to have failed. Sorry, not convinced that old men picking up their last pay checks are going to solve the fundamental and enormous problems of our club. 

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