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Posts posted by Richard

  1. 3 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Hope you get your refund. Hope you don't come back when we are promoted even more so.

    Posts like this aimed at fellow villa fans really and honestly trouble me greatly, especially as fans have gone through 6 years of utter shite . If someone has an objection to the way the club is run, or the product on offer then it is their right to do with their money and their free time as they will. Fans will be with this club long after the next lucky incumbent of the manager's chair.

    • Like 3
  2. 17 minutes ago, TRO said:

    Richard, I don't think you have come to terms with our demise and the effect of it

    Not sure how you come to that opinion to be honest , in fact you should come to the opposite opinion if you pay attention to my posts

    i recognise we are in a mess and need long term correction

    i do not expect us to get promoted this season and never have

    i have previously said we'd finish mid table at best

    in fact I'd argue that I have come to terms with it better than those suggesting that we can still get promoted this season and just need Steve Bruce to make that happen!

    just because I do not believe Bruce is the man for us does not mean I have not accepted our position , just that I think there are better options for us. 

    Bit patronising actually your line I've quoted 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, thabucks said:

    I don't get to go too many games due to my work, but I'm not wasting my time going when I can spend time with my family. Will always love the villa and will follow them with as much passion and pride as before. Just don't waste my time and money on watching a Steve Bruce villa team. Simple as! 

    I really hope he is a success and I get these words rammed down my throat next season, but I have a personal long held dislike for the man,. Just because he will villa manager won't change that. 

    Perfectly entitled to hold that opinion.

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  4. 1 minute ago, thabucks said:

    If it's Fat **** Steve Bruce I'm done and will be demanding a refund on my corporate ticket they begged &begged me to buy. Don't care that he has managed sha a decade ago just hate the fat prick as a man and manager. Simple (and childish) as. It will be the last straw for me. 

    I feel your pain and a little of my love for the club dies if it's him

  5. 2 minutes ago, jon_c said:

    After not really understanding the calls for Steve Bruce across social media, I decided to take a little time and look back through the squads he assembled over the years at the different clubs he'd managed. 

    Now I understand even less, why people want Steve Bruce here.

    He would be totally the wrong choice for us 

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, chrisvilla4 said:

    Heart Wagner - Head Bruce. 

    I think we would have more chance of promotion /playoffs with Bruce. 

    Wagner would need to implement style/ changes where as Bruce would be more simplistic imo. 

    Id take dull and uninspiring if it got us promoted. 

    Bruce would also need to implement style changes,  both of them would as one of the issues is we do not have a style / tactical approach to the game right now

  7. 12 minutes ago, Villastine said:

    Well you can have a long term plan and continually change manager. A lot of people believe 3 years should be a managers max, something Pep follows.

    Watford use short term targets in their long term view. 

    The Watford board would hire the likes of Bruce or McCarthy, fund them to get promoted and then sack them immediately.

    For me long term is more than 12 months.  Some are saying get Bruce,  he gets us up this year then we change in the summer.  Bonkers

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

    Not trying to convince anyone because I don't think I can - too many variables.  But I think - but can't prove - that Wagner is a better managerial prospect so i don't see him a much higher risk. In my mind we have to account for what happens IF we get promoted in 2017-8 (unlikely this year if not impossible). With Bruce the scenario I see is we have a team built in his image (through three transfer windows) but we part ways after promotion and have a massive rebuild on our hands to stay up. That is a big risk to me.  IF we get promoted with Wagner I think it is more likely to we have a manager that will stay and a team that could compete in the PL with some quality additions, so less disruption and less risk in my eyes.  I know the common view is we shouldn't think beyond promotion, but I don't share that way of thinking. I don't want to bet the farm to go up and come down. If history has taught us anything it is that massive rebuilds rarely work. I want to bet the farm on going up and been in a position to stay up with the same manager and core players.

    This for me. If promotion is the thing people want then we have to look at what happens after promotion.  To do anything else is far too short term and will not help the club at all.  Very very foolish

  9. 20 minutes ago, TheStagMan said:

    It is just a little frustrating that (from the outside) it appears that our managerial hunt (again) is so hopeless. Swansea sack their manager, immediately announce Bob Bradley - Cardiff sack Trollope on Tuesday and announce Warnock on Wednesday! I am not saying I like those managers but it does seem like other clubs have a plan and we don't!


    Where I do have some sympathy is that you would have hoped that they had some contingency plans.  That they had played out what if scenarios in case of the need to remove the manager.  That they would have done this over the course of the last few weeks. Who knows maybe they did and the what we are now seeing is something that developed as part of that strategic thinking.  A step back to make strides forward.  Let's hope so eh?

    As I said I hope I am not over thinking or giving credit where it is not due. I certainly hope there is a plan and maybe my reading of the current situation could be taken  as confirmation bias (there's that phrase again),  it will only really be proven in time wont it.

    I certainly hope that regardless of names they are looking for a manager who is successful,  has a plan to be successful,  has a plan for a way of team working,  of utilising the assets at his disposal in the most productive way and of identifying additional assets needed to help support and grow the club and that that manager has a long term not short term approach to it.  Above all else this last one is so important to me as a fan.  I am not motivated or pushed by an objective to be successful in promotion this year.  As nice as it would be I do not and did not think it realistic or achievable .  It is not about this season for me.  It is about the long term success of the cub .

    Now on saying what I want in a manager I have to trust those charged with making the decision to first of all agree with my outlook and secondly identify someone who has that ability,  someone who in their judgement has that ability. 

    So do I think they have that outlook? Dont know,  hope so as for me it is the only way for sustained and long term development of the club.  Do I believe they have that judgement to be able to identify someone?  Well to be honest in Xia and if it was him alone no I dont think he is capable of that.  Especially as it seems RDM was his pick.  However I think there are people at the club who do have that skil,  Wyness,  Round,  Little and people of influence (Taylor) who would all give good advice.  So on the second bit if they do approach it as I would like then yes I do believe there is sufficient football brain to pick the right man,  if the owner does not have sole say.

    Given all that I would be deeply troubled if they thought any of the following were able to show the necessary skill set I have outlined

    Bruce,  Pearson,  Mccarthy,  Hodgson, Mcclaren, Clarke, Cotterill,  Grayson,  Allardyce,  Mowbray, Sherwood,  Pearce (and maybe some others!)

    as to me they have not demonstrated that capability or have done and not for a while as their careers are downward and we need someone with an upward career trajectory.

    If any of these were to be recruited I would seriously doubt the ability of those charged with running our club


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  10. 1 minute ago, TheStagMan said:

    It is just a little frustrating that (from the outside) it appears that our managerial hunt (again) is so hopeless. Swansea sack their manager, immediately announce Bob Bradley - Cardiff sack Trollope on Tuesday and announce Warnock on Wednesday! I am not saying I like those managers but it does seem like other clubs have a plan and we don't!


    or other clubs have rushed and we wont

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  11. 36 minutes ago, Gary Thomas said:

    Still anybody's guess.  More it goes on the less likely it is going to be Bruce imo.

    I do not read it like that.  I read it that they may be trying to not make the same mistake again. 

    The only thing that length of time does convince me of though is how much they think we could get promoted this year or if it is still a realistic objective. I think if they felt this was the case then they would have made a swift appointment.  What I do suspect is that they have put the breaks on rushing headlong into mistake after mistake,  taken a step back and thought lets not **** this up again here there is too much money at stake lets make the right decision and see where that gets us this year and hope that next year we get promoted.  Just my thoughts and I hope I am reading it correctly and not crediting them with more nous than they have

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