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Posts posted by Richard

  1. 1 minute ago, blandy said:

    I can only speak for myself, and yes, I am just thick.

    So, being something of a retard, I had to ask, because I didn't understand what constituted the grounds for people saying essentially "get behind him or eff off" on this messageboard. For example, is hoping he does well as manager but not specifically saying it  on here a failure to "get behind him"? or is that OK? what exactly was Stefan (and others) complaining about or advocating I and other do? and what is it that I'm not supposed to do if I want to remain in the correct aspect with regard to Spudface, sorry, his excellency?

    Can I say that I've never liked the bloke? is that a bad thing? or have I to put aside my dislike of him and type something such as "Potato head is glorious" every third post? and at what point am I allowed to stop?

    What are the rules of this get behind him regime? Is it going to involve little models of him, it is isn't it? I can see the way it's going. Tiny little potato head figurines and sort of altars of King Edwardy worship.

    Good luck spudface.

    I think i love you,  so I'm getting behind you ;-)

  2. 31 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Prime example of not getting behind him.

    "even if he takes us up, he'll be shit in the long run"

    It's mental.

    And thats coming from some of those actually wanting him

  3. 2 minutes ago, VillaCas said:

    You just keep saying "get behind him" but what do you mean? Should we close the discussion thread? Are any doubters to be badged poisonous and disgusting?

    THIS a thousand times this.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    Set aside whatever preconceptions you may have of him the minute he becomes Villa manager. It's what he does in the dugout at Villa Park that he should be judged by. 

    No no no.  People are justifying his appointment by his career to date ,  what he has done to date.  If that can be used for justification it can also be used for judgement

  5. 24 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    What? :crylaugh:

    No I'm not, not even close.

    I'm saying supporters should get behind the new manager because it's common sense to get behind him until he shows anything to prove otherwise.

    Cheers,  I'll take the last 15 years experience of Steve bruce then to prove to me why I shouldnt "get behind him"

  6. 2 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    You're making out that these two assumptions are on the same level, whereas one is totally subjective and the other is objective.

    Bruce has success at achieving promotion in this league, indisputable fact.

    Bruce signs midfield cloggers. Subjective, stereotype, confirmation bias. Using vague terms like 'in the mould of' and 'i expect' doesn't change that. You're arguing semantics at that point. 

    You're making a argument that simply isn't there.


    Again you are wrong.  Any assumption of what the man will do based on what he has done is subjective,  ANY assumption. Bruce may have success at promotion in this league,  but does that mean he will have it with us?  That is subjective.

    Bruce has signed this type of player in the past so another poster thinks and therefore thinks he will do so again. Also subjective and also based on know;edge of how that manager has performed in the past. 

    Both are using past experiences to make a subjective comment about possible future scenarios.  You cannot deny one but allow the other.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, blandy said:

    "Mediocre Championship level team appoints Championship standard manager"

    It's what mostly happens.



    Doesn't fit with the stated aspirations though does it?

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Nice try, but no.

    When questioned on this lazy stereotype, Zatman provided 1 name, then 4 more. 5 names in a 20 year career doesn't validate a lazy stereotype I'm afraid.

    Actually you are wrong.  Your post that I quoted and questioned came directly after Zatman had said this " It will be a MON like transfer policy, some midfield cloggers in the mould of Savage or Damien Johnson. so I expect a return for Steve Sidwell and Reo-Coker "

    I've emboldened the bits from Zatman's post which are relevant to the point I was,  correctly,  making.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    I'm not happy at being in the position to consider Bruce a good choice for manager. I'd hoped Bruce was never a name seen a reasonable choice for the Villa dugout.

    But right now, he's probably the best. Bruce isn't a great manager. But at Championship level he's got a record that isn't bettered by many, and he's done that with very unfashionable clubs generally. He hasn't taken over a Newcastle post relegation and romped home as expected. He's got Blues and Hull up, and he's boxes back from struggling seasons to get them back. At Prem level he's not as good, but he's still had successes with weaker sides for a while. Not that that matters to us at the moment.

    And he's seasoned as a manager. He's managed for over a decade and he's been there and seen that. He's not kerning learning the ropes, he's dealt with players he's learnt to handle drama. We're not employing a rookie, like we did with Tim and arguably RDM and Garde. We need someone who can come in and start another day at the office. Someone who has dealt with a dressing room, got results, knows the game he wants to play.

    Bruce is that man. That's not to say he's perfect. I don't think he's the best in the transfer market, I don't think he's the most exciting manager, I dont think he's particularly flexible or clever, I don't think he's going to out think a smarter manager, etc etc. And that's also not to say that it wasn't possible for us to bring in a less proven name and have then achieve great things. But we don't need to gamble. We need the best shot at getting out of this hole as soon as possible, and we also clearly still have problems as a club that are quite fundamental. It's not a surprise that human nature favours an option that has succeeded before over options that might succeed but have no history of it.

    It doesn't excite me and I'm pissed off we're in the position that Bruce is the right man, even near a coup, but that's where we are. I hope he does his worth.

    If I could like another post today this would be it.  Not because I agree with where you are at in accepting the appointment but because you have expressed it in an excellent way.  I also have some sympathy for your point I really do.  My sympathy extends to accepting where we are as a club for me that does not then take the route of accepting Bruce is the man for us.  I do not but Chindie i like your post

  10. 2 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    Tough to read context, you rarely expand on a point! 

    The specific line was about promotion being 'not the be all and end all' - don't see how you can apply much context to that? It's a straight point. 




    I find it helps to read it in relation to the post I am replying to and so quoting.

  11. 1 minute ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    I know I maybe wrong, but the longer time goes on for this to be announced offers a glimmer of hope it may not be him!

    I think you are wrong but I share your hope

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Such a lazy stereotype with regards to Bruce.

    Hang on,  someone was quoting what they thought would happen based on what he has done before.  When fans are being asked to judge the man on his experience in this league and what he has done before it is only fair that they also apply that to his transfer strategy.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    I believe that someone mentioned Benitez. :trollface:

    Not in relation to I think we should go for him,  just in relation to promotions not being so important on a managerial CV.  Happy to clarify that for you.

  14. 3 minutes ago, TRO said:

    To my mind that is not what is being said...."perfect" is not a word that i have picked up from fans satisfied with the appointment.

    I have picked up for a good fit for the position we are in

    I would suggest that is your interpretation of fans supporting/defending the decision.

    With the possible exception of Graham Taylor & Martin O'Neill I can't remember anything close to a "perfect" signing (as a perception) in  our history.

    I have seen posts saying he is perfect for where we are now as he has four promotions.  I'll try and quite them for you if you want?

  15. 8 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    I think you are in a very small minority with that first line. 

    I'm not really sure what you are trying to say there? 

    Would you be happy staying in the championship with a manager you like, rather than get promoted with a manger you feel is limited?

    in order to start heading back to 'where we belong', then surely promotion is the very definition of 'the be all and all'? 

    I wish people would read in context what I have posted.  Clearly in a debate about the relative merits of our potential new manager people are saying he has promotions.  Further,  even more clearly,  I am saying that having promotions on your CV is not to me AS important in terms of ability.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Craigy1874 said:

    Aww not that bullshit term again!  I though that gone along with the old regime :(

    Ok here's one,  I am not romantically nourished by the appointment of Bruce. Better?

    • Like 2
  17. 7 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Completely flawed logic. A therefore B does not imply not A therefore not B.


    Not really.  You see a lot of people are saying promotions,  promotions and by the way 4 promotions and dont forget he has experience of promotions  in an attempt to justify the appointment of Bruce.  I was merely using an example to show it is possible to have a good manager who has not been promoted from this league and that on that basis it is not the be all and end all.  Now you could quite easily accuse me of using an extreme example and I may very well agree with you on that score.  But I would add that in debates of this nature it is sometimes beneficial to use the extreme example especially when people's opinions are not generally formed on the basis of the point being made but more the person making it.

    • Like 1
  18. 9 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    Are you suggesting Benitez is an option? :unsure:


    No I am suggesting that promotion from this league is not the be all and end all,  and certainly not AS important as people are making it out

  19. 6 minutes ago, BOF said:

    That's specious reasoning Richard and I suspect you know as much.  No-one is saying that a manager with no promotions can't get promoted.  That doesn't mean it can't also be said that a manager with a habit of being promoted isn't a good choice too.  They're not mutually exclusive.

    Brian the argument seems to be he is perfect as he has been promoted four times.  I'm merely pointing out that is false narrative.

  20. 1 minute ago, carewjust4u said:

    Reading through this topic start to finish has genuinely saddened me, the state of delusion is beyond belief..starting to sound like stereotypical Newcastle fans to some extent. The facts are literally on the wall with the clubs position; 19th in the League after being the worst Premier League side in history. Fans are happy to moan, criticism and create negativity on an appointment whilst offering no feasible alternative. Let go of this notion that we have a divine right to be in the premier league team and accept the current state of the club and the position we are in. 

    Very patronising.

    I know full well our position as a club.  There is a difference between not knowing our position and knowing it but thinking this manager is not the one to make us better.

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