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Posts posted by sheriffvilla

  1. While I think Juan Pablo Angel the footballer is either over-rated or under-rated by many, the one thing I will say is I very much like how Juan Pablo Angel the man comes across, and whatever happens I wish him all the very best.

    To be honest I do think it probably is best for him to move on at the end of the season, but I would not complain if he does hang around. Much like, say, Aaron Hughes or Jlloyd Samuel in that respect.

  2. While I find it hilarious that you rate your own importance so highly, my health issues mean I have nothing better to do than sit at home on the PC, so I will play along here...

    Malc, quite simply put - when you post, like this article, and keep it straight, that is fair enough. At times you post like that and I agree with you, at times you post like it and I don't, and that, again, is fair enough. As I once said to Drat, it would be boring if we all agreed. Agreed? :yawn: :winkold:

    My problem with you, and a couple of other posters, is the sarcasm, the sly digs, and quite frankly, what I can only see as deliberate attempts to wind people up.

    Now that is fine, whatever, but if you can honestly read through your posts and claim that every time you add on at the end 'but I'm sure the messiah will get it right' or ramble on about 'organic growth', if you try to tell me that you are not deliberately winding people up, or for some reason appearing to have a sly dig at people then, quite frankly you are either a liar or delusional.

    More than one time above you compare yourself to Drat and, while I have disagreed with him a few times - mainly about DO'L - I have no problem debating with him as he more often than not at least just keeps his argument to the point.

    You on the other hand, for whatever reasons, be it a need for some strange little ego-boost or whatever, have a posting style that deliberately antagonises, and that is why you sometimes get blunt responses rather than a detailed argument back, as people can not be bothered with - what appears to be - the games you play. To be honest at one point it even crossed my mind that you might just be the saddest Blues fan in history, who's main aim in life was to wind up Villa fans. At least that would help me understand your reasoning a bit better.

    Now if I'm going to get yellow carded or something for posting on the poster then fine, but this was an article about the poster so essentially it is the post I am posting on.

    As for the Villa side of your point, well to me the combination of Doug Ellis and David O'Leary - and while yes, mainly Ellis, it is still very much O'Leary, in my eyes - left this club in a pathetic weakend state and on it's knees. It will take a long time for Randy Lerner, MO'N & co to build something that appears to have fully recovered from that. Do I think there are certain things that MO'N has done wrong? Yes. But honestly, I am not sure what much more people were expecting. I thought we would be doing a little better, but not much.

    The greatest irony is I would probably have agreed with you on defending Gregory & Little, as I did it too. But to me David O'Leary was almost beyond defence, with the mitigation of 'Doug Ellis' aside. But with Martin O'Neill, I can not emphasise enough how much I wanted him to be the man who would take over, how much I never thought it would happen and how delighted I was when it did. Nothing - and I mean nothing - that has happened this season has changed my mind.

    Now if things start to improve - as I believe they will - then hopefully all this becomes irrelevant and we can all enjoy being Villa fans. But whatever happens, hopefully you will just keep your debating to the point you are trying to make, rather than winding people up. If they do, I'm sure your - and their - internet experience will be a much happier one.

    As for me, Malc, well if you keep it straight I will gladly discuss Aston Villa with you. If not, well I will leave you to it with nothing other than a little shake of the head at my end of the World Wide Web.

  3. Well, it's the most depressing day of the year, Doug's still alive, and the VT board is tense as you like. So I've had a scan through today's news and guess what I found!


    Fat Barry The Nose tries to sneak past RantinRob's house. He failed.


    The rest of the pub accuses villafan306 of being over-excited after the Conference Finals


    Richard is surprised to learn that Rothschild have finally been brought in to sell Aston Villa.


    Globetrotting assassin drat01 receives payment up front as a secret FA insider puts a contract on Mike Newell's life.


    Nana Mouskouri tells the Fake Sheikh that her stylist John Cresswell is'lazy'.

    Happy birthday, Today's News!


  4. Having looked at my blog stats lately, and the differing levels of effort I put into them, I reckon I would like a little more exposure for my Villa Blog.

    Has anybody got any ideas on how I can 'like, get it out there, man'?

  5. A rumour from tonight on the BBC website says we're going to sign Steve Sidwell on Monday. Would be a pretty good player to have in the squad.

    Would be a quality signing.

    I agree. Kind of player that might not be outstanding at anything but can do a bit of everything. In midfield, unless you have somebody of a particularly highly quality at something (ie Makelele in the 'screening' role) then generally that is what you want.

    Would be delighted if we brought him in, though I would also be surprised, to be quite honest.

  6. I wasn't really arsed about Lucas Neill, or Boa Morte, or any other transfer so far (well, I would have liked Henrik Larsson, but...)

    I am a little miffed about Lauren though.

    Still, we get Bardsley in, and people in his position make moves, so we made the wrong decision. We don't sign anyone early, we make the wrong decision...

    I dunno, not having a dig at anyone, just pointing out - and having a little chuckle - at the irony.

    Personally, I just want February 1st to get here!

  7. its not the result, cus lets face it we know we arent going to beat united, its the way we go about doing it.

    we just dont seem arsed anymore.

    To be fair I don't think that is true.

    All three of their goals come from defensive balls-ups of ridiculous orders, and the biggest problem today was MO'N got it wrong tactically.

    Yes, ManUre took their foot off the pedal but the difference in the second half was clear, if nothing else cause Davis helped with our ball retention.

  8. Good article CV, I was gonna stick something like that about Baros on my blog, but now I will just link to this instead :winkold:

    Me & my old man had a conversation on the way home that basically covered the same thing (in fact I think you might have been hiding in the back of the car) and to be honest it is easy to be skeptical about him.

    At the minute though, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

  9. Iforgot to say that Tommy should perhaps have saved Carricks shot for the second goal. Hard to tell from the angle I was at, but it wasn't the most powerful shot, and it wasn't right into the corner.

    As with pretty much all the original article - spot on.

    The defending for the goals either side was shite & he couldn't do anything about those, but he should have done better with the second for sure.

  10. Hmmm.

    Well, the article that was flying around the other day where MO'N was saying Lerner is doing everything he can, or something like that, seems fairly similar to the Benitez statement.

    MO'N also seems to be getting interviewed more than any other manager about the window right now, as we are being linked with anyone & everyone.

    I would also say that, as previously suggested, MO'N is deliberately not making light of a situation that is pretty darn serious, so that would explain why he is not being his usual chirpy self.

    Finally, the Stuart Pearce comment about Beckham is up there with the Blues going after Maradona.

    As usual, I fail to see the point in what has been posted in the first instance, here. Other than to antagonise and get a reaction, that is. Which again, would appear to be the norm.

    I am trying very hard not to make this too personal to the poster, as there is certainly more than just he that appears to be guilty of the negative, sarcastic and antagonistic approach to their posting.

    But I can fully understand why certain people will no longer be reading the contributions by such people, and I for one am spending less time on here these days because of similar reasoning.

    I am all for a good debate, but I am failing to see the point of a lot of posts and threads these days. I would have thought that, with Ellis gone - and to some people, O'Leary gone too - that there were would be no need for all this rubbish, as it is a season of transition. The major changes to the club happened too late in the summer and the problems with the January transfer window are proven fact, no matter how much some people disagree, or call that a 'pathetic excuse'.

    Maybe I have consumed too much booze over the years that it has affected my brain cells, but I really do fail to see the reasoning for all this.

  11. General,

    Its probably been highlighted elsewhere, but as a loyal season ticket holder for 7 years, I feel I am getting a raw deal when it comes to going to matches. There are lots of offers on about buying three for 2 and discounts etc etc, yet as the most loyal supporters we see no benefit.

    When it comes to ST renewal time, will we be getting the benefits, because as things stand now, its is far cheaper to pay for individual games.

    I was just coming on to do that afrter reading the renaissance (spelling?) thread!

    I'm all for attracting new fans but it is a bit frustrating as a season ticket holder.

    The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and all that.

  12. i am 100% being serious. unless the hotel are good at playing jokes i really do feel i spoke to Defoe. I signed up to get all the gossip over jan and been reading what people write for years just wanted to have my say as a Villa fan. i really hope mon and randy get him in now . if he joins i want some people to kiss my hairy arse

    I might if you shave it.

    I mean, er, [manly voice=]No way, dude[/manly voice]


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