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Posts posted by ChrisVillan

  1. 13 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    We’re you imagining that after all these years a hospital out there was a big white building with a coffee franchise and local campaign to remove parking charges?


    Yes I was, and don't call me Shirley. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

    Fortunately my missus is a big Spiral fan, too. We only discovered it at series five, which is why we've gone back to the start to fill in the backstory. I thought each series would be a self-contained case, but S1 clearly leaves plotlines unresolved for S2. One thing we both remarked on was the astonishingly realistic (and gruesome) autopsy scenes. I trust the make-up team got the French equivalent of a BAFTA. And as Hitz says, Caroline Proust is very attractive! 

    She's got something alright. 

  3. 1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

    We've just gone back to watching Spiral, from series one. Great stuff. 

    I bloody love Spiral. I usually watch this kind of thing with the wife but for some reason she didn't connect with this at all, whereas I'm a huge fan.

  4. 1 hour ago, cyrusr said:

    Went to see Black Flag the other night. As one of the original hardcore bands, thought it would be a good idea to see how they are live, given the impact that certainly "Damaged" had on the scene.

    I already knew it was just the guitarist Greg Ginn and a bunch of hired hands but still would hoped for something decent still. Its hardcore punk, how hard can it be? Very, apparently. To say unimpressed would be a somewhat of understatement... 

    To be fair, bass and drums were fine and just did their job, not a real issue. Maybe a bit more interaction but couldn't really complain, they were hired hands, nothing more, nothing less. 

    The singer, who is actually a professional skateboarder Mike Vallely, should definitely stick to his day job, he certainly is no Henry Rollins. He was very slow in delivery and sounded like he was about a few beats behind the band. He also sounded exceptionally flat which I think is a feat in itself?! Given the songs are fast paced anyway, it somewhat means the songs lose purpose. There was also very limited interaction with the crowd, he barely moved throughout and there were large sections of the show when he had his back to the crowd. So yeah, I don't actually know whether he is a good skateboarder or not, but he certainly isn't a singer...

    Now the guitarist, I know he is 65 years old, but he was less mobile than a bloody snail. Given how you see Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, Judas Priest, even Ozzy f***ing Osbourne and can move around the stage a lot, it isn't good to stay in 1 place for the majority of the show. There was also a tendency to go off at points what seemed to be little jazz interludes. There has always been that "I'll do what I want attitude" with Black Flag, and that's fine, but pick your time. Halfway through your set, or a song that suites it, not a problem. It was the one right at the bloody end in the middle of your "Louie Louie" cover that just was completely wrong. The crowd looked utterly bemused not entirely sure the show had ended. It really just stifled any atmosphere (any that was left anyway) and ended the show on a complete flat note. Then to not even say goodnight, thank you, etc and to just simply either leave the stage immediately (guitarist) or start packing up your gear (bassist and drummer), it really left a lot to be desired. Only the singer actually spoke to some of the crowd at the end (off mic for some reason). 

    So yeah, not impressed. 

    I made the right call swerving that one then. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

    Well a big part of the leftist Brexit argument was/is that the EU is essentially Thatcherite capitalist club. We helped to shape the project and where it would go economically speaking back in the 80s.

    The thing they don't get is that capitalism isn't going anywhere. It's what underpins the entire western world. They want to break the system and rebuild it in their own image, much like the Farages of the world but at the other end of the spectrum. The far left and far right are two sides of the same coin.

    I think some of it also comes from a particular fallacy: that remain voters think the EU is perfect. I don't.

    Some leave voters, I'm sure, saw a flawed EU and wanted out on that basis. Maybe I'm being too generous.

    I preferred the alternative to all this but I was no EU flag waver. 

    • Like 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

    I have this discussion with my uber hard-left Corbyn-loving uncle frequently. Voted Brexit thinking he could nationalise everything and end up in a socialist utopia.

    I often delight in telling him he voted the same way as 99% of all the racists and bigot in the country (1% omitted for the inevitable Diane Abbott pic).

    Any side that Farage, Johnson, Tommy Robinson, Trump and Bannon are on I'll pick the other side...doesn't matter what it is...no thanks.

    It's insane.

    If the racists and disaster capitalists and super-rich foreign influences are on your side, breaking the law at the outset and shutting down Parliament at the conclusion, I don't know what to say.

    This whole thing has at least made me re-assess my belief in Parliament (the institution), so every shitty xenophobic cloud, I suppose. 

  7. They totally disrespected the spirit of the game.

    They bitched and moaned.

    One of their players cheated to get one of ours sent off.

    They let us score in the least gracious manner imaginable. Another one of their players made a symbolic attempt to stop it.

    Leeds somehow allowed their opponents to score a goal and still did enough horrible shit to be the bad guys. 

    **** laughable. Not that it means anything. 

  8. 2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    Part of the BBC’s charter now, to out people that get the better of our ridiculous liar of a PM

    She really is a disgrace. She toned it down for a few weeks when people started booing her, but of course, there’s an election coming and those exclusive one to one interviews don’t happen by luck. You gotta earn your place.



    Well how about that. 

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