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Posts posted by Santa_Rosa

  1. So what method would you advocates use? There are those saying they would chop off their heads (I note no response to my question as to whether that was a serious point or not), some who would shoot them in the face at point blank range, some who would use electricity. And on what grounds do you make your decision on how to kill a human being?

  2. Fantastic shout Santa, Major John Howard and the 43rd & 52nd Ox's and Buck's Light Infantry were the very first blokes to get their boots on the ground on D- Day

    Or indeed there arses when they were catapulted out of the gliders and knocked unconscious, before getting up and getting stuck in to the bridge defences. Astonishingly brave men. I went to Pegasus Bridge once as a kid and, while I can't remember any details about it, I do recall it feeling like a special place. Must go back there one day.

  3. Wire for me, but both are excellent. As was John Adams, from the same people that brought us Band Of Brothers, which I've just finished watching.

    On a side note, I'm currently reading a book by George Pelecanos, one of The Wire writers. It's called the Night Gardener and it's excellent.

  4. A British and a German equivalent is needed ASAP. Would be excellent TV. Too bad a German one is close to undoable. No production company would have the balls to do one. A shame since there are some really, really interesting stories to tell from the German side.

    Absolutely. Das Boot being a case in point - great film. Every time I watch it I'm reminded of how appalling it must have been to fight, or indeed live through, WW2, on either side. I'm also reminded of the Das Boot fruit machine scene in Phoenix Nights.

    Loved BoB too by the way. Especially the interviews with the old boys at the end. Moving beyond belief - I don't think any series has ever affected me as much as that one.

    I've often thought another Ambrose book, Pegasus Bridge, would make a good British forces based mini-series, 3 or 4 episodes would do it I think.

  5. The opposite end from the hitting bit of the hammer is called the peen.

    Only for the Ball Peen Hammer, this isn't the case for a claw hammer, a framing hammer, a geologists hammer or a lump hammer. Sorry... :)

    Only in 'forn parts.

    In Good old Blighty it's ball-pein. :)

    So what about the claw hammer I've got that has a, erm, claw, on it?

  6. Vesna Vulovic fell 33,000 feet after her plane was blown up by terorrists and survived. No one has survived a fall of that distance or further.


    I'd like to think someone put a double bed where she was falling and it cushioned her fall.

    I beleive she fell through a series of shop awnings, landed in a big laundry basket of pillows that happened to be being delivered to a nearby hotel at the time, before exhaling upwards out of her bottom lip causing a few feathers to float about in a comedy fashion.*

    How she survived the exploding plane is anyone's guess.

    * Or maybe I'm getting confused with an episode of the 3 Stooges or summat.

  7. Celery is one of the few things I can't eat. Used to hate cucumber too, but I can tolerate that now.

    But then, never having had a potage, it could well be chard.:)

    Well Rosa, on Sept 11 on the Vernon Handley thread you had two attempts to take the piss, wind me up, amuse the punters or whatever it is that you try to do on this forum. It's now getting a bit close to stalking but for the time being do keep trying luvvy. Oh and :clap:


    Sorry mate, not guilty - I thought you were joking, so I joined in. Lighten up eh?

    If you are keeping a record of when I 'take the piss, wind you up etc.' can I ask that this be struck from it?

  8. Lost interest in England? Nope. And why would I, because we didn't qualify for a tournement? Are we going to have people throwing hissy fits every year when Villa don't qualify for Europe next?

    We have people throwing hissy fits when we draw at home to Liverpool so there's every chance :)

  9. Someone mentioned The Wire ....

    This months Empire has a good article about it ... They seem to imply it's the best TV show ever written .....

    Having never watched the show I'm intrigued ... Is it any good

    It's stunning............ it absolutely pisses over "traditional" TV drama.

    Too right. Got last night's Sky+'d and waiting, but I'm out every night this week so it will have to wait. Although anything that delays the sad day when it all comes to an end is OK by me.

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