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Posts posted by Santa_Rosa

  1. Reminds me of the days when mushrooms we a regular weekend option. A mate used to tell the tale of how one night, he necked a few, but they didn't seem to be having an effect until the next minute a squid came down the road and asked him directions to Morpeth. :lol:

    My own mushrooms (harvested from Clee Hills) experience was much less hallucinatory but a lot of fun. Mainly involved a lot of giggling with the odd instance of zoning out, or intense concentration on a painting, photo, wallpaper pattern etc. Those magic eye posters were always good, and it certainly made the televised coverage of the Kasparov vs Short chess matches extremely interesting. God, that was a long time ago now. :(

    Classic post, I'm still laughing. Mushrooms were like that with me - they never made me hallucinate, even when smaller quantities of the same batch were having that effect on others.

    What they did do though (especially when washed down with some white wine) was produce that "detailed concentration" effect that you describe so well. With me it was mainly noticeable with music. I can remember listening to - appropriately enough - The Byrds' "Eight Miles High", and I found that I could listen to every nuance of every separate instrument and voice with equal attention, simultaneously. Absolutely amazing.

    No Quarter by Led Zep had the same effect on me. It's almost as if they knew exactly what it was like to be 'on one'. Wonder how :lol:

  2. Oh I dunno. After a good drink I like a bit of Killer Queen and Fat Bottomed Girls. But enough of my private practices...

    I'm not really into them, only get their Greatest Hits and Queen II - they just strike me as being pretty inoffensive and I can't understand the stick they get on here. There are much worse than Queen about. Roxy Music for example.

  3. You are missing speed from the list, in my opinion it's 1 of the very worst. An absolute filthy little drug and the one with a comedown so bad it's impossible to describe. No amount of baths or showers will make you feel clean. Bah.

    Tried it once. Never again. Horrible

  4. Get on some Haze Rodders, I used to work in Brum, and often sessioned a joint with a couple of rudies outside work before I went home.

    The one night, a Friday, I remember it quite well surprisingly, one of them brought some Purple Haze, proper trippy weed.

    So we chonged a couple, as always, and went out separate ways.

    I felt fine for about 10 minutes, then all of a sudden the Hagley Road turned into a gushing pink and purple river, with an ever increasing waterfall at the end, I had to row my car for about ten minutes, and then pull over by Oddbins to get some air. All that rowing was kiiling me.

    Unfortunately, after I'd got my breath back, the water had drained away, shame really, I was ready to get the sail up.

    Reminds me of the days when mushrooms we a regular weekend option. A mate used to tell the tale of how one night, he necked a few, but they didn't seem to be having an effect until the next minute a squid came down the road and asked him directions to Morpeth. :lol:

    My own mushrooms (harvested from Clee Hills) experience was much less hallucinatory but a lot of fun. Mainly involved a lot of giggling with the odd instance of zoning out, or intense concentration on a painting, photo, wallpaper pattern etc. Those magic eye posters were always good, and it certainly made the televised coverage of the Kasparov vs Short chess matches extremely interesting. God, that was a long time ago now. :(

  5. will ratch it out

    Great phrase that, one of my favourites and it really made me chuckle. Thanks Julie.

    lol It's Cumbrian.... unless I correct myself I often say Aye now instead of Yes... Dreadful!!!

    Dunno if Cumbria can claim it exclusively. Got a few mates from Co Durham who use it too. As in "What are year daein' ratchin' about in there, I'm trying to watch the match man!"

    Back On Topic, if you like a bit of Lo-Fi chill out type stuff I can recommend Erland Oye, Kings Of Convenience, Royksopp, Mercury Rev

  6. Music for bedwetters and adverts. No opinion of him as a bloke (like Bicks said, how is he controversial??) but could quite happily live the rest of my life without hearing another of his tunes

  7. Had an achilles and lazyitis problem and haven't run since before Christmas I reckon, but started playing footy a couple of weeks ago and, reading this thread has inspired me to get out tonight and do a couple of miles. It's going to hurt though :nod:

  8. Collings and Herrin is pretty good. It can be laugh out loud funny, which might be a problem if you listen to them on an iPod in public.

    I feel I should thank you for this tip. Been subscribing for a while now and downladed quite a few older ones as well, and I think it's brilliant. As you say, can be laugh out loud funny and I can confirm it can be a problem particularily when listening while using public transportation.

    Seconded - it's a cracker innit?

  9. As I am English ,for me the big game is England v the sweaty socks. I couldn't care less what happens in the other games. The only certainty is that whoever wins this year's six nations will go down as one of the worst and more boring teams ever to have won it.

    What's boring about the Welsh team? Mobile forwards, expansive backs, tactics that favour loose play over stick it up your jumper and kick. They might not be doing it very well at the minute but boring? No.

    Or does...

    I couldn't care less what happens in the other games.

    ...translate as, "I'm not really a rugby fan"? I am, and I'm very interested in what happens in the other (non-Wales) games :nod:

  10. I want to see Henson do O'Driscoll over yet again too - that little **** deserves a good hammering.

    We'll never hear the end of it if he does. Has he shut up about the All Blacks tackle yet?

    FWIW, I think he's a better player than Henson though.

    It wasn't a tackle by the All Blacks, it was far worse, hate him or not, he didn't deserve that...

    No he didn't. And I didn't deserve to hear about it for months afterwards. Suck it up, and get on with it.

  11. and his bird is a fat cow to boot.

    I demand you take that back sir! Wasn't there a VT'er who had a nice moving avatar thingy of her with her, erm, moving thingys on it? Sam or summat? That was evidence enough that she is a goddess amongst women.

    The practice he got when carrying her over the threshold came in handy when he lifted Tait and then put him on his arse the other year too :D

  12. Great though? England circa 2000-2003 were great. You can't tell me this Welsh side are anywhere near that level....

    Honestly? I think this Welsh side (read the Slam Winners of last year) are very near that level and they'd give them one hell of a game. It's one of those classic sporting arguments tho innit. Impossible to win for either of us :)

    The Garibaldi trophy eh? Sweet. (Or should that be savoury?)

  13. I might be biased but I just think with Wales it's a confidence thing and they haven't quite clicked yet. Not saying they will against Ireland mind. If they do, as Keith Wood said on Five Live yesterday, they could be out of sight within a 10 minute period.

    I don't think Wales really struggled against England, and I don't recall being scared by Scotland. Yes, the Paris performance was poor and Italy was edgy too, but that was a weakened side (a bad move from Gatland IMO, but that would explain the 8 changes). They are the same side basically as last year's Slam winners - surely that was a great team?

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