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Posts posted by Santa_Rosa

  1. Hook came on off the bench yesterday. Jones was preferred for his experience I guess and his goal kicking (which didn't exactly work out well.)

    There is such a thing as overconfidence mind Chris. A better side than Scotland might have made the last 5 minutes a bit squeaky yesterday. Are England a better side than Scotland I guess is the question.

  2. Ireland will have a shocker.

    Oh Rich.. Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich :)

    Looks like Mr Kidney is going to take the Munster ethos onto the international stage.. What a game yesterday!!

    Well, going forward both those sides looked good, but they both clearly have real problems up front and setting any defensive pattern.

    Lets see what happens when the Irish come to Cardiff - I have a feeling they'll have absolutely no answer to (quite clearly over the weekend) the best pack in this tournament by an absolute street and also - as proven over the past 18 months - the best defence in the NH.

    The fact that Roberts, Halfpenny and Powell have given Wales another dimension by offering 2 major ball carriers and a flying winger to mean Wales' back 3 are even more deadly - are any Irish still saying that this Wales side isnt good enough? Missed 14 points of kicks and still won comfortably - I cannot wait for the English next week - those Armitage boys are in for one hell of an eye opener - I hope their mother is in the crowd to see whats coming for them.... :)

    After the first set of games, it looks clear that we're head, shoulders knees and toes above the rest in this tournament. Perhaps we should consider playing the SH sides each year instead? ;)

    i hope the english bash you's,and put you's back in your box..

    EDIT: Forget it, I see you and Chris are going along quite nicely without me getting involved. Still surprised to see an Irishmen wanting England to beat Wales tho. What happened to Celtic solidarity? :winkold:

    FWIW I'm chuffed Ireland did the Frogs and proved me wrong. A Six Nations with Irish tails up is all the better for it.

  3. Ireland will have a shocker.

    Oh Rich.. Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich :)

    Looks like Mr Kidney is going to take the Munster ethos onto the international stage.. What a game yesterday!!

    Amazing stuff Gary. Didn't see that coming at all. Not sure you have as much class as our boyos though. Should have more than enough to see off England mind. See you in a North East boozer for a Triple Crown-off soon then eh? As long as it's not Paddywhacks in Sunderland or any of those Irish bars in Toon :winkold:

  4. 5 England P5 W1

    Wow, brave prediction, Chris.

    With the Italy whitewash, that would mean us losing to the sweaties at Twickenham - a true rarity. :winkold:

    Not one that I would back against though to be fair, regardless of whether Corry plays and gouges his way through the entire Scottish team.

    I think Scotland are going to be much more of a force this year, and am a bit concerned that Wales are opening up there on Sunday. The Scottish Trip (copyright Max Boyce) is always tough, but it think it might be more than usual this year.

  5. To be honest, I can't see another Slam happening. Triple Crown perhaps. But back to back Slams and 3 in 4 years would just be too good to be true after all those barren times. I think Wales and France will fight it out for the title, England will do better than anticipated, but not as good as Scotland. Ireland will have a shocker. And Italy will get stuffed left right and centre.

  6. I'm not sure. Always voted Labour in GE's in the past, but the war and ID cards will stop me this time. Don't really know what the Tory party stands for at the moment, but I don't think I could cope with Cameron in charge and Osborne at the purse strings. My ex-miner grandad would turn in his grave if I voted for them anyway. Probably the Lib Dems then, dy default as much as anything. Is that a better option than the spoil though?

  7. Like Martin Kelner I have an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality stretching back decades. Which is a shame in a way, cos I can't help feeling that I missed out in some way by not having some sort of DDID-style healthy dabble. I suppose really not fancying it at any stage in my life (so far) didn't help.

    You going to spill the beans (so to speak) then DDID? Was it just curiosity on your part? What made you realise that it wasn't for you? Feel free to tell me to piss off if you don't want to share BTW.

  8. Love them. And Marr is a great guitarist IMO - was doing stuff that no-one else was, and without him there may not have been a John Squire and my Uni days without I Am The Resurrection or Waterfall would have been unthinkable.

    Saw Mozzer a couple of years ago in Newcastle and he opened with How Soon Is Now. Marvellous. Not sure what my favourite Smiths song is though - probably Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now at the minute. My favourite Mozzer song is Suedehead.

  9. Without question.

    Better to go with a bang than a whimper.

    Would you shout "This is Red Five, I'm going in!" as you entered the fray? I hope so.

    I agree with the Die With Your Boots On sentiment. When in doubt, turn to Iron Maiden songs for advice on what to do. Although that did cause a bit of a stir at a Round Table do, when I spent a couple of hours playing with madness, before bringing my daughter to the slaughter.

  10. You really think if the country was going to be over run and destroyed that half the male population would say," nah mate, not my responsibility".

    i'd hope you were right, but i think a lot of people would be more interested in who's gonna win X-factor ...

    Oh, you didn't say it clashed Saturday night telly. In that case, no chance. :wave:

  11. What, a chance to take down the bosch's lederhosen and give him another jolly good thrashing. Rather, what! Give me a cup of NAAFI tea, some bully beef, fix me a bayonet and let me at the blighters! Bally tenpenny ones dropping in the custard sir, put your egg and fours on and lets get the bacon delivered!

    Erm, yeah, I probably would given the fight-or-be-invaded choice. If they wanted me to go to Iraq or Afghanistan, they could whistle. Basically I agree with Mr Robathan.

    I got a letter from the government, the other day

    I opened and read it, it said they were suckers

    They wanted me for their army or whatever

    Picture me giving a damn, I said never

  12. Maradonna spent whatever many years playing genius football at a level so far above the rest, while all the time normal players were trying to kick lumps out of him, because they couldn't stop him any other way. They cheated too, and they didn't handball, they tried to hurt.

    Never thought of it like that. Nicely put.

    And yes, I'd shake his hand, I'm over it now. I can't beleive how many people on here weren't born when the Hand of God happened :(

    To be fair, I can't see Butcher getting near enough to him to shake his hand. He certainly didn't for that second goal :lol:

  13. Japan are below us in the rankings for murder.

    They are pretty much similar to us in terms of rich/poor divide, weapon ownership etc.

    Yet they have capital punishment.

    1 If you think (rightly IMO) poverty has a direct effect on crime, then why not tackle that?


    2, here are some better stats....


    Blimey. If that's not evidence that the Death Penalty is not a deterrant, then I don't know what is.

  14. I know a lad who was in Durham nick and he described it as hell.

    But then he was a nice lad who had a bit of bad luck (don't want to get into the whys and wherefores). Others, more of your career criminal types if you will, in there with him didn't seem to think it was so bad. Maybe such types who might view it as an occupational hazard, adjust better and become accustomed to it.

  15. just do it in the quickest, cheapest & humane way possible.

    Why do you think it needs to be humane?

    mykeyb wrote:

    It would be very interesting to see if the anti-death penalty voters would change their opinion if it was their child or loved one that was killed by some serial offender?

    Yep. Opinions on justice should be entirely meted out by the wronged. Should lawmakers all be crime victims? How sensible. What about those, and there are many,who forgive the murderer? Are they wrong? Have you had any loved one's killed by a serial offender (not sure what difference the serial bit makes)? If no, going on your logic, why should we take notice of your opinion?

  16. Did anyone see the Michael Portillo progamme where he 'tested' out different methods of execution? Interesting which one he found out to be the most 'pleasant'.

    Yeah. It was that programme that prompted my question really. He reckoned the high altitude capsule thing was the way forward didn't he?

  17. Yeah, I hear you Nick. Wasn't aiming the question at you, as you initially said you were a bit on the fence on the issue.

    However, now you've said you wouldn't have a problem with the Death Penalty if the system were flawless, I think it's fair to push you to come up with a method. Not having a go here, but I don't think one can say 'Yes, I'm for it' and then say 'I don't have the answers' on the practicalities of what is obviously a pretty major moral and philosophical issue.

    Do you think it matters as to how the deed is done? Because the 'off with their heads' mob obviously don't. I'm thinking from the point of view of the witnesses who need to be present, the feelings of the families of the convicted, whether how humane it needs to be is an issue, cost, efficiency, etc.

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