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Posts posted by Dr_Pangloss

  1. The unfortunate fact about Bent is that he is a penalty box forward and without service is completely invisible. You either set the team up to create chances for Bent or you don't play him at all.

    Then **** him.

    Why is this a surprise to anyone? We knew this when we signed him, well those who had actually seen him play before did...

  2. I agree with those ratings except for Bannan. It's admirable that he wants the ball so much but he sure as hell doesn't do much with it and isn't a particularly good or accurate passer.

    The unfortunate fact about Bent is that he is a penalty box forward and without service is completely invisible. You either set the team up to create chances for Bent or you don't play him at all.

  3. Yep, was at the game, it was very poor, especially the first half, absolute garbage that.

    Here's the problem, it's the midfield, it lacks any sort of attacking quality, and with Bent's game that essentially renders us down to 10 men as Bent isn't a pressure forward like Gabby.

    We need attacking quality, it's as simple as that, and signing the likes of Jordan Rhodes isn't going to help, in fact looking to the lower leagues IMO isn't a good idea as I'm not sure there's a huge amount down there that could do much for us right now.

  4. "has to make a quick decision to try and save someone's life"

    ....and in the process potentially take more lives? I guess the police officers are meant to not injure civilians, anything otherwise is absolute incompetence and deserves to be punished. Maybe manslaughter is a bit too much but at the very least the victims should be heavily compensated and the officers fired and prosecuted.

  5. Athletes, weightlifters and cyclists are predominently on the juice.

    I hope Lance Armstrong is clean, but I doubt it.

    The fact is that where professional sport exists, drug taking is likely. The Fuentes case supposedly had a series of names, not just from cycling, but from tennis and football. Think of the Baseball & American football drug taking scandals. People have to wake up and see that its in virtually all sport...

    Yep, boxing is terrible for it as well.

  6. Yep crazy season in the US, I expect more people will be hitting the kill switch in the next few months.

    You gotta get your 15 minutes of fame, it's the easiest way.

    They have by far the most guns per capita in the world so I'm never surprised to see news of a shooting somewhere in the states. They are basically asking for it by virtue of the 2nd amendment.

  7. I've smashed a couple. The one was a terrible shag, the other was pretty damn good but was obviously a bit of slut so had the experience. I like Indian girls too but not as much as latinas.

    Unfortunatly we dont have many Latinas in England. :cry:

    You can often find them in Cities/Towns that have major Universities due to the ERASMUS scheme (and non-EU equivalent) as well as those seeking post-graduate education over here. I had a relationship with a Mexican woman doing an MBA at Birmingham, great little piece she was.

    Also London is absolutely heaving with Hispanics.

    But yeah, overall there isn't a huge latina population here, unfortunately.

  8. Bit of action this weekend: Robert Stieglitz vs. Arthur Abraham for the WBO Super Middleweight strap.

    Stieglitz is rated highly, ring magazine put him at number 2, he was going to fight George Groves a few months back but one of them got injured. I have no idea why Stieglitz is rated so highly. He is unbeaten over the last 4 years but hasn't beaten anyone of serious note, Karoly Balzsay is the only name that stands out and he was hardly a great boxer. On top of that Stieglitz was KO'd by Liberado Andrade and Alejandro Berrio.

    Stieglitz doesn't have much power but does have foot speed and movement, he's not a bad boxer.

    Abraham is IMO not the fighter he was but is still one of the biggest punchers in the sport pound for pound. He can KO Stieglitz so Stieglitz needs to be on his bike most of the fight, work behind the jab and try to out box AA.

    That said my money will be on Abraham by KO, I get the feeling the KO will come around the 8th or 9th round.

  9. I've smashed a couple. The one was a terrible shag, the other was pretty damn good but was obviously a bit of slut so had the experience. I like Indian girls too but not as much as latinas.

  10. Europa League is a third rate competition, I wouldn't give much of a shit if we qualified for it.

    You do realise that if we qualify for Europe it means we either had a very good season in the league or excellent cup run.

    Also don't get this view against the Europa League, I'd love us to be back in Europe

    Or it means we won the fair play league.

    In all seriousness, if Europa League qualification is the consequence of finishing 6th or winning/finishing in the final of a cup then great. But I still wouldn't care much for our participation in that actual tournament. It's a sham of a tournament consisting of third rate European teams battling it out until the second rate teams that failed in the champions league join in.

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