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Posts posted by ArteSuave

  1. He's been in the job since Monday and there has been no confirmation of massive new sponsorship deals or new contracts for Vlaar or Delph.


    Pull your finger out Foxxy!



  2. (our average gate when we were in the 3rd division was a damn site better than it is now).




    2 seasons in the 3rd tier.


    71 average attendance - 26,219

    72 average attendance - 31,952


    Last season - 35,060


    According to that site anyway.

  3. I'm concerned that Cleverley is going to knock Westwood out of the team. In general, I wanted to sign a right-winger or right-sided forward so that N'Zogbia would be the one to be rotated out, because if truth be told, Westwood has started well this season. 


    Maybe Cleverley will sometimes play as a winger/wide forward like he did at wigan. Link



  4. I've just posted the link so you can have a listen for yourself a few posts above.


    That's Jonathan Hope (**** all to do with Cleverley).


    Irish Villan cleared this up but nobody seems to have taken any notice.


    Jonathan Hope was the agent who made the middle of the road comment, he works for JSH Sports agency. The agency Cleverley uses is Ungeklart i.e. Jonathan Hope has nothing to do with Tom Cleverley and his views are not representative of Cleverley's  :)

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  5. To be fair, Lerner could buy us Lionel Messi and some posters would still dream up a way to criticise him for it (or conveniently give someone else the credit instead).


    I seriously doubt this. I just want to make sure that any struggle we may encounter this season isn't entirely blamed on hurr durr Lamberk as usual.


    I think we've had a pretty decent transfer window from what I've seen so far, with the Cleverly deal being a nice dusting of icing on the cake. Our team looks totally different now and we didn't sell Vlaar.


    I agree, we've done well in spite of lack of funding.

  6. Great so not only have we got a shit player but he also doesn't want to be here.


    If he didn't want to be here then he wouldn't be here. He'd prefer to go somewhere better, but wouldn't all players.

  7. Having said all this, I find it remarkable that there are so many pro players that can't use both feet, or clear the first man at a corner. Maybe my expectations are too high? 


    Here's the thing, nobody can do everything right all the time. The difference is that the good players do stuff right more of the time.


    So while everyone at Villa could see/time/make the pass like that, most of them couldn't do it a very high percentage of the time.


    I feel like out of our entire squad Westwood would execute it with the highest percentage success rate.

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