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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. And yet again the gulf in money shows. Half time Chelsea put on a player that costs them £827272728292829292292
  2. Seeing the reply is making me even more annoyed at Ramsey. I know I knock him a lot but there’s so much that needs adding to his game before he starts as regularly as he does
  3. Come January we need some more quality for sure. Not sure I can stomach having to watch Buendia dawdle around like he doesn’t care and Ramsey give the ball away or be bullied off the ball much more.
  4. So frustrating how well we play in the middle and then **** it all up in front of goal. Such little quality up front today.
  5. Cash was deffo at fault but we were vulnerable because of Ramsey.
  6. Wonder who got the loudest boos this week - Grealish or Schmeichal
  7. You could tell the booing that Kasper was getting wound him up so much that he lost his head and kept in the penalty area trying to score. He made it very personal today didn’t he
  8. Absolutely no doubt in my mind the ref will do everything he can for a Leicester win. Is he Gary Lineker in disguise?
  9. Do referees who constantly make bad decisions get fined or anything? Never seems to be any reprimand for bad games they have.
  10. On the replay you can see Kasper stop for a second and then start rolling around. clearing in the woods.
  11. schmeical is an absolute little word removed. He was a prick with his little comments in the summer about England and the little clearing in the woods made the biggest meal ever out of that just then.
  12. Hey I would happily give credit to him but he is consistently very poor in the games I have watched him. But if he proves me wrong in the second half I would happily give him credit.
  13. It’s based on the fact every game I have watched him play he’s far too easy to bully off the ball or makes sloppy mistakes.
  14. Honestly I’m sure Ramsey is a fantastic lad but what do managers keep seeing in him? He’s so poor.
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