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  1. Does anyone remember the days where it was fairly easy to get away tickets as long as you had a decent booking history? I would regularly get to away games up and down the country because my booking history for home games was always really good. And this was during the MON era when we were flying high and you’d expect demand to be high but I’d never have trouble with away tickets. These days, they sell out within a few minutes of going on sale and never get any further than season ticket holders. Why do we think this is? Is demand so high now that people go more now than ever? Or do opposition clubs give us less allocation? I just find it mad that around 2009-2010 (our most successful period in recent history) I could regularly enjoy an away day and now it’s beyond impossible. Just wondered what people thought had changed?  I just really miss enjoying an away day and although I’m on the waiting list for a ST I just feel a bit hopeless at ever getting a chance again. :( 

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  2. I really wish away games were accessible like they used to be. Back in 2009-2010 you could get away tickets with a decent booking history and id go all the time. These days you have no chance. Sad really because id love to go to this one :( 

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  3. We didn’t really deserve to win for most of that, but that’s what successful teams do- grind out results again the odds. Delighted with this although slightly annoyed Spamford got his usual  goal against us. 

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