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  1. Folks this thread is about supporting our club captain through the biggest fight of his life and its about finding ways we can back him.

    So can we please keep stuff about those fucktards that exist within football that don't wish to support Stan and who only bring shame on themselves, their clubs and our game out of this thread.

    By all means talk about it if you wish but please do so in another thread in other football because it shouldn't be a part of this thread.



  2. well, it's probably not going to be that amazing night when gabby took them down...but i don't thnk it'll be double figures lol...at this moment in time, though, i just want to get this one out of the way and onto games we actually might stand a chance at winning. there is no way fergie is gonna let them lose this one. he's probably just relieved that out of everyone...he's got us next.

  3. to be honest, morale is always going to be shit when you're sitting so low down the league,..but i do agree that the team doesn't seem as unified and as passionate as they have the past couple of years. you look at players like laursen...you could never ever fault his passion. when ashley young was here....his and gabby's relationship and lust for the game brought a "brothers in arms" type of feel to our games. throughout the whole of the 2008/2009 season you just went to those games, watched those games and really felt like this was a TEAM. maybe it was all pretense and players like young, like milner...maybe they all seemed passionate beause they were trying to impress the manchester scouts. the only "big" player we lost recently that i felt never really gave a crap was downing...but even though he got his big move to liverpool he still doesnt appear to care so that was no big loss :P fast forward to now, though, and you get the impression that it's only really petrov and gabby that still gave a crap. and now petrov is out of the loop...you just wonder...who is there to fight anymore? who is there left that looks at our badge and thinks... "i need this club to do well. i need it's fans to be happy." and i think there in lies the problem. a whole heap of players wishing they wernt here, a whole heap that went past their useful date in 2007....and a whole heap of players that if we go down will just shrug their shoulders, and in the words of dave grohl, would be "done, done, and onto the next one..."

  4. i honestly thought our luck was in this week when liverpool beat blackburn...however, wigan beating man utd has been a massive curve ball. they'll be all out to smash us on sunday now...so it's up to the boys to pull something out of the bag!

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