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Posts posted by AVFCforever1991

  1. Its really a lose/lose situation. We avoid relegation, McLeish stays and we will have to go through another night mare season like this one. Or McLeish gets us Relegated good news is he gets sacked, bad news we are in the championship.

  2. Since then we've haemmorhaged money because O'Neill got such poor value.

    What about £12 million paid out to MoN and houllier?

    Money paid to blues as compensation?

    Pay rise to Mcleish?

    Why are the browns shit? Is that MoN's fault as well?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the Browns have always been shit, and Cleveland is a shithole that probably doesn't even deserve and NFL franchise. I have no idea why O'Neill got compo, Houllier was a little unfortunate. Why he went for McLeish I have no idea and I said up until that he made some decent decisions. It's the wages of the players that we can't shift and don't use (O'Neill even didn't bother using some of them) that has done the most damage.

    Not really the place for discussion BUT the Browns were one of the most successful franchises before the NFL as you know it came to fruition. It is one of the 'storied' franchises even though the team was moved away briefly. Cleveland and Ohio definately deserve an NFL franchise. Because most successful teams build through the draft it doesn't matter if the city is a shit hole. The reason the team is awful is through poor management and coaching choices..........ring any bells?

    Sounds like Villa at the moment, and for the winning answer what do the 2 Teams have in Common, Villa and the browns? lol

  3. i would rather have bent up front on his own than gabby.

    i am sure 9 times out of 10 bent would have buried the chance gabby had on saturday


    Couldnt disagree more. Bent is anything but clinicle.

    Gabby is more valueable to Villa than Darren Bent is imo. I would keep Gabby over Bent everytime.

    lets not forget it was on Gabby's weaker foot.

    Yeah but i still think if you gave Gabby 100 shots in the area on goal, and you gave bent 100 shots in the same position Bent would score more IMO.. yes it is true bent does need about 3 chances a game usually, but in terms of finishing, Bent is better hands down.. Gabby is more of a winger, because of his blinding pace.. he kept drifting over to the wing, and when Ireland was looking the pass it beyond the CB's there was no one there, because gabby drifts.

  4. Still convinced he's gonna be our Gerrard, not quite as good but as influential for us as he is for them, really should tie him down to a long term deal IMO

    Agreed he will be our main engine in the future, and who knows he could be as good as Gerrard. He is still very young and has a lot to learn. Huge talent though.

  5. What kind of player is he? Who would you compare him too?

    Are we going to do a Levante and sign up loads of cheap freebies? (which wouldn't be a bad idea given our current financial predicament).

    Any idea what wages he is on? Around 35k I'd guess.

    I would guess less that 35k.

  6. if craig could sort out his tackling a bit, id like to see him back in the club sitting behind gary and ireland

    And just drop herd, thinks its a bit harsh he's really stepped up this season.. think he deserves his place tbh.

    i agree, but what i said was based on craig sorting his tackling out... how likely is that in fairness :P

    Good Point.

  7. Lichaj has never particularly impressed me but if he can play LB i'd play my gran over Warnock who I sincerely hope we see the back of in summer.

    I would like to see this Edna stevens guy we signed tbh.

  8. I wrote this in the Summer re build thread but ill paste it into here..

    Actaully i saw him against Udinese in the Europa league last week, And i have to say he didnt look half bad, quite creative.. Might add somthing to the team, please don't judge him by his goal ratio, because he is more of a creative player.. but of the whole half an hour I saw of him, he looked alrite.. so lets just wait before we pass judgment.

  9. if craig could sort out his tackling a bit, id like to see him back in the club sitting behind gary and ireland

    And just drop herd, thinks its a bit harsh he's really stepped up this season.. think he deserves his place tbh.

  10. In the pub for the Red Bulls opener yesterday, a lot of talk about Ireland making the move to NY. From what I heard the MLS have reached out to his agent (via the club) and were told that Ireland would entertain the possibility of a move to the US should Villa be willing to sell.

    Oh yeah I was reading something about that here:


  11. I think Mantis and some others wanted us to win to get all three points of course, but would have preferred a loss over a draw because 1 point wouldn't change much in regards to our Premier League position. A loss, however, would have heaped pressure on McLeish even more so which may have culminated in him getting the axe which would have been preferable to getting one extra point. Please correct me if I'm wrong though Mantis.

    Yeah this is pretty much how I felt aswell tbh... Wanted us to win.. But would have lost over the draw..More pressure on McLeish.

  12. OTT or what ?

    Weiman scores - and we want to pack the toughest league in the world with a load of green kids ? - Get real - they would get slaughtered week in - week out. a blend of youth and experience is whats needed.

    Thank god someone sees sense!

    We score one (lucky?) goal that the youngsters were involved in and here we go, drop petrov, start the kids, with the biggest respect, that is absolute bollocks.

    Petrov holds us together, defo.

    True but only for the first part of games, then he needs super glue to hold himself together.

  13. Balance is always essential. But some of our kids seem to be starting to prove that they can do it better than the seniors. Herd, Gardner, Bannan, Albrighton & Weimann IMO are all perfectly plausible starting options at the moment and it's only for the fact that at any one time you can only really use 2 from GG, BB & MA that I'd nearly put all 5 in the next starting line-up.

    I definitely draw the line before Johnson, Burke or Carruthers but I think Lichaj could push Hutton for a rightback slot.

    How long is Clark injured for? Because if you add him in that list then we really do have some good young talent.. Just wondering when he will be back?

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