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Posts posted by Lombardo

  1. Has anyone donated platelets before?

    I'm a regular blood donor and on the bone marrow list. I got a letter the other day about becoming a platelet donor. I'm going to do it, but wondered if anyone knows what's involved?

    Had a conversation about this recently. Apparantly you need to have really thick veins to ensure they get as much as possible out of you.

    Think it's a once a month visit to a clinic as well isn't it? Pretty tough going IMO.

    I doubt it's once a month, as you can only give blood once every 3 months so I imagine it's similar.

    And they specifically sent me a letter, so I don't know if they've tested my blood and it's good to use for platelets, or whether they just send the letter to everyone. but my family donate and they didn't get one.

    Regardless, once a month to a clinic is a small price to pay imo. Drat's story above makes it worthwhile :thumb:

    Maybe it is. I was just talking about it recently with one of the missus' friends and she said she went into the platelet clinic and was refused as her veins were too skinny.

    Absolutely, it's something I would love to do to help out but cant unfortunately!

  2. Has anyone donated platelets before?

    I'm a regular blood donor and on the bone marrow list. I got a letter the other day about becoming a platelet donor. I'm going to do it, but wondered if anyone knows what's involved?

    Had a conversation about this recently. Apparantly you need to have really thick veins to ensure they get as much as possible out of you.

    Think it's a once a month visit to a clinic as well isn't it? Pretty tough going IMO.

  3. All my mates are doing a half marathon the first weekend of July.

    I am seriously tempted to do it too, but I do not like long distance running and have had bad shin splint trouble in the past. I would see myself as being of a decent level of fitness though so I can pick up training if needs be... Am playing 5 a side football once a week now and doing a bootcamp style fitness training twice a week also for the past few months. Haven't done any long distance stuff in years though.

    What would be required to get up to the half marathon level in just under 3 months?

  4. Anyone know any quick cure or help for a creek in your neck?
    A creek in your neck? Sounds like you have water on the brain.

    A tap on the head should fix it.

    Je ne comprends pas Monsieur Mooney.

  5. Anyone know any quick cure or help for a creek in your neck?

    Have to play golf this afternoon on one of the nicest courses in the country and the feckin thing just came upon me this morning when leaving the house... Have had an ice pack on it already, and will take nurofen soon. ANy other ideas?

  6. Anyone else having a really really really long slow day? I've a good mind to bugger off home now.

    Yes. Is it wrong that I replied to the Aston Villa Transport survey by saying I travel to Villa Park by plane and train!?

    Just wanted them to know what pain I go through to get there! :lol:

  7. Just handed in my notice, im setting up my own company. Bloody scary but cant wait, this time next year.......

    Best of luck Cheltenham.... A tough time to go it alone but some would say the best time as well... Get your name out there plenty whatever it is and you'll be good to go!

  8. The surrounding area was pretty dodgy though.

    Yeah. It's called Small Heath. ;)

    I knew we were in that general area alright... The only thing I could smell coming out of the restaurant were bins and scum.... :winkold:

  9. Made it to the Balti Triangle anyway.... Had dinner in Al Fraisals in the end... Excellent food and so cheap. The surrounding area was pretty dodgy though. We were walking out to the main road to grab a taxi and some small car pulled up with a few shady looking lads and asked us if we wanted some pot.... The lads were off their heads driving away, swerving all over the road....

    All in all a good experience though! :D

  10. I'm getting thirsty already for tomorrow.

    I shall be quenching my thirst tonight in the boozer! Bring on the long weekend!! Wuhoo! Pints and Curry's shall be had! :D

  11. Oh I know all about the Weils disease... Spent years as a kayaker so heard several horror stories on that. Luckily the little buggers didn't piss near me!! It's not something to be sniffed at. You have to be within 30 seconds of a fresh rats urine though to be effected I think.

  12. Per usual....you wasted no time.

    ROB! I am really happy about this so could the boob comment at least be second to a congratulations?!

    #1. FANTASTIC! You did really well.

    #2. FANTASTIC! Boooooobs! :lol::lol::lol:

    So which sports bra do you recommend, ME? :D

    Everyone's a comedian.

    In all honesty, I wear one two sizes too small. It works well. But there IS a sports bra called the Ta-Ta Tamer. It's $50 so I haven't purchased it.

    Lombardo, did you say you could smell the rats? What the hell was going on? Maybe I am fine with the fire pit.

    Yeah it didn't smell the best... The race was set on a farm over several fields so in between each field was a stream/dyke and they normally contain rats as they are dark and relatively warm etc.... We had to run through several of these during the race. You could also smell the disinfectant which they spread, probably in an effort to take some of the rank smells away! A fire pit would literally be a walk in the park compared to this!!! :D

  13. There was definetely no fire pit... Just chest high pits of mud and water.... Saying that some of the water was rank and you could smell the rats so fire might have been just as harmful! :D Great craic though... I would say to go for it!

  14. So I have just been informed that I am in fact doing the Mud Run. :( My competitive running partner /best female friend has decided that will be my birthday gift to her this year.....dammit!

    Did one of them here in Ireland and I have to say it was great craic. Race was only 5k but worth it for the day out. Had a good laugh running round... Was a complete mess after it. Head to toe in muck...

  15. I was gona start this thread in a couple of weeks :angry:

    I just saved you the hastle of clicking on that new topic button so!!! :D

    I would always swear by the advice that a decent one is usually a good one..... Very profound. :lol:

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