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Posts posted by StanBalaban

  1. Crazy thing is, it isn't just RAWK. Every liverpool fan I know says similar things. It is incredible.

    Sometimes I do wonder if we would say the same things should we find ourselves in their position.

    Do we have any players that would put the fans in that position?

  2. Sunderland can't keep possession for love nor money at the moment. If they get a win against Arsenal it'll be something on the counter for sure - in typical MON fashion.

    OT slightly, but James McLean reminds me of a younger James Milner.

    And MON's team have just snatched one - James McLean too!

  3. Sunderland can't keep possession for love nor money at the moment. If they get a win against Arsenal it'll be something on the counter for sure - in typical MON fashion.

    OT slightly, but James McLean reminds me of a younger James Milner.

  4. RAWK is absolutely laughable - the world goes one way, the minds of Liverpool supporters the other - my favourite line on the handshake - it was Evra's fault, he was attention seeking.

    Just bizarre.

    I find the Downing appraisals more funny tbh...

    Downing, I hate to pick him out, but honestly -- I wouldn't be sad if I never saw him in a Liverpool shirt again. About the footballing equivalent of a mouth ulcer.

    We might as well of put a traffic cone on the left wing instead today

    Nothing more needs to be said about Downing, if Hodgson would have signed him then god forbid the reception he'd get.

    Downing was he even on the pitch? We were poor. Disappointing result.

    taxi for downing.........

    Ive finally come to realise that Stewart Downing is **** shite.

    Downing is pathetic

    That is just the tip of the iceberg really. They do not like him up there !!!!!

    £20m :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

    This is another Downing appraisal that made me chuckle

    Not since the days of Poulsen, Biscan and Traore has there been such an inept performance as Downing's today. Woeful.


  5. RAWK is absolutely laughable - the world goes one way, the minds of Liverpool supporters the other - my favourite line on the handshake - it was Evra's fault, he was attention seeking.

    Just bizarre.

    RAWK shows me no matter how much I disagree with the lads and lasses on VT, I'm still eternally grateful that none of us are like the arrogant rocket polishers on RAWK, and that just runs right through the club.

    Dalgleish's interview was a joke, Suarez acted like a cock again and Downing's looking a bench player at best - surely will lose the England place to the Ox that his Villa form got back for him.

    RAWK even has a thread about whether Robbie Keane was given a fair crack at Liverpoo given his Villa form and just look at the responses!


  6. Yeah it says on macrons brochure page 34 that macron will sponsor villa for 12/13 season

    That link seems not to be working anymore now... Anyhoo, what are the pick of the current Macron kits? Here's the Mallorca kit range, not sure about those dodgy collars!


  7. Sad. Just sad.

    This ^

    I can't remember feeling so dejected after a single half of football. To be 2-0 at half time against a better team is always a recipe for disaster at Villa as you know we're going to let an early goal in - but THAT was ridiculous!!

    There is something fundamentally wrong with the team, and it goes back long before AMc took charge. The PL is known for its fast pace but, with the exception of possibly Ireland, possibly Bannan, and now Keane, none of our players look comfortable with the ball at their feet.

    Movement is always lacking too, so combine a shit pass with a poor first touch, the need to reposition or hold the ball to find a willing runner followed by another shit pass inevitably leads to the ball going backwards to jittery back four, then the customary HOOF!!!

    That second half was simply comical and, with that, goes any chance of salvaging something from this season.

    The trick to investing wisely is to buy stock when it's cheap, so here's a come and get me to QIA. However, only a fool would crystallise their loss by selling on the cheap so over to you Randy!

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