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Posts posted by StanBalaban

  1. Solid start and the Mexican commentary team is increasing my enjoyment 100 fold.


    Is it followed by "has not touched the ball..."?


    It doesn't take a lot to get them excited it's **** fantastic :lol:

    That scuffed attempt from Collins just brought a MASSIVE "Coooooooleeeeeeaaaaaannnnnsssss" out of them.

    I know what you mean. I'm watching it on tv and have the choice of Arabic or English commentary. I swear they're watching different games! :lol:

  2. Away kit based on away kits the 1960's


    Home kit to go with it


    That away kit is absolutely brilliant. Would buy both of these and the yellow one in a heartbeat. The badge design is perfect too imo.

    You should send them to the club (for all the good it would do).

  3. However, if neither Faulkner nor Lerner give a shit about the football standards at our football club, and solely want to run Aston Villa FC as a business then that's fine. I will just have to go back to watching Cheltenham Town every week instead of wasting any time/money watching our great club go nowhere.

    The fact is that of course Aston Villa IS a business and should be run as such. just like Daniel Levy at Spurs manages to do so well. Randy's business skills are baffling however. I believe he's recently spunked a shit load on the Browns (that's a weird sentence if taken out of context....), but seems quite happy to alienate the paying fan base here at AVFC, thus ultimately hitting himself in the pocket. Missing out on places in the league costs us money too, so not sure what the 'Eck his game is!

  4. I'm not gonna lie. I wouldn't mind rafa. I said that in the summer too.

    *dont shoot me down. Still depressed McLeish is our manager*

    If I woke up tomorrow and found Rafa had been installed as our new manager I would actually be delighted.

    So happy, that I would probably do a little dance like Cameron Diaz did in her Spiderman pants in Charlies Angels, only for me to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, after which I would have to sit in the corner of the room thinking about what I had done for the rest of the day... :o :oops:

    Very little of this would be due to FSW mind you, just the removal of le Ginge!

  5. Not that it means anything but McLeish is now the favourite to be the next PL manager to go on SkyBet at 3/1. He was at about 20/1 over the weekend, although I'm aware this was partly because AVB was clearly the favourite at that time. That said, I have no idea why he jumped ahead of the likes of Coyle, Redknapp and Kean who were all ahead of him even yesterday.

    Wow really, I thought it would have been Martinez to be the favorite to go next, losing to swansea at home..

    FWIW, the bookies have Rafa as the favourite to be next permanent Villa manager at 3/1, and Eck is indeed favourite for next sacking. Unsurprisingly AVB isn't even featured!


  6. With Wolves getting tonked 4-0 at the moment, and making Fulham look like Real Madrid, I think AMc will be safe in his job until the end of the season by default. By this I mean that RL will probably think that the likes of Wolves, Wigan, Blackburn, QPR and Bolton are that bad that they won't overhaul an 8 point (plus massive GD) advantage to send us into the bottom three, so why risk a change.

    Having said that, he better be drawing up a shortlist for the day the season finishes and none of this bollocks about not going for someone that's already in a job!

    Whilst I don't want McLeish, surely the example of wolves at the moment will indicate he wont be sacked unti lat least the summer. No Decent manager will leave their position to come to us at this stage of the season.

    Exactly. Eck is going nowhere until the season ends. The only saving is grace is that the teams below are pretty rubbish, I believe a few have got to play each other, thus making is pretty hard for 3 of them to overtake us.

    That is THE only saving grace however, and RL needs to be making his shortlist now.

    Lord knows what that would look like though... :shock: :(

  7. With Wolves getting tonked 4-0 at the moment, and making Fulham look like Real Madrid, I think AMc will be safe in his job until the end of the season by default. By this I mean that RL will probably think that the likes of Wolves, Wigan, Blackburn, QPR and Bolton are that bad that they won't overhaul an 8 point (plus massive GD) advantage to send us into the bottom three, so why risk a change.

    Having said that, he better be drawing up a shortlist for the day the season finishes and none of this bollocks about not going for someone that's already in a job!

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