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Posts posted by Dale

  1. There aren't too many fixtures more difficult than this one. Disappointed we didn't score, but goals came from our mistakes, so stuff to improve on. Unai knows this and will make improvements for the next one. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Seal said:

    Someone on here, apologies for not remembering who, as it is not I that deserves the credit for this observation, noted that cocaine is rife amongst premier league players, and also a banned substance, yet no-one is ever banned for taking cocaine. Unless there is an agreement that such bans are painted as injuries. 

    This fact very much says that drug tests are either not a thing, or a charade. 

    Furthermore I would assume that drug cheating is more than often a step ahead of drug testing. 

    Cocaine is very rapidly motabilised, you'd be unfortunate to be caught. 

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  3. 59 minutes ago, MWARLEY2 said:

    4 years ago this month v Real Madrid. Shows the good the bad and the indifferent. He has genuine pace and strength and competitiveness but a wonderful gentle assist to add to it. Excited to see if he still has it 

    Promising. Casimerio loves a clutching of his face with no cause though

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, jim said:

    He had a full season near enough. I don’t recall the hundreds of calls for him to start for us.

    He got the minutes you’d expect for a prospect. I don’t recall St. Dean putting in him a lot either.

    Jim. You don't need to defend Stevie anymore. He's gone. 

    Chuk got minutes under both. He clearly wasn't ready. Whether our coaches made any difference to his decision to sod off we can only speculate. On one hand Dean had introduced Ramsey into the team and had experience in youth football, as did Gerrard. In reality coach probs made no difference. I had no faith in Gerrard and he certainly rubbed a lot of folk the wrong way, and judging by his tenure, you'd have wanted out for good of your career. 

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Dillon66 said:

    We probably didnt want his first impression of Birmingham to be hanging around a baggage carousel for 2 hours like everyone else.....

    I'd expect business class. The alternative wasn't a Ryanair flight... 

  6. 2 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    United lost terribly at Brentford Ten Hag had them in the following morning and ordered them to run 10km and that did the trick as they won 4-5 in a row afterwards.

    They're not children. Assume Emery knows how best to manage them on basis of their personalities and his experience. Many different ways to gut a fish. 

  7. 1 minute ago, villa4europe said:

    completely agree

    also as i posted before a think a depressingly large number of people simply wont care and wont look at this beyond the vacuum of being a football fan

    ashley did not spend money on them = bad owner, the new owners do = good owner

    it doesn't go any further than that, unfortunately its easier for us as outsiders looking in to comment on it but villa fans would not be better, the same depressingly large number would be in the don't care boat, I honestly don't know what id do, id be lying if I said id break all ties while at the same time my interest in football is probably the lowest its ever been anyway

    Yeah I'd be the same. I'd join a protest group, but i don't think I'd go so much or buy anything from the club in that instance. 

  8. 6 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    Zero hour contracts > whipping and prison for being gay

    You're being flippant, but for a certain type of person an injustice over there is far easier to sweep under the carpet than one down the road. I personally find that way of thinking about things reprehensible, but depressingly common. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, sne said:

    Swedish commentator speculated it was for obstruction. Which is funny since that didn't apply when Newcastle did it before their offside goal.

    Yes, that was it. The Newcastle player did more theatrically launch himself to the floor. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

    The thing that worried me was Emery said 'we'll send him for the scan tomorrow', not sure if choice of words but I would hope we have a specialist(s) on retainer and get it scanned and being treated and iced etc literally as soon as possible surely waiting till the next day could have a very adverse effect?

    I imagine there will have been an initial scan in hospital and immediate medical protocols taken. Tomorrow's will be more in depth and determine surgery and extent of the damage. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    Had a very (very) quick look and it’s really not great reading.

    Caveat, bit of a rushed job. Possible inaccuracies. Someone else probably can do a better job.


    Missed 5 full games. Lost 4. Won 1. Conceded 11.

    Another game he went off injured. Conceded 3 in his absence. Lost 4-1.


    Missed 2 full games. Lost both. Conceded 4.

    We won a match when went off at half time. Clean sheet.


    Missed 2 full games. Draw and defeat. Conceded 3.

    Didn’t start v West Ham. Conceded 2. Came on conceded another 2.


    Missed 3 full games. Lost all of them. Conceded 6.


    Well, you know the story there.


    Basically I think we’ve won 1 out of 12 “full” matches he’s missed, losing 9. Conceding 24.

    Then there’s 4 other matches where he’s missed some of the game. Lost 3, won 1. Conceded 8 in the time he was off the pitch. That time amounts to just under two matches worth of minutes.

    Hopefully we improve this record.

    Well. I've not a doubt it won't be this bad. It's not great by any stretch though. We will lose points because of it 

  12. On 01/08/2023 at 20:59, ChesterDad said:

    I’m thinking £20 mill at most for Bailey. This would be a win win for me.

    He is market rate higher than AsM, who is all fart no shit. Bailey scored 6 goals last season with a handful of assists. If ASM had that output, Newcastle wouldn't have been so keen to get rid. If we're basing on newkie fees, let's go with Gordon. 

  13. Just now, AvfcRigo82 said:

    Martinez, Moreno, Torres, Carlos, Kamara, Luiz, McGinn, Ramsey, Diaby & possibly Archer if he can do in the PL what he did for Boro in the Ch.

    Find it quite interesting that you've omitted Mings/Konsa who have been absolutely solid under Unai and more progressive than they were before. Given injury, Carlos is far from a sure thing. 

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