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Posts posted by houllierout

  1. There were plenty of better managers out-of-work at the time of Houllier's departure. Some were pretty unrealistic (e.g. Ancelotti) but some were very gettable, like Hughes. This is why I am still absolutely baffled as to why we went and tapped up McLeish.
    Hughes and all the others would have wanted transfer money. There is no money. McLeish was the only one willing to accept that.

    Hughton would've bee na good shout, I've said this all along. I'd rather the club have taken a gamble on an unknown than hire a known failure.

    I still understand why people keep saying he was the only one who would've taken the job.

    I literally die a little bit inside when people believe this...

  2. One thing i'm not a fan of with Bent, is his inability to trap a ball, ask him to hold the ball up in the opposition half and he'll take about four touches running back towards into his own half.

    of course ask him to score a goal every game and he does..... i know which id take.

  3. Best bits:

    "i dont think the form has been excruciatingly bad"

    F*CK OFF

    "we've been open with everybody on how the board would run the club"

    You havent

    "I do believe we've had fantastic support. We have a minority that will never support me but the majority do"

    the majority hate you you tw*t

    "When we play badly we deserve the stick"


    "its amazing how well they played"


  4. Looking at what Curbs did with Charlton and Wet Spam he during his time in charge got 1.56pts per game.

    (1.62 at WH, 1.5 at Charlton)

    Now Kmacs Managerial career at the club "he knows inside out" is 1.14.....

    I'll go with curbs cheers if need be.

    To be honest his record is up there with the little. BFR and gregory records at villa.

    Greg = 1.57

    Little = 1.52

    BFR = 1.55

    Looking at the stats CI who would you want in charge?

  5. In every post I've ever seen you make about Gabby, you just slag him off. Not even related to his ability. Its pathetic

    their are three things ive got a problem with

    1) people saying he's a good striker when he's basically worse than Julian Joachim

    2) Making someone who cant think or talk on the pitch captain

    3) Him coming out and been two faced in the press


    If you're going to come oit with arsey and pompous stayements about people being able to think or talk, I suggest you sit down with a grammar book and have a good look at your point 3.

    I'm sorry your majesty....

  6. In every post I've ever seen you make about Gabby, you just slag him off. Not even related to his ability. Its pathetic

    their are three things ive got a problem with

    1) people saying he's a good striker when he's basically worse than Julian Joachim

    2) Making someone who cant think or talk on the pitch captain

    3) Him coming out and been two faced in the press

  7. I would sack him and put K-Mac in charge for the last 7 games because:

    1. We would at least start approaching games in a more positive manner, and I believe that if we do that then the points are there to be won, even with a less experienced manager.

    2. It would shake the players up a bit, and hopefully make them fight for their future.

    I don't think doing this could make things any worse, but it could make things better.

    Except as my lovely chart points out Kmac has a worse record than Mcleish....


  8. It's too late to sack McLeish this season. Our only hope is that Lerner sacks him when the season is over.

    Cant understand why it would be too late?? Probably in the sense that it would be difficult, to get another manager in and try and fix the mess, McLeish has brought us in. But I would rather another manager came in and tried to win a couple of games, instead of trying to scrape a couple of 0-0 games home.

    I think a lot of people just like the pain of watching it....

  9. Although this is getting off topic.... one last thing with gabby.

    You can tell the exact second he has to think about his play... by watching him you can hear yourself shouting "dont think" as soon as he does...... its given away..

  10. Bent should never be on the wing so im failing to see your point?

    Gabby's aimless because he's a bit thick.

    I'm saying Bent's scoring record is unaffected by periods of being picked out of position.

    McLeish's idea of a winger is a deep-sitting meatshield for the fullback - that's a position that Gabby should never be playing either. I'm not saying he's a secret MENSA member but when he's fired up and playing instinctually he can be dangerous in his all-round play, as evidenced by his goals and assists in the early season.

    But his record shows that EVERY season he goes well for 4 or 5 games then just doesnt bother

  11. To me a strikers job is to score goals. Bent gets twice as many (0.47 goal to games) as Gabby (0.24) Now all that running around like a headless chicken from Gabby actually does him no favours. If the daft git would get in the box more he'd score more but he tend to come out onto the wings too much.

    over the last 6 months you ve come to see McLeish's tactics dampening Bent not his limitations... as he's still scoring more than Gabby with no service.

    But how many times has Bent been played on the wing? Gabby has always liked to run the channels, but lately he drifts wide mindlessly, even when we already have people wide and it results in an empty box. It's because he's become accustomed to playing more like a midfielder than a striker, thanks to Houllier and McLeish.

    Bent should never be on the wing so im failing to see your point?

    Gabby's aimless because he's a bit thick.

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