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Posts posted by houllierout

  1. if anyone thinks this team is weaker than mons first season team they are a bit mental.

    and as for given he's paid by the club to do PR. the muppet will leave us and never think of us again so listening to him is like listening to Faulkner basically.

  2. I've long thought that if fans are serious about making a protest then trying to organise a boycott of a game is the absolute worst way to go about it. There will always be fans who despite perhaps agreeing with the protest won't miss a game, there are people who have paid for tickets or ST's and will want to go. Asking people to not attend a game is asking a lot.

    If fans really want to protest against the owners of a club they should do so in a way that doesn't impact upon the team or their enjoyment or potential enjoyment of watching them play.

    They could boycott the programmes, the refreshments, merchandise such things while less visible than empty seats would get the message over just as clear to those in control. They would likely be a damn sight more widely supported than a match boycott.

    If fans carried on attending games but stopped all associate spending on mass then that would be an effective protest.

    Not saying people should protest just that the way people go about it is usually pretty daft.

    This for me. By not spending whilst in the ground then it gets a message across to the board without the players being affected by it.

    but youve paid to go in! :|

  3. ...the club couldn't care less what the fans think despite what they may say....

    You're absolutely right. However the club does care what the fans PAY though. It doesn't matter how anyone tries to twist it with emotional nonsense, the bottom line is if you enter villa park and/or pay for anything, you're supporting what the club offers and how its run as a whole. They can afford to ignore you when you pay, they can't afford to ignore you when you don't pay. Simples.

    The idea of boycotting a chosen game makes more sense than throwing a tantrum protest. However, if the club believe you're just going to do it once, they'll be likely to just ignore it. The old saying is vote with your feet.

    Bang on.

  4. It'd be a bit easier to get behind if the two accounts on Twitter where this seems to have come from didn't spend half their time swearing and being rude to people.

    Waste of time. He's here until he relegates us - the club couldn't care less what the fans think despite what they may say - and it'll be written off as 'anti-birmingham city' again as opposed to looking at the real issues in play.

    thats the spirit

  5. Ahh protests... at least the right noise is happening. But its been funnelled incorrectly.

    As i posted weeks ago a boycott of VP is needed on one day to maximise the point to the board. Pick a game thats on tele and ask people to all go down to the surrounding pubs, and pump the £30odd into there tills and keep them afloat abit longer whilst singing with villa fans.

    A protest wont work. BUT it at least shows the fans want something different to the board. Every single person who went in the summer were perfectly correct to do so and havent embarrassed us. In fact they showed the fanbase knows more than the board. Which in the main they do.

    If for one day attendance was down to say 26000 (ST's wont give up there match day fix. They are like crack addicts or devote christians) and those 26000 refused to buy anything from the ground. The board would listen.

    Wont happen though. As you have sheep who think "Im a REAL fan and protesters arent" and "its embarrassing BETHE12THMAN" versus people who want some change from the dire dirge we are seeing week in and week out.

    To me it shows the fans know the problems but some are too much football fundamentalists to see the process of trying change as too "embarrassing" well you know whats embarrassing me? the football at villa park and the atmosphere generated from these people who go every game.

    Good luck on the protest. It wont work as you'll all then pay to go in. But when the sh*t hits the fan. Remember the boycott plan. That will make a bigger impact.

  6. i love him even more if he did. Any player who comes out and says they hate him would become instant legend in my eyes

    So he is a legend even though he has sponged from the club for a year, said Birmingham was shit place, doesnt give a monkeys. He was at fault for the first goal and hate the way he bottles out of any challenge

    I didnt say he was a legend. He needs to come out and say mcleish is a useless see you next tuesday first. I think Ireland is Lerners biggest mistake next to mcleish.

  7. You know what? I don't think fans should be forced to be the 12th man and help the board get out of a sticky situation. All this could have been avoided if the board actually listened to us instead of stabbing us in the back and making the biggest controversy appointment ever. They've made their bed, the fans shouldn't have to help them get out of it. We did it last season and saved Randy alot of money, but this season if we do get relegated, it'll teach Randy a valuable lesson and it'll certainly hurt him more losing multi millions of pounds. Would **** serve him right. He can't even be arsed to attend so **** him if it happens.

    Great Post. and yes, collymore is a pr*ck

  8. You’d think a penny might of dropped for Lerner/Falkner over the summer. Having sacked O’Neill who was one a one year rolling contract they found themselves having to give him just over a mill in a pay off. Having thankfully **** off Houllier they found themselves having to pay him in excess of 3mill in a pay off due to having given him a 3 year deal.

    Armed with the above what do they do? They give McLeish a 3 year deal. It is bad enough they appointed McLeish but like Houllier to give him a three year deal was madness.

    They never sacked O'Neill.

    Nope the position become untenable and Martin got paid off in court.

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