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Posts posted by foreveryoung

  1. To be fair, I am gonna be truthful now! If we do sack McLeish we are gonna need a big manager to come in and sort the squad out. Ok don't laugh, how stupid it may have seemed at the time, Ancelotti would have got this team a winning mentality and kicked the moaners in to touch. One thing McLeish has failed at. Anyone saying the squad is not good enough please believe with a big manager even Benitez, we would be much more motivated and disiplined.

  2. I don't know why we are worrying about protesting may affect the players. They won't much care for us if we get relegated cause they will all **** off back to the premier league to join another club. Harsh but so true!

  3. They said we would be fighting for a European place not fighting for relagation. Here my friend spells falier on McLeish's part. It could happen in no other industry where a manager does so badly and still has support of the board.

    I seriously would'nt like to be in his shoes if he gets us relegated. He will have to leave the country as the Midlands most wanted.

  4. Since I don't go to games or watch matches on TV and can only occasionally bare to watch a stream, I haven't heard McLeish get a load of abuse at games in the way that Houllier did, or am I just missing it?

    Just out of interest...

    Its so unbelievable the shit boring football I think most of us just go into shock and don't know weather to cheer or boo!

    Hey you did'nt tell us how you would celebrate?

  5. Sorry but i don't believe Randy is the real problem your right he is not a footballing man, he is a banker. Its the advisors i.e Faulker and co who have to take most of the blame. Ok Lerner has employed these people, but on the knowledge they know how to run a football club and successfull business. Its obvious they have no idea how to run a football club and have truely **** us. Lerner is only the finance man, Faulker should take 99% of the blame. Lerner needs to sack McLeish and Faulker and start afresh with someone who knows how to run a football club. I still want Randy here, but the rest of the board can **** off.

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