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Posts posted by foreveryoung

  1. Just heard McLeish on SSN.

    We are playing like every game is a cup final, every player played his best today cant fault them. It a matter of, quality in the team.

    So again balming the players, nothing to do with a negative set up. Did'nt big up Weimann or the goal. Funny its exactly the same tactics as we play with the full first team.

  2. Randy what the hell were you thinking??? And to buy him out of Blues contract, for I believe, 3 million, your advisors must have been on the charlie white that day. Please guys dont think about this comment to much, its enough to drive a man to suicide!

  3. Dont get me wrong love Gabby true Villan. But the only reason McLeish chose him as captain is to get on our, the fans side. He has as much leadership qualities as a child in a boxing ring. He could never shout or order others players around!

  4. C I where ever you are just back from the game.

    Villa looked good today up to Weimanns goal. Prove we can pass the ball and Stoke were hardley getting a touch. As soon as the goal came it was back to sitting deep. We have quality up front and McLeish should try it some time instead of shitting himself that we might concede to many if we play to far up the field, I see no proof of this yet. Stoke were just awful, letting players dry the ball for 1 minute is just taking the piss, slows everything down they were blantently playing for throw ins too.

    McLeish looked up at us at the end of the game smiling his head off clapping like we had just won 5-0. He is so happy drawing ya know, a **** win now and again at Villa Park would hurt ya useless word removed!

  5. If he signs a few Gems that turn out....all will be forgotten.

    He needs a successful time in the transfer Market ...not expensive buys because we are not in to that,just a few players that develop with us and make An impact.

    It can all be turned around.

    If kenny dalglish can cock it up any manager can.

    Mcleish needs a little more time a bit of money, injuries back and let's see what he can do.

    Yeah the same as he did at blues, he had money there you know and did'nt sign 'gems'. He signed Dann, Vidic, Ridgewell to name a few.

  6. So you think our first team we could do any better, cause we rolled over last time we played them. This wasn't a classic Liverpool side and with there recent track record I was looking for a win. i can understand the difficult situation McLeish has found himself in, but with 20 million and a near full season the team has not changed since day one of the season, if anything, it looks worst. The players have proved there potential I.e Chelsea, so no one tell me the team is just not good enough.

  7. We still have a team to provide to Bent. Its just McLeish does not use players effectively. Ireland, Nzog and Albrighton even Gabby could all provide Bent with more than enough assists. We just dont play that type of game. With McLeish tactics he will always be alone striker. If we played around Bent it would be a mush more entertaining dynamic game.

  8. As soon as we are relegation safe we should kick up the biggest fuss protesting against McLeish till the end of the season. Surely Randy would be insane to keep him for next season. Hold all season tickets until we know whats going on. If he is still here the start of next season boycott the first game.

  9. Tin hat time... but just trying to be a wee bit positive...

    Finally seen some passion out of the team the last two games from young lads who obviously are proud to wear the claret & blue.

    If we've kicked McLeish for the performances on the pitch all sason...then we have to surely give him a bit of credit for getting the youngsters playing with a bit of grit and belief.

    I've said before many of the senior players in our squad were abandoned by MON who walked out on a dressing room he'd supposedly lost, did nothing under Kevin MacDonald. Looked anything but committed under Gerard Houlier whilst making out Gary McAllister was THE problem. Made Gordon Cowans practically refuse to work with them....and now has McLeish behind closed doors bemoaning the lack of team spirit.

    Someone posted yesterday that we need MON back and he'd get the best out of this lot and keep us up. Sorry that doesn't wash with me MON walked out on a squad of players who in the main he'd assembled expensively whilst casting aside home grown talent.

    McLeish to his credit has not in the main moaned he's remained dignified and respectful and just got on with the hand he was dealt.

    To be fair I would remain dignified and respectful for sure, I would'nt wanna get carried away and lose my 2 mil (whatever it is) a year salary.

    Honestly, he has never once (like even big managers) blamed himself for any performances this season, its either fans or players but never his inept negative tactics, because he always believes a draw is a good result.

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