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El Zen

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Posts posted by El Zen

  1. Leaving aside civil liberties, there hasn't been a single good reason FOR the cards yet. If they're of no use, and I fail to see how they would prevent terrorism or most ID fraud, then what's the point?

    Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too. If someone could give me an explanation as to how exactly ID cards would prevent terrorism, it could at least be debated as an option.

    Now, as I'm not British, I'm not really up to date with all the details of it, so if someone could just tell me what ID cards would really be good for, I wouldn't initially have any moral objections to the introduction of ID cards. Unless they severly interfere with people's private life, that is, but someone would need to convince me of that too.

  2. Mostly on my laptop at home, while watching telly. I sometimes VT down at the Uni computer lab too, if I need a short break from my political science studies. Which, given the nature of the subject, can be often enough :lol:

  3. I like Mourinho. I think he's a a marvelously intelligent and talented manager. He's had wonderful success in the past, and he will achieve great things in the future. I would have loved to have him at Villa, and I think he would've done a good job here.

    However, I happen to believe Martin O'Neill is perfect for our club, and I wouldn't replace him with anyone. Based on his achievements with Villa alone, I'd choose him over anyone else, let alone what he's done at other clubs. He's as intelligent as Mourinho, and his personality just fits us perfectly. He's patient, thorough and inspirational - you can tell he's got a plan, and that plan will bring success to Villa Park. And in the process, he's building a foundation for the club, that we will benefit from long after his reign here is over.

    So my vote goes to Martin.

  4. As a foreigner who've been to both cities, I have no doubt Birmingham is the bigger city in every meaning of the word. However, being a Villa fan does make me biased so it would certainly be interesting to hear from someone who disagrees and thinks Manchester is bigger.

  5. Saw them at Hove Rock Festival in the summer. They were ok, but not good enough for me to get the album. Some elements were far too similar to the Streets' style, which I bloody hate.

    The ginger singer (I understand he's Villa) seemed like a nice guy, though. Kept a decent report with the crowd.

  6. I think there have been some positives and some negatives. Not wishing to dwell on the specifics of the negatives I would say that the return of hope is the biggest change for me. The feeling that we will compete and have a chance of winning games rather than turning up expecting a defeat.

    Aye, this, and having a club that listens, is the biggest change for me.

  7. I've been playing Marvin Gaye's What's Going On (the album, not just the song) quite a bit lately. Absolutely brilliant.

    Just got TV On the Radio's Return to Cookie Mountain too, after I saw them at the Hove Festival this summer. Not bad at all.

    Should mention Nortec Collective's Tijuana Bass and Tijuana Makes Me Happy too. A bit different, but cheerful and creative.

  8. General, have you ever considered putting on a pair of boots and join the lads in training? I bet you'd make a mean centre half, half Roberto Ayala half Neil Ruddock.

    I have met the great man twice (yet to have the chance to buy him a beer though), and despite his tough training and extraordinary military experience, I think the General would agree that his stature is more suited to being a wizard on the wing than a centre half. He is still just taller than me though!!! :lol:

    Hence the part about Roberto Ayala :winkold:

  9. 1. Yes, I have been to Norway. I did artic training there twice plus visited Norway 3 times as Commandant.

    I knew it! We have to teach you everything about winter warfare :mrgreen:

    Have to say. Beeing on exercises and watching you Americans and British freeze your nuts off is **** funny.

    I have to say, thinking of you lot in Norway paying extortionate amounts of money for your alcohol is **** hilarious :lol:

    But then again, we make quite enough money to pay for it too :winkold:

    General, have you ever considered putting on a pair of boots and join the lads in training? I bet you'd make a mean centre half, half Roberto Ayala half Neil Ruddock.

  10. Has to be the World Cup for me. There are very few things I love more than football, and to have a full month packed with quality footy is heaven. Last year I only missed one full game and two halves of the 56 games televised in Norway. Probably gained ten pounds worth of crisps and beer and didn't see much of the sun at all before after the final....had the time of my life :D

    Baseball World Series, The Open, Tour de France, the Winter Olympics, the Snooker World Champs' and the FA Cup Final are all very important for me too.

  11. I'm a big fan of Family Guy, so they obviously get my vote. I'd have American Dad up there too, so I guess I'm quite fond of Seth McFarlane in general.

    I think it might have been the Simpsons movie where (spoiler alert) Homer flicks through a dictionary (or something like it). He flicks by 'plagiarism' and there's a picture of Peter from Family Guy, then he flicks by 'plagiarism of plagiarism' and sees a picture of American Dad. I thought it was funny (and yes I know they're both created by Seth :))


    I love the banter going on between the respective shows, really.

    I have no problem admitting that Family Guy are obviously heavily influenced by the Simpsons, of course, and they have probably blatantly stolen a few jokes from Groening-with-friends. I don't really care though, because there is so much out of Family Guy that is genuine and original and not like the Simpsons at all, and the things that are stolen are just as funny anyway :)

    As for American Dad being a plagiate of Family Guy, I'd have to disagree with the Simpsons people as Peter Griffin and Stan Smith are as different as they come :)

  12. I'm a big fan of Family Guy, so they obviously get my vote. I'd have American Dad up there too, so I guess I'm quite fond of Seth McFarlane in general.

    Simpsons is funny too though, but I think I like Family Guy better because they just take the satire a little bit further.

    Futurama was definitely a very good show as well.

    South Park, well, has never really been my thing. Haven't watched it for a while, admittedly, but it never really made me laugh.

  13. The Smiths - What difference does it make - Live on You Tube

    I'm really not into the Smiths stuff, but to be fair that's a **** ace track!

    favorite Smiths track by far. The gig is about the same time I saw them for the first time.

    Yes The Smiths did change my life and stayed with me for ever. Sad - Yes, but true all the same. Try this one.

    Not sad at all. They're one of the best bands ever. You should be proud to have been influenced by their work. I know I am, anyway :)

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