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Posts posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. I heard earlier that it very possible that these Americans are representing the Dubai people, so you may well be right.

    Are these the Dubai people suposedly connected with Still, or is this a new one? **** this my brain is fried I need a holiday!

    Nothing to do with Still.........

  2. Regarding today's visitors, I know nothing, but I am pretty convinced that the aircraft that arrived from Dubai this morning is related.

    The aircraft is American registered to a bank that specialises in financing such machines, but after digging the last known 'owners' were an Australian company called 'Beyond Holdings', a mobile phone company.

    As far as I can see the aircraft hasn't been to Australia for a long time, so the ownership may have changed, but it does kick around the Far East a lot, so it's possible that Dubai was a refuelling stop.

    If RL's people are over, it was by scheduled flight, which I doubt. No private jets have come to the UK from 'obvious' Lerner originating points.

    I heard earlier that it very possible that these Americans are representing the Dubai people, so you may well be right.

  3. Yeah just watched it myself, pics of Doug showing 3 yanks around Bodymoor and Villa park...

    who the hell are these guys?

    Apparently they turned up this morning and Ellis has been in discussons with them till 5pm this evening

    Cue Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid soundtrack! :D

  4. My, My, aren't a huge amount of fans on here and elsewhere jumping the wrong gun.

    I suggest tears at twilight for sure, there will be a few more twists yet, Doug Ellis hasn't died and the one man who could do him real harm hasn't jumped ship................................yet :crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:


    I partly agree depending on whether we mean the same man!

    And I also accept that there MAY be more "twists and turns" but I am coming rapidly to the conclusion that time is running out for some and that it MAY only really delay the inevitable.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

  5. Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. – George Washington

    I hope Lerner knows this quotation from his former president.

    I also suggest that IF he ever gets down to negotiating with ellis again that he asks Doug to consider the following before talks begin!

    * "It still remains true that no justification of virtue will enable a man to be virtuous."

    * "Prosperity is the measure or touchstone of virtue, for it is less difficult to bear misfortune than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure."

    * "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."


  6. Things seem to be going a bit downhill to me.

    1. Neville says he doens't know if he will be able to make a bid (read he's struggling to get the cash together)

    2. Ellis pisses off Randy

    3. Neville says he would like to join forces with AV06 (read, he definitely can't get the cash together)

    4. AV06 say they will drop out if MON is appointed

    I make that 3 down and Sven to go.

    Ellis must be laughing his socks off.

    Jim I dont think any of those points are true to their full extent. I really think the race is still on and that several groups are still in with a shout!

  7. Runetune

    If you are offering what they are, as with Lerner, you call whatever tune you want

    What most Villa fans fail to appreciate and Ellis does, is that when you have the money you call whatever tune you want, and there are plenty of clubs out there keen to be taken over, Villa happens to be the cheapest, thanks to the ruination Ellis has wrought

    All Ellis is doing by suggesting he will get O'Neil is to limit those who want to takeover, just as when given a fait accompli by Lerner he tried to change the goalposts in desperation.

    He's a total fkwit and should be releaved of control of the club, but no one has the guts,


    I think they may have if this goes on much longer. ellis will not imo get away with it again.

  8. Why would it come from Rothschild?

    Because if the reports were true they would be in deep shit.

    It is from Rothschild. It just has the AV logo on it.

    Highly likely that is driven by Rothchild and other directors covering their arses. But the timing is definitely significant imo.

  9. It also sounds like Rothschild will not let this happen (can not let this happen). Sounds like even the insiders are leaving Doug's ship.

    I think you are very probably right, rumour is that some board members are not happy.

    What is more I think this is a preface to further imminent events.

    Cue Lerner?????????

  10. from OS

    Takeover Information

    A number of supporters have contacted the club recently requesting information regarding the current takeover discussions.

    Whilst we understand the interest and concerns of supporters and shareholders, as a listed company, we are strictly limited to what we can and cannot say regarding the current situation.

    Consequently, we have communicated all possible information to supporters and shareholders via the Stock Exchange.

    However, the following points give a brief summary of the legal requirements that any listed company must adhere to in such circumstances.

    As Aston Villa is a listed company, the board and its representatives have a legal duty to conduct any takeover negotiations strictly in accordance with the regulations.

    There can be no special deals struck for the benefit of any individual. Personal interests cannot be pursued and all negotiations are conducted in the best interest of all shareholders and the football club.

    As the company's retained advisor, Rothschild has been, and will continue to be, present at all meetings to ensure regulatory practice is upheld.

    The board of Aston Villa are duty bound to consider the merits, or otherwise, of all offers made to the club.

    In such situations, it is not legally possible for a listed company to divulge specific information relating to a takeover without first informing the Stock Exchange.

    Accordingly, as and when appropriate, a further announcement will be made.

    Actually this is very interesting, especially the bit in bold. It is basically answering the rumours that ellis was trying to angle an executive position for himself.

    I think we can take it folks that they have now said categorically that he isnt and CAN'T !!!

    I believe this statement is VERY significant!

  11. There's no chance that people bidding have got in touch with some of the players and encouraged the statement is there?

    Definitely not. This was as big a shock to Neville as everyone else

    Caught everyone on the hop hasn't it

    True, but in the main scheme of things it doesnt make a great deal of difference. A bid was in the offing anyway.

  12. Well John Fears vitalvilla have Michael Neville associated with a new bid, this time however with out the Comer Bros!

    Its definitely true! The Comer Brothers gave up but Neville has kept plugging away and is now very close to making a bid.

    Before anyone dismisses the guy remember he is Villa through and through. He's a successful businessman with BIG plans for Villa. He needs our support this is a big chance! He's originally fro the Aston Area and has supported Villa for nigh on 46 years.

  13. Petchey still has midas touch

    Geoff Foster, Daily Toss

    VETERAN cockney property trader and former car dealer Jack Petchey has the midas touch. He is still making pots of money at the tender age of 81.

    He has made himself a small fortune over the years by acquiring strategic stakes in asset-backed companies trading at big discounts to their underlying value via Trefick, his Isle of Man investment vehicle. More often than not he sells at a profit and his band of City followers rub their hands with glee.

    He appears to have come up trumps yet again at Bizspace. He owns 23.7% of the provider of flexible managed workspace for small to medium-sized businesses, which yesterday revealed it has received a takeover approach. The shares raced ahead to 98p before closing 7½p higher at 86½p.

    Petchey first bought a 4.94% stake at 29½p in October 2003 and last acquired stock last December at around 60p when he increased his shareholding to 23.7% from 17.8%. So he is already making a tasty turn on his investment and stands to make a lot more if rumours of an imminent 100p-plus a share cash bid prove correct.

    Workspace (2 ½p dearer at 339p) is tipped as a possible bidder for a company that owns and operates a total of 31 managed centres from Newcastle to Brighton. A private equity player is also believed to be interested.

    Petchey also owns 20% of struggling football club Aston Villa, 10p better at 407½p. Whispers from the dug-out suggest that Galway millionaire property developers Luke and Brian Comer are back in bid negotiations with chairman and 38% shareholder Doug Ellis.

    Personally think they have got the wrong end of the stick, 2 + 2 = 5 type thinking.

    You may be right but imo its back on again. Here's the scenario:

    Ellis: F**k Neville and the Comer Brothers if they think they can get the club for 10 mill less. Stridey boy get Rothchilds in here. We'll stick AVFC on the market and get loads of interest at the asking price.

    Three months later....

    Stride: Mr Ellis, sir, Ive called Rothchilds on the the hour every hour for the last three months and they still havent come up with a buyer. D-D-Do Y-Y-You think we should call Neville and the Comers Brothers again?

    Ellis: Stridey my boy, I'm not getting any younger but I am damned if I'll sell to a couple of itinerant plasters from Galway for less then the asking price!!!!!! Give it a couple more weeks and we'll leak it via someone at the meaning evil that we might be prepared to negotiate!

  14. Sod the pedigree, the Egyptians had pedigree as did the Romans, lot of good it did them today.

    Aston Villa as a club are a shell of their once great past, and its time their fans broke out of fantasy land and into realityville

    Sorry this statement really is b*****ks!

    Football has very little to do with reality for fans whoever they support. It has however a lot to with peoples dreams and therefore living in fantasy land.

    Long may we revel in past memories and continue to dream of reliving former glories. F**k realityville! The day fans go there is the day most quit following football.

    Unlike the Egyptian and Roman civilizations you refer to in your analogy, Aston Villa Football Club still exists. It very much has the potential to return to its former greatness once Nero Ellis stops fiddling and f**ks off :)

  15. No not at all. I have always said out out out as soon as possible. Its just the definition of when is "possible" or "practical" that causes an issue for some.

    Its the "now's not the right time" argument I have a problem with as people say that but what they really mean is there will never be a right time.

    But you see my stance on DOL is a perfect example of people not reading what I have written and just believing what they want.

    I do not believe that DOL is the right manager for us. I believe he should go.

    Those that say that now is not the right time sort of say that they do believe he is the right manager for us, as far as I am concerned.

    Richard are you saying that what ever he does "that DOL is NOT the right manager for us."? What would change your mind?

    Pardew at West Ham was villified etc etc - but turned it round and they now love him.

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