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Posts posted by siminjo

  1. the player (AMC) behind the striker should he e trequarista or forward playmaker?? i play with christian eriksen. and BTW the most injury prone player ever on the game must be song heung min. absolutley every fecking time he plays for south korea he comes home injured and thats abput 2 a month if he`s fit because he plays for both u-23 and a team.

  2. Finally I find it hard to imagine a worse appointment than AML.

    Mick McArthy, Neil Warnock & Neil Lennon spring to mind. Although most likely we would end up with a low mid table plodder like Bruce or Big Sam.

    Dont mind me I am just going to go away and cry a bit now at just how low our ambition has become.

    edit: Oh and I hate to say it, but at the end of the season his playing for small defeats kept our goal difference down which ended up being important.

    i dont understand how you can say neil warnock and neil lennon are worse managers then AM. warnock has always seemd to me as doing quite good with the awful teams he has managed and neil lennon has a 75 % win rate and been voted spls manager of the season

  3. ffs, no way should we get fletcher. to sell gabby to buy fletcher is like selling 1-room flat in chelsea district to buy a penthouse in newham.

    Poor analogy IMO. Gabby is like a dragster - quick and that's it. One trick. No end product, can't beat a man, can't cross. A 20 mins to go impact player at best. Without his pace he'd be less useful than Heskey.

    Fletcher has looked good in a terrible Wolves team, but is no way good enough for Villa.

    what i meant was even tough fletcher might look more attractiv now, in the end you may realise you are no better off, more likely worse than you were before. nothing more, nothing less :) so it seems like were almost exactly on the same page :lol:

  4. i will not even dare defend his form of late, but on the season as a whole he has probably been one of our top 3 player but hey, like villa has played this season that doesent say all too much. if we keep AM i would prob want to sell him for a decent price but if Am gets sacked i would definitiv keep him. but that said if RL chooses AM over gabby i prob wont see any villa games next season since what the **** is the point then? another dreadly season of shit hoofball.

  5. mark have you been smoking something strong? you think its realitstic that bolton gets 11 points from 15 possible? i cant see them getting more than 5 if im really optimistic on there behalf and that they win against us. if we win or its a draw i see them getting 2-3 points

  6. i see all the time that gabby get stick for being dumb, how come? i know he dosent show that much of vision and intelligent play on the field but i really dont think he is dumb for that reason alone. in the interviews i see him give he doesent come off as stupid i think.

  7. imarsha_926 can you please start a new tread to display all your designs? i think every one off your designs i have seen have been class, it would be cool to see all your designs with out searching for hours. and the rumours has it we are being spied on by RL and AM, and if the see your designs maybe we are lucky enough to not play in checkered tops next season

  8. yea lets just look how for we got by investing the 40 mill we got from downing and ash into 15 mill of given and nzog, one that started extremly well i give you that but faded somewhat until he got a injury thats keept him out of the squad for around 3 months and he is 36 and i really doubt we are gonna profit from his sale in the future and a piss pore frnechman who has had 2 decent games and the rest on a level of a grimsby town sub that we`ll be lucky to get 8 mill for if we sell in the future

  9. lets just recount, barry 2009 - milner 2010 - young & downing 2011 - possibly bent 2012 and players in of any size are downing, bent and nzog ireland, so in the end we can risk sitting with nzog and ireland both wich has played long from any decent form over all. its just to congratualting with being good at investing our money

  10. how can people say bent hasnt played well because our playing style? 8 out of 10 first-touches is around the quality rooney displayed in south-africa, and the amounts of clear cut chances he has missed? it would be foolish to blame it all on our tactics and formation. bent has completly lost his touch and goalprowess, and we can either try and cash out on him now and get good value or wait and hope for him to get his form back wich may never happen and that i can agree with may be because our tactics and limited chances he get, but he should atleast capitalize on thoose few chances he get

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