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Posts posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. 14 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    The deal will work like this. 

    Juventus buy Luiz for €70m 

    Aston Villa buy Weston McKennie for €30m on 5 year contract

    Aston Villa buy Illing Junior for €20m on 5 year contract

    In terms of our accounts (excluding salaries) this is a ~€65 profit on Luiz and then 6 + 4 = 10m per year cost in amortisation from new players.

    So total PSR account benefit over a single account year = €55m

    Even if it's just for accounting gymnastics, on paper that is horrific.

  2. 8 minutes ago, romavillan said:

    Not winter though now is it? Summer is almost definitely better weather than even a decent UK summer. 

    Footballers tour the world for the summer.

    • Like 1
  3. Looks like he will go. But I'm struggling to believe this swap deal/part exchange thing. They rarely happen and rarely work out.

    And surely he can do better than Juventus. Arsenal will surely just step in at some stage.

  4. 16 hours ago, cyrusr said:



    So in this is sets outs what the outcomes would be in the last 3 general elections if they were done under different forms of proportionate representation (Party List PR, Alternative Vote, Single Transferable Vote, Additional Member System) although I am not sure why they do different methods for each election. The bar charts didn't copy correctly but here is the data instead: -  

    Seat projections under different voting systems, General election 2015 (Great Britain)

    Party FPTP STV AV List PR
    Conservative 331 276 337 242
    Labour 232 236 227 208
    SNP 56 34 54 30
    Lib Dem 8 26 9 47
    Plaid Cymru 3 3 3 5
    UKIP 1 54 1 80
    Green Party 1 3 1 20
    Total 632 632 632 632


    In short, it would have unlikely had a massive impact on 2015 election (either Tories outright or in coalition with UKIP) so that would have likely led to Brexit vote anyway. 

    Seat projections under different voting systems, General election 2017 (Great Britain)

    Conservative 317 282 274 304
    Labour 262 297 274 286
    SNP 35 18 21 27
    Lib Dem 12 29 39 11
    Plaid Cymru 4 3 4 2
    Green Party 1 1 8 1
    UKIP 0 1 11 0
    Total 631 631 631 631

    In 2017, in all of the PR options, it would have likely led to some combination of Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition and likely change the future as to how Brexit was dealt with. 

    Seat projections under different voting systems, General election 2019 (Great Britain)

    Party FPTP STV AMS List PR
    Conservative 365 312 284 288
    Labour 203 221 188 216
    SNP 48 30 26 28
    Lib Dem 11 59 79 70
    Plaid Cymru 4 5 5 4
    Green Party 1 2 38 12
    Brexit Party 0 3 12 11
    Others 0 0 0 3
    Total 632 632 632 632

    In 2019 again both the Party List and Alternative Members system would lead to coalitions of Labour/Lib Dem/SNP/Greens. With the Single Transferrable Vote it might be possible for Tory/UKIP/DUP but would be the tiniest of margins. 

    The moral of the story seems to be with PR, we would almost certainly taken a very different course with Brexit, even if we would likely still had to face the vote anyway. 

    For those worried about the voice of Farage et al being given in parliament; well the media gives them that voice without accountability which to me is worse. If Farage is an MP, he has to be accountable, actually has to try and justify his existence. The fact that he would have to attend commons rather than do his GB News show or whatever means he is going to get frustrated very quickly. They also do not get that share of the vote come through. The most was UKIP in 2015 but that was then the anti EU voice was strongest and the votes for UKIP/Brexit Party shrunk after that and the centre-left would have taken control of the situation. 

    To me, any of these outcomes would have taken us on a far better path.


    edit: added data instead of bar charts

    Interesting but how is this worked out when the ballot doesn't cater for it?

  5. 12 minutes ago, CroVillan said:

    Depends what you mean for Champions League Level Doggy?

    id say our midfield is better than most teams in pots 3 and 4. I also think our midfield is easily better than Lazio’s and a lot of the other teams in Pot 2 this year.

    winning level not so sure. But to be competitive and have a chance to win even games against teams in Pot 1 I think we do. Either way having Dougie there doesn’t shift the needle. 


    Kamara, Tielemans, McGinn, Ramsey, Morgan, Barkley

    Kamara - Won't be back until the new year

    McGinn - We know how good he is, never played at CL

    Ramsey - Where is he at with injuries? Doesn't play CM under Emery

    Rogers - Fine signing, but we have nothing long term to know how he will do.

    Barkley - Can he maintain his renaissance of form?

    Looks a lot better with Luiz on that list, but we  probably need a signing of quality in there. With CL and PL games, we can't gamble on form or fitness.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

    Yeah I don't want him to leave, but he makes the most sense. Kamara, Tielemans, McGinn, Ramsey, Morgan, Barkley plus whoever we use the money on should be good enough.

    I really don't think that list is good enough for Champions League level team. If we sell Luiz we need to replace with a better player which seems impossible.

  7. 10 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    It wasn't a vote on PR, alternate vote is a better system than fptp, but just grants an individual candidate in a constituency with more support, it doesn't aim to deliver proportional representation and would have the same problem for parties like ukip or the greens with millions of voters spread (reasonably) evenly throughout the country delivering almost no seats

    As for how the country would feel about it now, part of me hopes that Reform end up with 15-18% of the vote and get one or two seats maximum, to see if Farage can kick up enough interest to fuel a desire for change, but what I really think people want is less politics and no more bloody referendums

    Hasn't the UK had 3 referendums ever?

  8. 21 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    I don't get the delusional sense of taste that seems to take hold of people when they cook something and post the photos on social media, and yet entirely miss the fact that it looks like ... well, a dog's chunder. A distant friend of mine posted this today to celebrate his newfound love of cooking -- and that's lovely, I know, who would knock that? -- but this photo, well, it's repulsive to me. Don't others see this? Maybe all sort of single-guy-at-home "risottos" look this way?




    Risotto doesn't photograph well but broccoli, WTF?

    And is that a plastic utensil?

    • Haha 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Strog said:

    I think Gallagher is more likely to end up at Spuds or Manure tbh.

    Staying at Chelsea is the obvious move, then Spurs and then us. 

  10. 43 minutes ago, John said:

    Reminds me of when we took Andy Townsend off their hands. Chelsea fans would really hate it, which is a great plus. He is a really top player, but I would be shocked if this happens, although UE tends to get who he wants. I wouldn't be surprised if Manchester City came in with a bid for him, just because they can and who is really going to try to stop them?:rolleyes:

    I like him and would have him at Villa but he is not a CIty level midfielder.

  11. 1 hour ago, macandally said:

    I don’t think he gets on unless game is absolutely won or Gareth gets his Gatorade spiked 

    Rice, Gallagher and Bellingham will be the midfield.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Aston_Villan4 said:

    Conor’s more an attacking midfielder though? Most of Dougies games he’s played in a defensive role.

    He's not an attacking midfielder.

    • Like 2
  13. 6 minutes ago, T-Dog said:

    18 goals, 13 assists, in 136 Prem appearances? Granted, he's just had one of his better seasons, but that's not a great return. He's a highlight reel player.

    Hhhmmmm, he's the opposite of that. He had evolved into a grafter.

    • Like 1
  14. 18 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

    Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, of Super Size Me fame. Only 53. 


    An alcoholic throughout the filming of Supersize me, a minor detail...

    I don't know if he ever got clean.

  15. 7 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Chelsea gonna Chelsea no matter who is in charge it seems 


    Guess that means we wont be fleecing them for £40m for Duran though 

    Why? The manager hasn't a clue who they are signing at that basket case of a club.

  16. 2 hours ago, striker said:

    Should be targeting both!

    Didn't see the game today but I expected a defeat before and certainly after the team was announced.

    I think Emery was very cute today in choosing the team he did. It sent a very strong message to the owners that there is a real lack of quality in depth within the Villa squad! It was also a last chance for those players to convince the manager they were worth keeping.

    I fully expect a revolving door concerning transfers in the summer to allow the manager to at least be competitive next season again as a lot of the current squad have reached their sell by date.

    You might be overthinking it, basically the only players available.

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