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Posts posted by romavillan

  1. makoun and petrov do link up well....

    but id be concerned about the lack of drive and penetration from either one of them....they pass it neatly and try to make triangles but theres know power runs forward...we've just got rid of our two wingers and i feel we need that element to our central midfield

    i'd say that's what ireland would offer, gabby being asked to do it and not doing too bad but wouldn't fancy it against better opposition. makoun has an idea in his head of what to do waaaay before he gets the ball, great first touch stuff from him.

  2. or they play good possession based attacking footy from a really solid base :)

    i think prandelli could do a good job for us to be honest too. italian footy isn't always catenaccio.

    EDIT: dunno how this ended up in here it was for the mde in italy thread!!!!

  3. As you surely know Villa is an ancient Latin and now Italian word, this is the first reason why many Italian kids fall in love for the Villa, because it is the only team whose name they understand!

    How many Italian fans do we have? Like 12?

    people my age and a bit older over here know us, and we get respect for the european champions cup win. younger people who know their footy knwo we've been there or there abouts top 6 for a while and we get respect for giving good games/turning over the top sides every now and again.

    i've seen quite a few people with villa trackies in and around rome, most popular by far are arsenal, man u and chelsea though.

    rossi is a good shout, i'd add spalletti to that list though, he's working in russia but he had roma playing some fantastic football a few years back. woudl love to see ranieri too.

    of the less experienced, zola deserves another crack at it with a better squad...

  4. So what do we actually KNOW?

    1. We have a vacancy

    2. We have contacted several clubs and potential candidates about said vacancy

    3. One potential candidate declined to be interviewed.

    4. RL is in Corsica.

    5. AM is believed to be in Sardinia

    6. DM is in the Caribbean.

    7. There was an FB post allegedly from the General (although noone can link to it) that implied that AM is being considered.

    8. The media know most of the above

    9. Birmingham is in uproar

    Is that about it.

    Not really much to get upset about when you look at it like that.

    A few villa talkers have taken annual leave due to stress!!

    otherwise - nail on head

    yup bang on. i'd also add that a lot of people developed massive delusions of grandeur in the process. why can't we just get mourinho, we are the biggest club in the world!!! ;)

  5. when did some villa fans start thinking we're man united or real madrid or something? all the anti GH types screaming about how our great club is being degraded by talking to someone like martinez?

    WTF. just coz randy has some cash doesn't mean we have a divine right to appoint mourinho and rule the world. some of you need a reality check.

    i would LOVE to see rijkaard or carlo at villa. don't get me wrong, but throwing hissy fits about how we should be appointing some world beating manager and pushing for the top 4 is a bit wide of our current mark. which is getting back to being regular top 6, having a couple of good runs in the europa league and starting to attract a level of player that can get us there!

  6. My suggestion is to keep your pants on and be patient, we have plenty of time. And stop listening to all the bull that is flying around.

    very good advice, can't beleive all the OHMYGODMARTINEZTURNEDUSDOWNEVERYONEISLAUGHINGOHNOWEAREDOOMEDITSAFARCE reactions. we asked to speak to him, whelan agreed then to force martinez into a rush decision on a new contract WITHOUT on offer on the table from us he went blabbing his mouth off all over the place.


  7. **** off sky, make it sound like the FSW has rejected us! I would have welcomed his appointment, but he was clearly used as a smoke screen for us to get a deal done with Carlo.....

    I hope!

    so want that to be true, all depends on how categorical that interview with la stampa was. he's been partial to the odd wind up over the years so who knows...

  8. i really don't think it'll be abotu budget, this is the last summer that randy can have a splurge in the market without worrying about the new uefa rules on finance isn't it? if so would make sense to invest heavily in the squad so money can be made with sales to balance the books later if needs be. i don't reckon the money has run out at all, and i doubt that we'd be in the market for a top manager with a budget of zero. that woudl be stupid.

  9. Ranieri - wouldn't be a bad one actually, guided Chelsea to a 2nd place finish which at the time was their highest ever finish in a number of years, as well as CL qualification.

    Then again in the past 6 years I'm pretty sure he has been sacked from 4 clubs for underperforming. He seems like a second rate Gerard Houllier

    nope. he got the sack at juve after he worked miracles when the board thought they coudl do better, they have gone to shit after they made the mistake of letting him go. he then took on the poisoned chalice of the roma job (as he's a fan) and the inevitable happened. roma were in a shit state before the recent takeover, way too much player power (they kicked out spalletti) and zero money. a poor director of football (signed adriano) etc. etc.

    ranieri built the valencia side that rafa won with, and built the chelsea side that mourinho won with. he's taken clubs from outside the top bracket and built a team that can challenge before.

    i think he'd be a good appointment.

  10. I am convinced that the shock is ‘Ranieri’ and I would be pleased with that. Fits the criteria in that he has Premier League experience, is out of a job and has been reasonably successful without actually winning much.

    Just been to Ladbrookes and William Hills both of whom didn’t have him on their markets but when a call was made from both bookies I was only offerred 16-1 and 25-1 respectively. I took 50-1 on Paddypower and hope that my hunch is right! Thoughts on Ranieri?

    My family are aquainted with Ranieri, I think (hope) someone would have told me if it was imminent.

    davvero? che centra catanzaro con ranieri? lui e romano, no? c'hai famiglia a roma?

  11. this feeling now... how many times have we felt it before... how many more to come.


    yeah, was convinced it might actually happen this time too!

    it still might, if it spurs the board to make a direct offer for ancelotti instead of sounding out his agent or whatever they were doing before to make kendrick say that they'd been in touch with him...


    but probably not.


  12. the carlo quotes come from this article...


    the only part that refers directly to villa is this bit...

    Tanto da cercare un'altra squadra? Fulham, Aston Villa: ne restano poche ormai.

    «No, tanto da tornare a Londra e da lì organizzarmi la vita. Tranne una parentesi di sei mesi, alleno di fila dal ‘95: mi fermo un anno e mi guardo in giro, mi aggiorno, studio come lavorano i colleghi».

    ok, the question before this bit was whether he wants to stay in england forever, he says no because he is italian through and through but it's an esperience he has enjoyed. then the bit quoted above is "to find another squad? fulham, aston villa: there aren't many left really" to which carlo responds...

    "no, to go back to london and organize my life. apart from a break of six months, i've been coaching since '95: i'll stop for a year and look around, to freshen up, to study how my colleagues work"

    la stampa is mainstream italian media, not a little tinpot website. i'd say it rules him out completely. which is a shame as i've spent 3 or 4 days hoping he'd sign.

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